cory catfish

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  1. C

    Dwarfed cory?

    I have had a group of corys for about a year now and one of them hasn't grown at all. This little guy is about half of the size of the rest of them now and has never had any development of his barbels either. Anyone know what could cause this or if it is just a genetic thing? He seems happy and...
  2. C

    Bloated cory fry

    I have recently hatched Corydoras eggs for the first time. I have 3 fry currently in a breeding tank floating in the main tank. Two of them seem fine and are behaving as expected, but one of them seems to have a bloated abdomen and is struggling to swim or move around. Can anyone tell me what...
  3. kpewv

    my 20g community

    hi there! this is my journal for my 20g planted community. it is VERY stocked but rest assured i do regular water changes and have been keeping fish a while. images are of the whole tank and my baby betta boy courtney!! stocking: the beastie boys (sailfin molly trio) reo speedwagon (5 pygmy...
  4. S

    Corys sitting at bottom of tank

    I've just recently got back into fish, and run into an old problem I've always had from my 20 gal to my 40 gal breeder. Tank has been up and cycled for years, just haven't been replacing fish until it got to the lone cory. I currently have a 20 gallon with 6 albino corys, 5 guppies, and a bamboo...
  5. Tacocat

    Refurbished 40ish gallon dirted tank/aquascape

    Hi! I've been inactive for a while and I've just gotten back into the hobby because my family got a hand me down tank from my cousins. Today we just did the dirt, substrate, hardscape, and first plants while also adding some bacteria bombs. We're planning to add more plants to fill in the tank...
  6. SaFyQ448


    Hi, I have a 37 gallon planted aquarium that has so many plants. I recently have got an explosion of trumpet snails in the tank. I hardly even put food or nutrients into the water and do 2 week 50% changes on the tank due to there only being 4 Cory’s and 1 bristlenos. I guess I’m indifferent...
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    This is one of my 3 orange Venezuelan cory catfish. This cory is brand new to life and lives in my new community tank. He is happily enjoying himself in a 130L (35 gallon) tank with his trio and a pair of Kribs. He loves bath on the rocks and hide in a hole in the tree.
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    This is one of my 3 orange Venezuelan cory catfish. This cory is brand new to life and lives in my new community tank. He is happily enjoying himself in a 130L (35 gallon) tank with his trio and a pair of Kribs. He loves bath on the rocks and hide in a hole in the tree.
  9. atarah

    Help with one sick corydora

    Hi. I have 6 orange Venezuelan corydoras. 5 of them are doing really good. They look healthy, eat amazing, are super active and are always shoaling (and display some breeding behaviour too). Then I have this one that is smaller and tends to be on her own. She is eating but looks sick. She is...
  10. SaFyQ448


    OK, so I'm new at fishkeeping. And my corycats got it on because I found eggs in the tank!!! I'd love to have babies catfish but I don't think I'm ready yet. I think I'm gonna let natural selection work it's way and leave them in the tank as is, but if they do hatch I really need help. I've got...
  11. P

    55 gallon Planted aquarium progress

    Hello everyone I started a planted aquarium 12/29/22 and this is how it looks today vs day 1 let me know what you think thankyou and have a good day everyone.
  12. IMG_1909.jpeg


    Beautiful betta Dory! Showing off his beautiful colors
  13. Casper23

    Tank mates for my Beautiful Betta!

    Hi everyone! This is my first time posting, I am trying to get some answers on possible tank mates for my Betta. Currently I already have my Betta (obviously) he’s a male Halfmoon. I also have 5 peppered Cory catfish, 2 ghost shrimp, and 2 nerite snails. They are all super happy and comfortable...
  14. L

    Upgrading to 112l

    Hi all I currently have a 20l tank which I'm going to upgrade to 112l as soon as the new tank arrives. At the moment I only have 3 corys, I didn't realise until I sought advice on here that I had overstocked my tank as I also had 3 ADF's and some snails, but have lost them all. 😥 Plans are to...
  15. cynful

    Hi there!

    Both my husband and I have started our new hobby of fishkeeping. I grew up around fish tanks so I have basic knowledge but wanted to join a community of more experienced fishkeepers who can help me to identify issues and give information to resolve those issues. I am a huge animal lover of all...
  16. Emilee Maphui

    How to help a fish recover from jumping out of the tank?

    Last night, on New Years Eve, my filter of a few years stopped working. It was too late to get a new filter as most things closed down by then. I did a partial water change and hoped for the best. When I woke up at 2 am, the two fish inhabiting the tank, two 4 year old albino corydora catfish...
  17. D

    One of my mollies has been staying at the surface and seems to be gasping

    I just got 4 new mollies and 2 cory catfish today and after a few hour this one molly has been staying at the surface for the last 10 minutes. It wont ever leave the surface for any reason and it is the only fish in the tank doing this.I checked the water parameters before i added the fish
  18. D

    Breeding Pygmy Corydoras

    Hello all! I've been keeping pygmy corydoras for a few years because they are my favorite fish. I'd really like to see them reproduce but they don't seem to be doing so on their own. So what I'll do here is go through some of the steps I've been taking to get them to spawn and hopefully one of...
  19. F

    Does my Cory have popeye?

    Yesterday I noticed that my cory’s eye looked bigger than the rest of my catfish. Is this popeye? If so, how could I treat it? I’ve been doing ~20% water changes every 1 to 1.5 weeks for my 36 gallon bowfront tank. Nitrites are at 0. Ammonia <0.25ppm. Nitrates <5.0ppm.
  20. M

    Normal behaviour?

    We bought three Green cories today, and the fish store employee was rather rough with handling them. And had lots of dead fish in their displays. I saw the cute little cories looking all sad in their overcrowded tank and couldn't resist bringing them home. It's a gamble, I know, but had to...
  21. P

    Is My Cory Ok?

    Hi, 2 days ago I got some peppered corydoras - one of them died before I even got to drop acclimate them. The other two are doing well in the tank. I called pets at home and they said I could come get a new cory. I’ve just brought him home today and noticed his fins are a bit ‘teared’ ? Not sure...
  22. V

    Is this corydora healthy?

    I have a sole survivor after disease wiped out my group. I'm not sure what it is that they had, I've asked around on different sites and got varying answers, internal parasites, bacterial infection, gill flukes, and even fish TB. I wanted to ask on here if he looks healthy.
  23. outofwater

    Not an emergency, just looking for anything more expert members might notice

    Woke up to one of my female cories dead at the bottom of the tank. As the pictures might show she had the bent spine that seems common on these when overbred/inbreeding, but she was always pretty active and healthy looking, up to last night on my last glance at the tank all the fish were acting...
  24. CozyCat

    Feeding corydoras fry

    Hi My albino cories have started breeding over the last couple weeks and some of the eggs have hatched! This is my first time raising corydoras fry, I'm so excited!😄 I've done some research on how to raise them, but am still a little confused on what to feed them. They are between a few days...
  25. M

    Fish Emergency Redness on temple of corydora

    Tank What is the water volume of the tank? 20G How long has the tank been running? 5 months Does it have a filter? Yes Does it have a heater? Yes What is the water temperature? 78 - 79F What is the entire stocking of this tank? (Please list all fish and inverts.) 6 Harlequin Raspbora, 6 Neon...
  26. outofwater

    Eggs... empty?

    Female just laid them, and promptly tried to eat them too. What do you think of them... do they look like duds? Thanks
  27. outofwater

    Spot on tetra, fin damage on cory, what's going on

    Hi everyone, This morning all looked OK. I've had one cory on 3 day quarantine so far for some fin issues on dorsal and caudal fins. Treating with melafix and damage seems to have stopped spreading so I was thinking of putting him back in the main tank in another day or two. Just returned from...
  28. I

    White fuzzy piece in Cory's gills. Please help

    Hi all, I noticed one of my cory's is seperated from the group (6 total), he hovers still in the flow, or goes up to the surface. Upon close inspection i noticed a white fuzzy piece in his right gills. Any idea what this could be? It's not solid but rather fuzzy when viewing very close. Gills...
  29. H

    Bronze Corydora female is panting

    I noticed a couple of days ago that my big female bronze cory was panting. Normally they move their mouth/gills when eating food, but she does this constantly now and has never shown this behavior before. Other than her mouth/gills moving rapidly, she also goes up for air a bit more than usual-...
  30. M

    Lowering Ammonia levels in tank with ADFs and cory catfish...

    Hi, I have a tank with 2 ADF and 3 albino cory catfish. The ammonia level is at 0.50ppm the nitrates are at 5.0ppm, the nitrite is at 0ppm, ph is at 7.2 and high range ph is at 7.4. I've been doing a partial water change about every 2 or 3 days the last week and usually use some seachem prime...
  31. T

    Corydoras skin disease

    Hey, I just recently got an aquarium from a reseller. The reseller had the aquarium for 1/2 months. Now I have it for 2 weeks. The aquarium is 60 liters, I have 6 corydoras and 5 guppies. Now I have just checked up on the aquarium, and ai have seen one of my corydorases skin looking like this...
  32. CozyCat

    Cory eggs?

    Found these while doing a water change on my cory tank. They were stuck to the side of the filter inlet pipe. There's only corydoras, a couple female guppies and my male bristlenose pleco in the tank. Could they be cory eggs? If so, how do I successfully hatch and raise them?
  33. E

    Corydora with injured pectoral fin and white area on his body?

    My false julii corydora is injured on his left pectoral fin. About a week and a half ago he got both his pectoral fins/bones lodged in the aquarium background and couldn't move. He was so stuck that he couldn't even shake the shrimp off of himself and I had to pry his left fin free. His fin...
  34. biofish

    Bloated Cory catfish floating?

    I just got back a from a week vacation and had set up automatic feeders for my fish…. I think the feeders released too much because a lot of my look a bit chunky. But anyway! My one eyed Cory Catfish, his stomach is bloated, and for some reason he’s floating at the top of the tank, on his side...
  35. K

    Thinking I Need to Rehome My Fish

    I absolutely hate to think this but I honestly don’t know what else to do anymore besides just start over. I’ve made a lot of mistakes and really think they’re suffering for it and at this point, I don’t know what to do anymore. My only main problem rn is that I just don’t know how to go about...
  36. A

    Cory eggs what to do?

    Hello I’m new here I have been keeping fish for a while and recently I got two new bronze corydoras and what is my luck that the actually spawned the first time unfortunately all eggs were ruined by other tank mates but they spawned again today and I managed to save 8 eggs I have removed them...
  37. N

    my corys are dying

    I bought 5 albino corydoras yesterday and lost one on the same day plus two more this morning. they seemed to be perfectly heathy. I also have a betta in the tank with them, but I haven't seem him chasing any of them, and there was no phisical damage on the dead corys. My tank is cicled, about...
  38. A

    New and needing advice.

    Hey, I just registered here, and I've just recently picked up a few fish to care for. I had 2 corydoras and 4 neon tetras. now I'm down two 1 and 2. I'm very unsure how they died, all I can remember is treating the emerald cory for a bloated bladder w peas, him recovering, and then me finding...
  39. C

    New Tank Parameters, please advise

    Hey all! New to the forum. I have a 75 gal tank running with an Fx6 filter and heated to 74 degrees. Tank is decorated with little pebble stones and a huge piece of driftwood. That’s all for now. Tank was cycled for at least two weeks and fish were introduced. It’s been running for about a month...