cory catfish

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  1. D

    2nd 40 gallon breeder

    I currently have 2 40 gallon breeders, one is recently set up with a few BA tetras but I’ve decided I’m going to leave adding fish to this one for a while, in my 2nd 40 gallon breeder I also have; 6 BA tetras 5 Albino Corys 1 young Male Firemouth Cichlid Is there anything else that I could add...
  2. Tap Water

    White Fungus/Rot on Corydora

    I noticed some white starting to appear on some of my bronze corydoras fins, and I cant quite figure out what it is. One cory has it worse than the rest, and it looks as if the fin is actually beginning to rot away. I've had these cory for over six months now, and I've owned cory for about four...
  3. josh41478

    can you help me identify my corydoras.

  4. Barry Tetra

    ‘short body’ corydoras

    Is short body corydoras natural or its a manmade? I found one in LFS and i like it, should i buy it? Do they have a problem with their internal organ?
  5. BettaChel

    Help me Gender my Cory Cats!

    Hello all! I’m relatively new to fish keeping but I love it so much! I got some new corys yesterday and I was wondering if anyone could help to identify their sexes if possible! Here are the two Juliis. I think the one in the back is female and the one in front male? (guessing! lol) Here’s...
  6. P

    Help with my Corydora catfish!

    Intro: Hi everyone thank you for taking the time to read my first post. This isn't my first forum experience and I am well aware of the search function. However I wanted to post this asap and hopefully someone can help me faster then me looking for the answer. The problem: I noticed a...
  7. D

    Betta and cories?

    Would I be able to put a male betta with some cories in a big enough tank? Nothing too flashy, just albino or green/bronze cories with one male betta
  8. D


    I adore cories, but I worry about how many can fit in a tank. I know that the 1 inch of fish per gallon rule is usually for beginners, and that overstocking can sometimes work just fine (example: 75 neon tetras in 75 gallons). How many cories is optimal, and what would be the best tank size?
  9. A

    Bettafix for whole tank?

    I have a 10 gallon community tank with a betta, 6 neon tetras, and 2 albino Cory catfish. I’ve had this tank for a little over a year with no problems. A couple weeks ago, I noticed what I suspect to be fin rot on my bettas tail. I went to the pet store in search of some medicine, but the...
  10. A

    Panda Corey’s in a 10 gal

    Hey guys I’m newish to the hobby and I have recently set up a 10 gallon tank currently housing a paradise fish and a Apistogramma. I want to add some panda Corey’s just not sure how many. I heard they need to be in groups so what’s a good number? Thanks guys
  11. A

    Thin corydora

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum. I recently bought a group of 6 corydoras for my 35 gallon aquarium. They are on their second week of quarantine and I'm worried because one of them is not eating. Since the beginning I noticed that it has a weird curvature on its spine and I haven't seen it...
  12. K

    Cory fry swimming too much??

    My corys had 100+ eggs and about 60+ hatched and now I have probably 40-50 fry that are a few weeks old (2-3 weeks), they are swimming all over the breeder box and I noticed today they are basically all swimming up the sides of the breeder box.. should I be concerned? Are they not getting to...
  13. Aeroase

    Help with Cory Catfish?

    Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon tank with some green and peppered cory catfish in it. One of the peppered cory cats looks very skinny to me compared to the others. It’s a little less active, but still more or less acting normal. I’m worried it’s in the early stages of some kind of disease, am...
  14. L

    Cory catfish chasing Molly

    Hi, I’m new to this forum this is my first thread so I’m sorry if I’m doing this wrong, hopefully you guys can help and I’ll learn along the way. Anyways, I recently noticed my peppered Cory cat chasing around the largest fish in my tank which is my female black molly. It doesn’t seem to be...
  15. J

    Struggling to find any flag-tailed panda cory

    I really want some flag-tailed panda cory but am really struggling, does anyone know of where I can get some or even an importer from Brazil I could contact please. Would be really grateful
  16. M


    Hey, I recently got a 39 gallon tanks, and was thinking about getting some Corydoras, and was wondering how many I should get, and what kind etc. They would be housed with roughly 15-20 guppies maybe more(I try to sell them as they breed) and need to know what kind would be happier with the...
  17. R

    Corydoras eggs - Fertile or Unfertile?

    Hi all, I have a community tank and my albino cories have decided to lay eggs. This was not intentional but I am uncertain if they are fertile or not. If they are fertile, I would like to try and hatch them. The eggs on the glass appear to be relatively clear/white (therefore unfertile I...
  18. N

    What to put in a nano tank??

    I have an 8 gallon planted tank and I was wanting advice on what to Put in it. Is 4 or 5 guppies(preferably male so they don’t breed) 4 dwarf Corydoras and maybe a few shrimp too much for my tank?
  19. K

    Are these Angelfish eggs?

    Hello All! We recently adopted 3 angels from a terrible home and they are blooming with us. They are older- about 5-6 years old- they used to eat once every 3 days, never had light or tank mates and just one piece of drift wood in a 90 gal tank. We took them in and since they all close together...
  20. N

    10 gallon stocking ideas?

    Hi there, I currently started a new 10 gallon 2 weeks ago that I am in the middle of doing a fishless cycle in. Here is a picture, although I am adding some microsworfs along the perimeter of the glass, a moss covered bridge made of coconut shell over the sand, and dwarf baby tears on a piece...
  21. L

    Beheaded fish in tank

    Hi there, I'm a newbie to the forum, and was wondering if anyone can help me out on this issue. I have had 3 fish in total now over the course of a couple of months, brutally attacked and killed. 2 of my sucker fish had their heads clean ripped off (none of the fish was eaten), and this morning...
  22. L

    Emergency!!! Corycatfish swallowed pebble!!

    Hi to who reads this, I believe my Albino cory who I've had for months now, has ingested a pebble. There is a dark lump in his stomach and his belly is a little swollen. It seems to be weighing him down and he hasn't been swimming very much. Is there anything I could do to help him, I don't...
  23. E

    Will live plants help?

    Hello all! I have a 20 gallon tank with a few Cory Catfish. I've had the tank for some time, but I struggle to keep algae levels in check. Brown algae seems to love multiplying in the tank, and I have to do heavy cleaning quite frequently. Will getting live plants help this situation? I have...
  24. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    Hey everyone, I've had 6 corys for a long time in a 20 gal long and suddenly one of them started swimming upside down and close to the surface. When he wasn't, he would either just sit in one spot or swim around the middle/top areas of the tank. This isn't normal for him. He also has some torn...
  25. A

    Cory behaving different

    I have an albino Cory that is sitting around a lot and breathing 3-4 times per second. I think it has always breathed pretty fast but it used to swim around a lot more. I upgraded to a 10 gallon tank a few weeks ago and it has a pretty strong current, 90 gallons filtered per hour. That's really...
  26. D

    Albino Cory Catfish Acting Strange

    Hello and I am new to this forum and this great hobby of fish keeping. I recently acquired a 10 gallon fish tank and put 2 albino cory catfish, 5 neon tetra, and 3 flame tetra. The first week was going great and had no problems. The second week I found some minor problems with the color of the...
  27. T

    Help! Cory Catfish Suddenly Dying.

    Hello, I purchased a Betta in February. Shortly after I got 2 Albino Cory Catfish to live with my Betta. Things went well so I got a third Cory in the beginning of March. I have a 3.5 gallon tank and I have some moss balls in it. I brought the water in to Petsmart and they tested it for me...
  28. P

    Will My Golden Wonder Killi Eat My Pygmy Cory Catfish?

    just wondering if that's a concern cuz i have a pretty sizeable golden wonder killi in my 20 gallon and just got 3 pygmy cories but realized that if he wanted to (which he probably does) that my killi could devour him! i also have 2 blue rams would that be a problem? if so ill just put them in...
  29. B

    Adding Another Albino Cory Catfish To My Fish Tank

    Hello, I currently have 1 betta, 1 albino catfish, and 1 ghost shrimp in my 5 gallon minibow tank. My albino cory is doing great and is really active. My betta fish doesn't bother it or attack it. I know that corys are suppose to be in schools which is why I am thinking of getting another. I was...
  30. T

    Can You Give Them A Home? Cheshire

    Hello, i have joined up in the hope that i can find someone who would be interested in offering a home to my purple/blue fighter, rosy barb, 2 neon tetras, and 2 cory cat fish. I also have a large number of Ramshorn snails.   All of the fish are a year or two old, i only have a few as i down...
  31. CorydorasLover

    Emerald Cory Cat Is Chewing On Male Betta's Tail Fin?

    To start, I have a 10 gallon tank with 1 male betta (Loki) and 3 cory catfish: a peppered, an emerald, and an albino. (Heimdall, Doc & Peach.) At first, I had only Loki and the peppered (Heimdall) for several months together in the tank. They were content, but I'd been urged to add several more...
  32. ellosunshinee

    Setting Up A New 55 Gal..need Advice

    Hey everyone. I am new to the community. Hello! I currently have a 10 gallon aquarium. I acquired this aquarium from my parents who did not take care of the tank at all. They really knew nothing about fish it seems. They had one of each species. I tried to rid this tank of problems but I am not...
  33. CoryLover95

    Are My Corys Getting Enough To Eat?

    Hi! I have a small school of Corys; two Albino, two Green.  I have a 37 gallon aquarium with 2 schools of assorted tetras, some Platys, and Gourami.  So my question is...are my Corys getting enough to eat?  I just feel so bad because when feeding time comes all the other fish rush to the top and...