
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. E

    A stocking question

    Just wondering if I could I add cherry barbs? Current stocking is: 6 otocinclus 5 duplicareus corys 7 bronze corys 6 neon dwarf rainbowfish Ph is 6.8/7.2 Water hardness is 13 degrees German but softened by tannins and Indian almond leaves. Tank is 101x41x50cm (about 55 gallons). Thanks!
  2. E

    Lone Rainbow Shark with Rainbows

    Hi again. Just looking for a little insight as to how this setup might sound for a 55 gallon (hard water at 13 degrees G, near 7 pH, 101cm x 41cm x 50cm, live plants, lots of driftwood). I currently have: 8 Bronze Corys 6 Duplicareus Corys 6 Otocinclus 6 Neon Dwarf Rainbows I was wondering...
  3. E

    Suggestions: Tankmates for non-competitive fish?

    Hi guys. I currently have a 55 gallon aquarium (101cm x 41cm x 50cm) up and running with the following fish: 8 Bronze Corys 6 Corydoras duplicareus 4 Amano Shrimp 6 Otocinclus (Soon) and I might be getting some Psuedomugil luminatus (Red Neon Rainbow) soon. My water is fairly hard, and my pH...
  4. E

    How many corys for a 55 gal (more info in thread)

    Hi Guys. Got a 55 gal (101cm x 41cm x 50cm) going at the moment, currently being occupied by 8 bronze corys and 3 adolfi corys. I want to increase the amount of adolfi up to a minimum of 6 so they feel safe, but I also don't want to overcrowd the bottom level of my tank. So how many corys can...
  5. E

    Stocking a 55 Gal

    Hi guys, made a few of these posts in the past but I think I finally have it sussed what I want! - Adolfoi Cory x6 - Bronze Cory x6 - Silver Hatchetfish x8 - Neon Dwarf Rainbow x6 - Red Neon Rainbow (Pseudomugil luminatus) x6 - Siamese Algae Eater (True SAE) x1 (or x3 if you think its...
  6. E

    Stocking 200 Litre

    What do you guys think of (for a planted): 8 x Cardinal Tetra 7 x Silver Hatchetfish 6 x Emperor Tetra 5 x Pentazona/Odessa Barb 6 x Adolfo Cory 6 x Bronze Cory 1 x Siamese Algae Eater (True one, not false or flying fox etc.) Ramshorn Snails Cherry Shrimp
  7. E

    Adolfo Cory - small, darker, lethargic, doesn't eat much, independent - help?

    Hi guys. I currently have a small Adolfoi corydoras which I bought at the same time as 3 others (about an inch or so long each). This one is slightly smaller than the rest, he has always been more independent - going off on his own, and he moves very lethargically and sits around most of the...
  8. J

    fry, fry and now eggs!

    Dear all Very new to the aquarium world and decided to bite bullet and set up 60litre tropical aquarium- tank cycled and decided Danio were the safest starter fish. Fast forward 12 weeks and now have 4 leopard danio and one zebra, one panda Cory (had two - one died a week ago) Last week I...
  9. E

    55 Gallon Stocking

    Hello, Just wanted to get some opinions on my stocking for a planted 55gal: 2 x German Blue Ram 5 x Pentazona Barb 6 x Silver Hatchetfish 8 x Cardinal Tetra 6 x Bronze Cory 6 x Adolfoi Cory And then if this goes well and I want more, I'll probably get a pair of Golden Rams. Thoughts?
  10. D

    A third wheeling Cory????

    I have 4 fish, 3 cory and a goldfish. My concern here is about the cories, I have had them for a year or more I want to say and at the beginning all three would school together and say a week later its only two that stick together and obvi the other is lonely in a corner or just plain on the...
  11. S

    Floating Peppered Cory

    This is one of my peppered cory's he as about double the size as his pair. He spends most of daylight at the surface of the tank like this, however usually against the glass, and hidden further in the plants. He seems to be in a sleep state when i find him like this, and will not move what so...
  12. Aeroase

    Help with Cory Catfish?

    Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon tank with some green and peppered cory catfish in it. One of the peppered cory cats looks very skinny to me compared to the others. It’s a little less active, but still more or less acting normal. I’m worried it’s in the early stages of some kind of disease, am...
  13. Fish345

    Stocking Ideas For 55 gallon

    I have so far... 1x Angelfish 2x Dwarf Gourami 1x Rainbow Shark 3x Mollies 6x Albino Cory Thinking of maybe some tetras?? Idk. The tank is planted with sand and manzanita wood.
  14. A

    Stocking query

    Hi all, I am soon to take back my Chinese Algae Eater (Sucking Loach), he's pretty docile for one of them, doesn't go for other fish just warns them off if they get near his area. He's about 4 years old now. Anyway I'm waiting for a new tank to arrive - 230 litres (~60 gallons) and he will be...
  15. G

    peppered cory can’t stop floating

    hi everyone, i came home from school today and noticed that one of my peppered cory’s was floating at the top of the tank. at first i thought he was dead so i gave him a gentle nudge with the net but then he was off swimming again. however, he would keep floating up when he stopped swimming and...
  16. J

    Struggling to find any flag-tailed panda cory

    I really want some flag-tailed panda cory but am really struggling, does anyone know of where I can get some or even an importer from Brazil I could contact please. Would be really grateful
  17. F

    Cory lathargic, need advice

    Hi So I have a peppered cory who is 18 months old and a gold lazer cory. Now, I've experienced deaths of fish over time, but my cory's became lathargic and kept swimming to the top, totally unlike them. The gold lazer cory began corkscrewing till it wouldn't move from its side. It died this...
  18. M

    Cories for my 20 gallon

    Hello! I have a 20 gallon heavily planted aquarium with 4 dwarf frogs, 2 male guppies, 1 male betta, 2 amano shrimp, and 3 nerite snails. I don't have the water all the way to the top so the frogs don't have to swim so high to get air so it's more like a 17 gallon lol. I have been looking high...
  19. S

    Panda cory with white spike growing on his nose?

    I noticed this yesterday. White spike looking thing growing on one panda nose. Looks like a baby unicorn horn!!! I cannot find any info anywhere. He's acting fine swimming and eating... 15 gal tank. 3 panda and one dwarf frog. Parameters all good. Zero ammonia and zero nitrites. 10 nitrates. Ph...
  20. S

    Columnaris or fungus?? Cory cat

    Tank size: 20ga pH: 6.5 nitrite N02: 0 nitrate N03 20 General hardiness GH: 30 Carbonate hardness KH: 40 tank temp: 77-78 Filtration: topfin 20 + whisper 20 set for low Current tank inhabitants: 3 neon tetras, 5 harlequin rasbora, 1 cobra guppy, 1 panda cory My panda cory got fuzzy! Didn't...
  21. S

    Emaciated Cory with bent spine?

    Hi all! I’m new to fishforums and have a question about my cories! I had 4 Cory cats (two peppered, two panda) when I stocked my 5.5 gallon 6 months ago. I also have a male dwarf gourami. The pandas and gourami are happy and healthy! But my first peppered cat seemed to have gotten stuck and...
  22. dirty_bishop

    55 Gallon Dirt Substrate Community Tank

    Just wanted to share a few pics of my first aquarium.. 3 ft tank 9 Harlequins 8 Corys 4 Bristlenose 15 Neons 3 Dwarf Gouramis 3 guppies (newest addition, why not).. and about 6 or so plant species.. What do we think ? :) I'm super happy for my first tank. It's about 8 months old now.
  23. A

    Cory behaving different

    I have an albino Cory that is sitting around a lot and breathing 3-4 times per second. I think it has always breathed pretty fast but it used to swim around a lot more. I upgraded to a 10 gallon tank a few weeks ago and it has a pretty strong current, 90 gallons filtered per hour. That's really...
  24. SouravBanerjee

    All Albino Cories Getting Sick Or Dying In The Tank

    Hi all,   We have a 3.5 g tank. We do a weekly 25% water change. Water quality seems to be absolutely fine (ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, pH, hardness, etc). We have two balloon bellied mollies and two albino cories. The albino cories kept getting sick (red sores, fin rot, redness all over lower...
  25. F

    Need Help With Cory Catfish That's In Poor Shape

    Hey all, I've got a cory catfish that in pretty poor shape, and I'm not sure why. It's in a 46 gallon planted tank with 3 other corys, a pleco and 7 tetra.   As far as plants go, I've got some Anubias, Java Fern, Hornwort, and some Italian Val.   I noticed the issue about 2 months ago, and...
  26. P

    Cories Moving Very Slowly After One Of Them Died

    Hello,   I have a 60lt heated aquarium with a filter, a betta, shrimps and snails. There are real plants in the aquarium and snails also.   A month ago i bought 2 corys. One cory died after 2 weeks, so i assumed that maybe there was something wrong with that fish.  So i went back to the pet shop...
  27. A

    Moving To A Bigger Tank

    I've had my fish for just a little over a week now. Unfortunately, it wasn't until after I got them and the tank that I learned a 1.5 gallon tank was much too small. I'm looking to upgrade to a 20 gallon as soon as I have the money and can clear out the space. I've been looking around on the...
  28. cooledwhip

    Will Different Strains Of Corycats School Together?

    I have 4 green corydoras aeneus:   and I want to get more. Mine are fairly new and are about 1-2 inches in size right now. Would albino corycats school together with...
  29. K

    Urgent: Sick Skunk Cory..please Help!

    My skunk corydora is in bad shape.. i'm not sure what's wrong with him and need advice ASAP! About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that the barbels on one of my skunk corys were almost gone (they are very short and stubby compared to the other cory). He was still eating and seemed okay otherwise, so I...
  30. A

    30 Gallon, Mixed Wrong Fish

    I know now to read about things myself before heading to purchase fish. My daughter and I relied on information from a Petsmart employee to recommend fish to add to our group of 2 cory catfish and 1 dwarf gourami (powder blue). They were calm and happy.    Now, our 30 gallon tank is home to 2...
  31. LoriLisaL'amour

    Baby Fry...what Now?

    HELLO GUYS! I am brand new to this site, but not quite new to having a tank!    I have had my tank for about 4 1/2 years now, filled with 3 generations of Corys all living with their parents!   So yesterday I had eggs on my glass that were there for about 3 days and fastly getting eaten off by...
  32. S

    Lost Two Cory Cats

    Hello,   I came home from work today and my two Cory cats were dead.  These cats were near 20 years old, and they died on the same day.   The tank is well established and has been running for over 4 years.  I've tested my water and things seem fine.  Temperature is ~77, I had just done a 35%...
  33. K

    Help With Plant Substrate Suitable For Cory

    Hi all, First post here, all the way from New Zealand   I am thinking of swapping out my current sand substrate for Caribsea Eco-Complete to help out my plants after reading many good reviews. Even with root tabs and liquid fertiliser they just aren't developing well in the sand and their root...
  34. P

    First Time Seeing Fish Eggs. What Laid Them?

    We have a 65 gallon tank, fully cycled but not fully stocked. It's an upgrade from a 20 gallon which was an upgrade from a 10 gallon. We've been novice aquarium people for 2 years. We've never seen eggs until now.    Our new tank contains:   - 3 Albino Cory catfish (1 we've had for a year+ and...
  35. fropuf

    Cory Catfish

    Hey.   I'm planning a new aquarium. I want to know which kind of corydora catfish I should go with. Bronze, or peppered? There will be a lot of plants, and tank mates. Guppies, tetras, and danios. I want a fish that will be active, friendly, and fun to watch. Thanks.
  36. driger8642

    Sick Cory :(

    Tank Size - 20 Gal High Filter - Tetra Whisper 40 Heater - I forgot the name but it is a pretty good one for the tank Thermometer - 77 degrees Air Stone - 1 Sand Substrate Using API Master Tet Kit for water testing   Hey guys, I'm currently doing a fishy cycle (2 and a half weeks in) with 10...
  37. driger8642

    Max # Of Fishes For 20 Gallon?

    Planing to get a 20 gallon for my nephew's room, was wondering what is the max number of fishes I can put in it. What I mean by that is, which kind of fishes I can put in there without overcrowding it. Already plan on putting 4 corys in there, no angelfish since I know they need their space, any...
  38. driger8642

    Changed To Sand From Gravel, A Few Urgent Questions...

    So, I just changed to sand from gravel and I must say, my corys seem to love it..   *I just added the sand 1 day ago* *I rinsed out the sand twice before adding it in the tank*   - The sand seem to have two layers in it.... the bottom one seems dark black with no air pockets while top one is...
  39. driger8642

    What Type Of Fish Is This?

    I know this is a cory but which one? albino? spotted? etc.   Reason im asking is that I have 3 and need 1 more since 4 seems better.   The cories seem to be super active all the time, which I researched upon is normal for the beginning 1-2 months and then they just settle down at the bottom most...
  40. M

    Cory Melanistius Freaking Out

    I have a 100L tank planted with 2 pieces of drift wood and 3 hollowed out coconuts. I have 6 Guppies 4 Glowlight tetras, 4 Red eye Tetras and 3 Corydoras Melanistius. Every time I go to look at my tank or feed my fish I allways see the Cory's hiding and when I clean it they freak out a bit...