
  1. markanthany

    Cpd's/galaxy Rasbora Killed The Others

    Hey all,   So as the title says, we woke up to a tank of five CPD's with one alive and the other four dead.  I feel bad because this is our first time keeping them and we got them anyway even though quite a few were dead in the tank from which they were purchased.  However, everything in the...
  2. Fc1700

    Mysterious Guppy Death

    So maybe it wont be so mysterious to you guys.   10 gallon tank. (Was) 3 guppies, 2 female, 1 male and 2 rasboras. Male has been in the tank at least 3-4 months. Females and Rasboras 5-6 months. Tank is well established and parameters are fine.    I found my guppy dead this morning. Completely...
  3. P

    Mysterious Fish Deaths! Can Anyone Help?

    ok well just suddenly my threadfin rainbow died, the day before he seemed perfectly healthy but i just got him 2 days ago from the lfs so maybe something was already wrong with him but either way i couldn't see anything wrong with him but the next day (today) i just noticed my spotted cory was...
  4. J

    Male Mollies Keep Dying!

    hello, I have a 40 litre tank currently containing 4 black widow tetras, a flying fox/ Siamese algae eater, two female mollies. I change the water once a week. Approximately 4-6 months ago I got a male mollie (along with one female mollie) until one day about 2 months later, he started...
  5. Cameronb_01

    Siamese Fighting Fish On The Verge Of Death

    I have had a steady fish tank now for two months without any casualties, in my tank was a range of different Gouramis two couples so four to be exact, a Siamese fighting fish and some mollies. However on the introduction of one more couple of Gouramis one has died and my Siamese fighting fish...
  6. H

    Hi, Leaking Tank, Help! What Do I Do?

    HI,   So my tank has started leaking, well my mother noticed it a few days ago, but now it's really bad. It looks like it's from the bottom of the tank, but I don't really know as cant remove water and fish at the moment.   If it is the glass that has cracked, can I use fish safe silicone to...
  7. R

    Betta Splenden Sudden Death

    Hi guys,   I am hoping that someone on this forum will be able to help me understand the sudden death of my beautiful betta Nicki this morning.   Nicki was approximately 2 years old and was kept in a 300 ltr tank with a variety of other fish who he has cohabited with for a long time very...
  8. JenLo

    First Guppies, Then Tetras Now Danios... Whole Tank Slowly Dying

    The numbers of fish in my tank have depleted by half in the last 2 weeks. It all began when I introduced 4 new guppies and 2 new platies Two guppies and 1 platy dies within 48 hours Two more shortly after Since then I have lost 2 cardinal tetras and 2 danios... There's not much left :( I...
  9. mrstwalker

    Death Bed Platy?! :(

    My beautiful sunset/wagtail platy is at wits end..    I came home from an all day outing to find my male platy drained of color (black tail now white/ faded on body) and hovering near the top of the tank.  i believe i spotted some ich on his mouth, so my husband and i tested the pH...
  10. E

    Norman Lampeyes - 5 Dead In 5 Days.

    Hi everyone,   I'm having some issues with my Norman Lampeyes and am looking for some advice.   I have a 30l tank - cycled and been up and running for around 14 months now. It has sand substrate, bogwood and live plants/moss in it. Water is kept at 24deg c and changed once a week (about 30%)...
  11. Kabernick30

    New Tank Concern

    Recently 3 of my 6 fish have died due to what appears to be a internal parasite causing dropsy. I currently have nothing to treat the tank however im curious if ishould treat it or is it to late as it seems to be spreading. Also would transferring gravel, driftwood and filter media to a new...
  12. NomNomTiger

    Emergency Please Help

    I came home 1 night and my fish had 3 white spots so I took the carbon out of the filter. Cleaned it all in hot water. Added pimafix and melafix. Turned the heat up and added some salt. Then it got worse the next day and I cleaned the tank out more and removed the plants. Then this morning I...
  13. NomNomTiger

    Angelfish Death Now Ich.

    I have been breeding angelfish for a fair while now. I have a 55g with 2 plecos, 2 dojos and 7 angels. 3 just little juvies. I had 2 others in before but I sold the one as his mate got with 2 other males in the tank and he got beat up. Then a few days later I come home to see the pleco eating my...
  14. JenLo

    Disappearing Tetras, And Now A Dead Danio

    Hi all,   About 3 months ago I bought a second hand 100L (22gallon) tank from a lady that lives nearby. It has been up and running for more than a year, and I inherited her fish:   2 mollies 2 zebra danio 1 pleco (I think dwarf) 1 neon tetra   I added to it 2 danios that I already had in another...
  15. M

    Ich Death :(

    :,( Hypnos has succumbed to ich :( :( :( he developed little white spots on his tail fin about a week ago, then he started to lose his red colour :( I transferred him straight into my hospital tank, treated him with bettafix and salt and kept up my water changes in the hospital tank all week! He...
  16. S

    My Fishies Died :((((((

    About a month ago, I got a betta fish for my birthday named Jack. He was in a 1 gallon tank, and to be honest I didn't really clean it very often. But he was doing great! Then a couple of days ago, my brother came home and convinced me I needed to get a bigger tank. We went to Walmart. and while...
  17. E

    Fish Keep Dying And I Don't Know Why!

    Hi   I have a 10 gallon tank that has been set up since January. It currently has: 2 x Dwarf Gouramis 2 x Dalmatian Mollys 2 little catfish bottom feeder fish, not sure exactly which one, and 1 Platy.   Last week 3 Platys died, and I have no idea why. I would like to get some more fish, but want...
  18. N

    Mysterious Betta Death!?

    So Id had my betta for maybe about 3 months now. He was originally in a 20 gallon but about 3 weeks ago I moved him to the 10 since he was nipping my dalmation Molly. The 10 gallon is fully cycled with 6 harlequin rasboras, it's also planted. After I transferred him he's been completely...
  19. emilythestrange

    Tank Going Downhill Fast After 4+ Years

    I have a 110ltr Juwel Rekord, which has been set up since july, with a change of filter with the same media of 4 years ago. i changed from gravel to sand in july. I have been getting through so many fish lately it is ridiculous, its costing too much money and i feel disheartened with it all...