
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. F

    Blue Ram Hiding

    Hi all, I’m new ish to fish keeping and after an initial pandemic of ich which killed off our cardinal tetras, I thought we were doing ok. We have, however in the last 10 days lost our dwarf Goirami and a female betta. Both went very still and didn’t do an awful lot, no eating and just hiding...
  2. B

    Peacock bass sudden death

    Hello , trying to get some information on my peacock bass dying out of no where. I’ve had him about a month in a 55gal with two small Oscar’s and a small arowana . No tension has gone on in the tank it’s been perfectly peaceful. The only thing I checked that was off was the ph it lowered to...
  3. Fishies1996!

    Mystery Snail Help!!

    We went to get some snails yesterday and at the same time we got our water tested, our water was apparently all good and I do a weekly 40-50% water change and have never had any issues with my test at home kit. This morning, each snail has excreted about 50 little black dots, at the first we...
  4. D

    I lost one of my fish

    So today After getting home from school I decided to check on my fish.Then I noticed that my filter was acting weird so I unplugged it and it turns out one of my fish had gotten sucked into the filter and had died.Im heartbroken,I d only had her for about 5 days. She was a beautiful lyretail...
  5. ella777


    I need to euthanize my guppy. How do I do it? I've got clove oil but I have no idea how much I need to put in Edit: I've already done it now, he died within 5 seconds
  6. M

    I screwed up and my goldfish paid the price.

    I screwed up and feel horrible. I went on a week long vacation, I had someone coming in to feed my fish and take care of my other pets. However, I hadn't realized my two snails had died before I left (most likely of old age, they were over two years old). So, two snails were left to decay in the...
  7. B

    Corydoras unknown death

    Hey everybody, I recently stocked my 10g tank and after about 3 days one of my cories died. As a side note, this is my first aquarium. So, I let the tank cycle for about 3-4 weeks, it is mildly planted with enough hiding spots. As for the fish, I put together a female betta, a neritina snail...
  8. A

    Slow and weak growth in plants.

    Hi, I've been trying to grow plants in my 20-gallon tank (no fish) for a couple of months now and I haven't really succeeded. I would very much like some assistance if that's possible? I've put a thick layer of Flourite Red as my nutrient gravel as well as having inserted a couple of root tabs...
  9. Oman

    Tank of yellow cherry shrimp dead

    Hi guys, I had a tank of 9 yellow cherry shrimp and over the last week they have all died, there was one left but it died last night. Whilst inspecting the corpse of the final one I have noticed small red markings and circles, does anyone know what this is from? Maybe a parasite? The tank also...
  10. SpotiKona

    Guppy Troubles

    Hello again, Tank size: 5 gallons Temperature: 78° F Filter: Regular carbon Heater: Yes Water changes: 10 to 25% weekly Treatments: Tetra SafeStart+ (initially), API Stress Coat+ (regularly) Tank mates: 4 (down to 2) guppies pH: Stable 6.6 Ammonia: Less than 0.25 ppm Nitrite: Somewhere between...
  11. L

    Mystery Guppy Death

    Help! I’ve been keeping fish for years. Had a break from the hobby for a few years when we moved home. Set up a new aquarium details below. It’s cycled for 3 weeks and then added a group of male and female guppies from local store. All was well for about three days and the we began observing the...
  12. Aspen35

    Struggling with plants.

    I recently ordered some jungle Val. I knew it may take a while to adjust from being shipped, but it’s going very poorly. Was delivered September 28th. At first, I thought it wasn’t going to melt back or have too many problems, and it started sending runners. Now, everything is dying. The little...
  13. H

    any ideas to cause of death? Pregnant female guppy was found with a red belly on the side it was lying on.

    tank parameters are normal except for low KH: 40 ppm *Have not tested for ammonia, but I don't think that's the issue.* The day before she died, the only male guppy in my tank also passed away. There were no visible clues so I automatically assumed old age as the cause. There are only 2 other...
  14. pkenziep

    Help! What did my catfish die of and is it contagious?

    First off - I apologize as this will probably be a novel. Can anyone help me ID what killed my albino corydora? I've had two for over a year (which I know they need more friends, but I didn't have tank space until very recently and haven't even had a chance to increase their school size), and...
  15. L

    Strange phantom pregnancy and death...

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this group and hoping somebody can help me with a strange issue. There is some backstory but I will try to be brief... The phantom pregnancy Two days ago I noticed a platy I have reared from birth (fry of one of my existing platties) which looked to be in distress. Her...
  16. U

    Another one bites the dust :(

    Hi all, I’m new here and am hoping some might be able to help. Over the past month we have lost 3 guppies, and all 6 tetras - the last one tonight :( The other fish seem healthy, and happy but I’m concerned it’s only a matter of time and I don’t know where we went wrong. here is our set up...
  17. Aspen35

    Platy Dying?

    Just noticed platy (male) isn’t acting right. All the other fish seem fine as of right now. Ideas on what’s wrong?
  18. Circus

    Sudden Pleco Death

    I am very upset since Shuffle was one of my favorite fish, and only my 2nd death and first unknown death. He is an albino bristlenose pleco in my 29 gallon subtropical tank. It has been looking much chubbier than usual, but I assumed that was just him eating more than usual, since I have been...
  19. Aspen35

    Help! New Snails!

    I don't know if this qualifies as an emergency, but i just received a box with a bunch of mystery snails. They seemed to be fine while acclimating, but now that they're in the tank they've stopped moving around. (they were when I first put them in. Is something wrong? Some of them are not even...
  20. M

    Tiger Barbs dying off, fast!

    My daughter's tiger barbs suddenly started dying off. Although my pH and hardness is high in my source water, they have seemed happy and active up until the past four days. My other parameters have been more or less textbook perfect. Four days ago, the smallest tiger barb stopped swimming with...
  21. U

    Mass terra extinction

    We had three of our four rummynose tetras die overnight last night. The tank has been very stable for months as is. The tetras shared a tank with a beta, two khooli loaches, and an Apple snail. I added some zucchini steamed in a bamboo steamer last night for our Apple snail, which was unusual...
  22. X

    Do my guppies look unhealthy?

    Hey guys, I’m pretty new to this whole hobby and am still trying to learn the ropes. I have a 10 gallon tank with 6 guppies (now 5) , 1 panda platy and 2 stripped catfish. (I plan on upgrading to a bigger tank in a month). And I recently had one guppie die due To what I think was fin rot, the...
  23. Meg0000

    Dead nertite snail??

    Hi, I think my nerite snail is dead. It has been 3 days sinced it moved and I smelled it and it smells bad. Should I remove it and what could be the causes of the death? I have two nerite and the other one is acting normal.
  24. C

    Split tail, resulting in dying guppy

    We have 1 male and 3 female guppies in a newly set up tank, one of the females gave birth to 5 fry a week ago and two days ago we notice her tail had split and it only got larger, she started sitting on the tank floor and hiding away then today when we came home she had died :( the other three...
  25. Jan Cavalieri

    We need a Fish Behavior category- Here is why

    I have a very long post but it's more of an intellectual post than a problem or solution - just want to see what all your experiences have been. A little background, I have ABD (all but dissertation) in Physiological Psychology - it's about how the body (and things that impact it) also impact...
  26. v kun

    How to cope up with fish death

    Recently , my first ever mother fish died. She was a molly who was about to conceive (her 3rd time) im few days. And I was really attached to her. I wanna know how to cope up the guilt....the insecurities , the pain , the guilt , please help guys. Think of me as your younger brother , I am...
  27. S

    Unexpected death of my tetras

    Yesterday one of my tetra died and today another died. I have a 10 gallon tank with live plants(amazon sword, java fern and a plant that resembles cryptocotyne a littlebit) and driftwood. There are 5 pond snail's in it as well. Two days before I got 5 cardinal tetras and 2 guppies for my...
  28. HalfTailedOwner

    UPDATE: My Betta Died... What Exactly do I do now?

    My Betta, Bo, has unfortunately died. I'm gonna be honest, I'm a little crushed. I got him when I struggled with both emotional and physical problems, and it was nice to see him around even though he slept a lot--but otherwise, he swam around and explored my tank when he was awake. If it...
  29. A

    Pleco Died, Platy sick? Also wood question.

    I have a 10 gallon aquarium. I have recently taken out all the gravel and decorations as I am setting up a 15 gallon column tank to be my main tank and going to use the 10 gallon for platy fry. All thats left in there besides fish is java moss(i think is what she called it) and a small peice...
  30. T

    Dead Axolotl

    Hello, My axolotl just died and I'm looking for answers as to why. Yesterday at about 3pm she looked okay, her gills were flared but her tail was straight. Sometimes she flips out after she poops (which she had just done) so I thought the stress sign was from that. Later at about 9pm her gills...
  31. MyFishKaren

    Angel Fish Sudden Death

    Hello! My fish Gill recently passed a couple days ago unexpectedly - and I don't know why. The day before his passing I had a water testing due to an unrelated issue and all my parameters were in perfect condition. My water is also at 75 degrees temperature in Fahrenheit. At the time I had...
  32. M

    General Questions

    I have had fish for about 2 years and they usually all died after 6 months. I always got 5 livebearers at a time for a 20 gal tank. Whenever I clean it out, there is a bunch of poop and particles that rise from within the rocks, however my ammonia levels have remained at 0, as well as basically...
  33. kitta98


    I think I may have brought a disease into my tank. Ever since I last added my 5 female guppies I have had 5 guppies for two male and three female, and a molly in one tank and recently I think I somehow contaminated my betta tank causing one of my before very healthy bright looking betta to die...
  34. Mr.JRosewolf

    Bottom feeders all dying

    Ok so after a very long time I finally got back into the fish hobby I got myself a 40g acrylic filled it with plants, cycled it, had my water tested and all my fish are happy and healthy..... except for any bottom feeders I add... Death count 2 green corys, 1 bristle nose pleco, 1 clown pleco...
  35. M

    Fish keep dying

    I have had a tank for about a year now and I can't get my livebearers to stay alive. They keep getting sick even though ammonia, nitriate, and nitrite levels are 0. Temperature is 81 F and ph is 7.7, right where the mollies need it. The tank is 20 gal, I usually buy 4 or 5 fish at first. I have...
  36. K

    I may have cooked my son's guppies. One dead so far :(

    We bought our 2 year old a tank back in February. He has 5 lovely male guppies and is really enjoying them. The tank has bright led lights in the lid and we get a reasonable amount of algae; we've been told it's b cause if the lights and that a uv steriliser would help. Today I bought what I...
  37. B

    Pleco's keep dying?

    Hey everyone, So I've had this hobby for quite some time now, I started around 5 or 6 years ago with little success and just last year started taking it seriously and putting a good amount of time and money into this hobby, but I just recently have become interested in plecos. They're just so...
  38. J

    RTS Died suddenly

    Tank size: 125l officially but I counted 90ltr of water. pH: 7.2 used to be 8.6 until co2 added ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 10 tank temp: 72°F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): no symptoms colour didn't fade RTS had moved from his...
  39. fropuf

    Help! Guppy Dying!

    Help!   One of my guppies may be dying! I don't know what is wrong! It is floating in a corner of my tank, with this weird puffy tube hanging out the anus. I can't upload a picture right now, but I do know that the water is 140 ppm KH, 7.505 pH, and cycled. What should I do?
  40. cooledwhip

    Shrimp Killing Endlers

    I have an emergency. I have a 20 gallon long with 3 dwarf neon rainbowfish, 1 albino BN pleco, 6 endlers, (3 female 3 male), 2 guppies, 2 panda platies and 6 RCS and 3 ghost shrimp. I walked into my room to see my largest ghost shrimp (1.-1.5 inches) chewing on something and it was my FAVORITE...