
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. O

    New Tank - Mid Cycle but unsure of progress - HELP :)

    Hi guys, I'm new here, hoping I can get some reassurance. Purchased a brand new AquaOne Lifestyle 55ltr tank about 3 weeks ago. Started with a fishless cycle, with only Ammonia going up to 2.0 during this time (no nitrites or nitrates). I buckled for Christmas and put in 4 Neon...
  2. H

    Newly Cycled Tank

    Hi all, been cycling a 230l tank over the last 5 weeks. I have been dosing ammonia to 4ppm. The nitrite and ammonia are now dropping to 0 in a few hours. My question is when I stock fish I will obviously do it gradually however will the bacteria start dying off as the fish load I put in wont be...
  3. J

    New tank cycling questions

    Hi There: I need light in this matter with my aquarium, I started a fishless cycle in my 36g tank in Oct. 30, I started with 4.0 PPM Ammonia using Dr. Tim, today I'm still at 4.0 ppm in Ammonia, here's what I have: 36g Tank, with chiller, air stones, 50g filter (aqueon), all the decoration I...
  4. Jan Cavalieri

    Some technical advice about Ammonia and Nitrites

    Three of my 4 tanks were all cycled beautifully and according to directions on this website using Ammonia. It usually took 5-7 cycles of ammonia before I could get 2 days in a row of 0's in all the right places. Where I deviated was to adjust the PH down with PHdown before fish were added. Our...
  5. HalfTailedOwner

    Will a water change and replacing filter uncycle the tank?

    My 10 gallon tank is cycled as of 2 months ago. I have been using the same filter pad for the same amount of time, and I have always rinsed it off with used tank water as advised to prevent what would un-cycle the tank. Unfortunately, no matter how many times I rinsed the filter pad the...
  6. HalfTailedOwner

    Is My Tank Cycled?

    Hi, I'm still new to the hobby after a month of fish keeping. I've noticed by betta is still alive, which means I've probably done something right. I just bought a testing kit today (besides the ammonia kit) and have been able to check all the results. Here are the tank parameters in my 10...
  7. Jan Cavalieri

    It's all about chemistry - again.

    For the life of me I cannot get my newest tank to cycle. (my first one did it perfectly). It's a 29 gallon glass that has 2 zebra danio's in it (backstory - one mean danio is responsible for the death of a number of his peers and all the danio's were upsetting my 1st tank because they can be...
  8. HalfTailedOwner

    Betta Fish Isn't Swimming a lot

    Hi, I am a new fish owner... but before I'll start I'll provide some information on the betta habitat: Tank temp: 26C Tank size: 10 Gallons The betta fish is the only fish in the tank Water is dechlorinated Has a biofilter Has a heater Has an air pump The betta does eat However, when it...
  9. E

    Starting new tank with established water

    Hi guys, I’ve just set up a 180 litre tank, and I used about 25 litres of well established tank water. The tank took a while to heat up to 24 degrees Celsius (overnight). I’ve added safe start bacteria, as well as tap safe and added some fish food for ammonia. I also placed 3 moss balls from...

    Fishless Cycle: Did it complete?

    Hi all, First time post to this forum. It's been over 7 years since I had an aquarium up and running, so my memory is kinda foggy. I am in the process of doing a fishless cycle. Here are the tank basics: - Size: 5g tank - Future fish: betta - Substrate: Caribsea Eco Complete - Plants: 1...
  11. D

    What do I do now?

    Hi, I’m trying to re-establish the cycle in my tank and I’m having some troubles. Two nights ago I had readings as follows: Ammonia 0.25, Nitrite 0.50, Nitrate 10.0. I did two 50% PWC back to back, vacuumed the gravel a bit and added a maintenance dose of bacteria. Last night my levels were...
  12. T

    How long

    I have a 29 gallon tank, freshwater. Running a Marineland 220 canister and a topfin power filter. I have 2 Glo Danios and 4 small Glo tetra. It has been a long time since I have kept fish, not up to date and I guess forgotten a lot. I started tank at Beginning of January, I had set up weeks...
  13. G

    Bacterial bloom

    I dirted and reworked my tank about 3 weeks ago, and I've got some heavy clouded water on my hands. It's been there for over 2 weeks now, and I'm unsure what to do. I've done a lot of water changes, but it's not helping. I also have a UV filter, but the bulb seems to be out. Ammonia and nitrite...
  14. ukdamon

    New Nano Shrimp Tank Setup

    Hello I presently have a community freshwater aquarium doing really well. I want to get a small nano aquarium for shrimp. I would like some advice. Do I cycle the new nano tank from scratch, or can I had material,water or media from my current tank to help with the cycle process? Damon
  15. G

    Slimy stuff

    I'm doing a fishless cycle of a dirted tank. The filter is cycled and has been going for over a year. Since I set up the tank more of this slimy tendrily stuff has appeared. On closer inspection under the microscope it turned out to be bacteria and infusoria. Anyone knows about this?
  16. Eman85358

    0 Fish, 0 ammonia, Off the charts Nitrites/Nitrates?!?!

    I have a Fluval V: 5 gallon, in tank simple sump filtration aquarium. It has been running for almost two months. It is supposed to be a low end brackish tank, so 1.005-1.010. I have been keeping it at around 1.008 on average. When I started this tank just about two months ago I added all of the...
  17. C

    Speed up cycle

    I have a 20 gal tank cycling for about a week and its still cloudy. I have two axolotls (3") that are supposed to be here Thursday and Im afraid it wont be ready for them. 1. Is there a way to speed up the cycling process? 2. Is it safe to keep axolotls in a tank while it finishes cycling?
  18. M

    Soon to adopt 2 mature blood parrots- any advice please?

    Hi everyone! I am getting a 240 litre Aqua One Aquatica tank delivered next week, to house 2 BP I fell in love with at my local fish store. They were trade-ins that had been sitting in a small holding tank at the store for months. Apparently they were badly neglected and sick when they came to...
  19. ElizabethFrancine

    Replacing a tank

    I currently have a 20 gallon tall tank, that I’m looking to replace with a larger tank. I’m trying to figure out the best way to switch them, but I’m getting conflicting advice. My problem is that the new tank needs to go exactly where my current tank is. I’m wondering if it would be possible...
  20. LyraGuppi

    Where to go next

    I'm cycling a 10 gallon. It's heavily planted, with its plants, driftwood, filter, and substrate all from established aquariums. Here's the levels so far: Where do I go next with this aquarium?
  21. L

    Fishless Cycle on my first tank.

    I have just set up my first aquarium. Well i say first, i have a 10l that i had a couple zebra danios in for a month or so, i then found out about fishless cycling and returned them to my lfs. So for a few weeks the tank has been empty bar some snails that came in on plants. For the few weeks...
  22. L

    Betta attacking cherry shrimp, what can i do?

    Hello, Ive had my male betta for around 2 months now. I decided to get 5 cherry shrimp for the betta tank. On the first day the betta did not appear to be attacking the shrimp and was just following them around and looking at them. Now it has been 3 days and I have witnessed my betta attacking...
  23. Reaeve

    6 weeks into fishless cycle and ammonia is dropping slow

    Hi. I don't post much on here but I'm at a loss. I started cycling my first tank (37 gal, ph 8.2, KH and GH between 15 and 17, temp is around 84-85F) I've added tss+ twice once before I got a new filter (switch as much media as I could to new filter) then added another a little later. Just this...
  24. Reaeve

    Cycling almost 4 weeks. Possibly stalled

    I started cycling my 37 gal 30 x 12.4 x 22in. Almost 4 weeks ago. Ph was 8.2 and was there still when checked last. My temp fluctuates between 82 and 82.2F. My KH was 18° (I haven't retested but maybe I should since I have the kit). I have my filter and a bubbler for aeration. I'm using 3%...
  25. Brendt

    Tetra tank

    Hi guys, I’m still cycling my tank but today added decorations to it, the picture of my tank is attached. I wanted to go for a natural look and wanted to know how I did as I’m a beginner... also if you think my tank (when cycled) will be good for a couple tetras and if they will be happy. It’s...
  26. Reaeve

    Am I ready to fill with water and start cycling?

    I'm scared to mess up as I'm a fish newbie. My parameters are ph of 8.2 And both gh and kh higher than 214 ppm. I have ammonia and used a calculator to find out how much to add to my size tank. 14 ml of 3% ammonia for my 37 gal. Is all I need to do is condition my water for chlorine and add to...
  27. F

    First timer here!

    Hi all! Very happy to be part of this group! After reading a ton of posts, I'm still lost so hopefully someone can help me asap. We don't have test strips so we will be getting them today, but we live out of the city so if there's a chance we need anything else, id like to get it in the same...
  28. B

    Advice on cycling brand new tank

    Hi everyone. Just looking for some advice! I've been keeping fish for a while, got a tank already on the go but I'm having some issues with a lack of lid and my cat! Therefore I treated myself to a brand new tank! Got a lovely 90L fluval. Now, on Tuesday (23rd Jan) I set it up and used...
  29. F

    20 gallon tall cycle questions

    i have a 20 gallon tall tank with gravel in it. (getting heater and filter soon) can i start cycling it now.? if so how do i do it. aslo do i need an air bubble thing? (fresh water tank)
  30. T

    How bad of a mini cycle will this cause?

    Hi, I used to have 3 two months old guppy fry, one adult guppy and 3 harlequin rasboras in my tank. Today I added 3 more guppies, 6 neon tetras, 3 corydoras and and 3 snails (I have no idea what type they are lmao). How long will the mini cycle this causes take? Will it even cause one at...
  31. P

    Unsure if my tank has cycled or yet to begin? 3 weeks hardy fish in.

    Hi all. I started cycling my 65L boyu with built in hood filter 3 weeks ago. I am doing a fish in cycle with 4 zebra danios. Ever since beggining this hobby I've had low readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, with a tank tempartute of 23 degrees Fahrenheit, ammonia levels 0.75, nitrite...
  32. D

    My Cycle Journal - Dr Tim's - Fluval Flex 57L

    I couldn’t find many threads/reviews about of Dr Tim’s freshwater cycling products when I was researching what method to use for my tank. I knew I wanted to use Dr Tim’s as I liked the idea of the One & Only Nitrifying Bacteria used in conjunction with the Ammonium Chloride instead of having to...
  33. K

    Opinions on where my cycle is?

    My readings are Ammonia- 0.25 ppm Nitirite- 5 ppm Nitrate - 20 ppm Do I need to continue feeding ammonia? Does my tank need a water change? Any advice is appreciated, thank you
  34. T

    Cycle stopped?! Help pls!

    Hello friends, I set up one 80 liters tank at 01/16 and I started to cycle. Setup: Basalt, 1 tetra wishper 30 filter, 1 thermostat adjusted to 34 celcius, PH 7 1 artificial ceramic(decoration) and 1 trunk (bought after measure ph near from 8) On day 17, I started adding Stability (daily at the...
  35. Flubberlump

    Fishless cycling for one fish

    Hi. I was hoping for some opinions on my fishless cycle. I have a new 25ltr tank to house a betta. I added a sponge from my mature 120ltr tank last week. It was the sponge closest to the filter inlet so it was the one most covered in gunk. The following day, the ammonia in the tank was at about...
  36. BOGaming_

    Do I Need A Filter? [Important]

    Hello all, So basically I'm expecting fry anytime this week. This is a repeat of my preg fish from about a month ago but sadly they all died because at the time i was new and did not meet the fry requirements. I currently have 1 fry i am raising in my main tank (in a hatchery) who is doing very...
  37. J

    Newbie Sos! Cycles, Babies, And Passing Fish!

    Hi, everyone! I am new to Fishforums, and new to the fish world. I am looking for all the help I can get! I was given a 10-gallon as a birthday gift, and I went to a specialty fish store here in town as soon as I got it. I was given 4- white cloud minnows and was told they would cycle my tank...
  38. LindaIsmail

    Fishless Cycle Help!

    Hi All, So I'm new to the forum, but I have been doing a lot of research to learn how to start/cycle my tank and have been following the information I found to help me in cycling my 50gal Tank. I have not detected any nitrite, nitrate levels, and call me crazy but I feel my ammonia was going...
  39. L

    Starting New 20 Gallon Long, Need Questions Answered.

    Hello, my name is Liam and I am semi experienced in the fish tank world, as I have a healthy 10 gallon tank with Dwarf Gouramis and White Mountain Minnows. That is a very basic tank that has fake plants and gravel substrate, but I am planning on making a 20 Gallon Long planted tank in the...
  40. W

    Zebra Fish Dying

    HELP   I am starting up a research project for my biology department.  I bought 18 zebra fish and put 6 in each of my three 10 gallon tanks.  I put API water conditioner and quick start in each tank.  I acclimated the tanks like instructed and heat was in range.   I am using marina s 10 power...