
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. C

    Dwarfed cory?

    I have had a group of corys for about a year now and one of them hasn't grown at all. This little guy is about half of the size of the rest of them now and has never had any development of his barbels either. Anyone know what could cause this or if it is just a genetic thing? He seems happy and...
  2. S

    Get a fish they said . . .

    Hello! I am so excited to be a part of your community. :) I'm brand spanking new to the fish world. Although I did some salmon fishing in Alaska and I was gifted my 6th grade class tadpole and a little betta once many years ago. Who knew you could feed a tadpole to death!? I do! . . . ...
  3. yzaylakeepsfish

    Sexing Corydoras with picture

    Can someone tell me which are male and female Corys? Thanks in advance. Pictures in attachments.
  4. atarah

    Giant candy coi half moon male betta

    Hi! I just wanted to share some pictures of my first ever betta fish. He is called Aldebaran and I adopted him from a breeder in Indonesia and I did regret that choice cos I stressed a LOT during the shipping process that he might die. Alas he didn't although he arrived looking like a ghost...
  5. outofwater

    Lesions on head and someting on tail fin?

    Hi everyone, long time. Hope everybody and their fishy friends are doing well. Last week I noticed a spot on one of my cory, and thought maybe it had scratched herself on something. As I'm getting ready for water change I oticed that now there are two spots, look like lesions, and something of...
  6. Stefan3289

    Stocking question

    Hello all, Hope everyone is doing very well. I have a 29 gallon (30” by 18” I believe) where I currently have 7 mollies and 4 panda cories all juevinelle (Cory’s less than inch, Mollys around 1”). I also have several plants thanks to @Byron I finally have my ammonia/Chloramines reading 0 for...
  7. Fishies1996!

    Panda Cory’s Q?

    Hello All, I am very new to the fish world, so far it has been going pretty well, however, I never knew how much you needed to know and all the problems that can occur. We have had the fish tank around 6 weeks and have gradually added (in order) Ember Tetras, Honey Gourami, Panda Cory, Kuhli...
  8. K

    Don't know what fish to add to 45 gallon tank

    My 45G is currently stocked with - 12 Neon Tetras - 8 Otos - 8 Guppy Endlers - 4 Panda Cories - 1 Male Kribensis I was wondering if anyone have some good suggestions for a colorful/good schooling fish that would make a good addition to the tank. Thanks! Note: I use to have black skirt...
  9. P

    Is My Cory Ok?

    Hi, 2 days ago I got some peppered corydoras - one of them died before I even got to drop acclimate them. The other two are doing well in the tank. I called pets at home and they said I could come get a new cory. I’ve just brought him home today and noticed his fins are a bit ‘teared’ ? Not sure...
  10. FashionFish

    Aggressive Corycat

    Hi there! I am new here. Visited many times in search of answers. Joining because I need some help with my crazy corycats. I know they are super friendly and peaceful. We have kept Sterbai & Bronze cories for 4 years. We have 2 bronze corys that we moved into a bigger tank. We are getting 4 more...
  11. outofwater

    Postmortem for dwarf cory

    Just would like any thoughts/opinions on this. My tank has been firmly established now for 3 months, and this little guy was there from the start. A few days ago I found him dead early in the morning. Pictures were taken as soon as I noticed and pulled him out. The day before I had not...
  12. L

    My Cory died after only 2 days and now I am worried that something is wrong with my tank!

    Hi! I have bought a cory and died no long after max 1/2 days. I never had issues with putting fishes in my tank since I had it (6 months). I am worried my tank might have some toxic algae because it has a electric Blu green algae that's never been there before! So I am worried for my other...
  13. G

    Black sand for Corydoras and Plants?

    I'm currently setting up a low tech 55g aquarium and I'm having trouble with the substrate. To cut to the chase, I'm looking for a black sand that won't be harsh on the cories and other bottom dwellers, but will also be a practical substrate for plants without too much extra care. I've heard...
  14. I

    Is this a parasite? Recommend means of treating?

    Request Help Tank size: 200L tank age: 2 years pH: stable 6.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 10-20ppm kH: 6 gH: 6 tank temp: 23c Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Yesterday i noticed strange swimming behavior in one of my Cory's, and...
  15. C

    White marks

    I think my Cory has an infection or something. It appears to have white raised marks on its side. Any idea what I could do to treat? Should I separate it from the rest of the tank? All parameters are in range tank has been set up for over a year, these Cordy have been in for 6 months to a year...
  16. SparkysBois

    Cory Floating upside down

    Hi, my Venezuelan Cory has been acting strange since yesterday, when I found it floating at the top of the tank getting pushed around slowly by the flow. I thought that it was dead so I went to pick it up with the net and it zoomed away. It did the same thing today and was swimming upside down...
  17. ellamay

    Frozen brine shrimp vs bloodworms

    I have ember tetras, cory's and a betta in my 105l tank. I was thinking about adding some frozen food to their diets. Is there any nutritional differences between the frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp? I'm mostly thinking about the frozen food for the betta to be honest, I was thinking...
  18. sweeteybabey

    I Need Some Quick Reasurance!

    Hello everyone! I'm not particularly stressed, but I'm just curious and slightly worried about one of my albino female corydoras. She had a red spot that faded to black on her egg area around a week ago, but it's completely gone now and she was lethargic for one day but instantly improved (it...
  19. M

    Should I replace my lost corycat?

    I lost one of my three peppered corycats today. Since my once tiny school is now a pair, should I replace the lost cory? If so, will a new peppered cory school well with the other two (who I’ve had for about a year)? I also have 3 oto cats, 5 harlequin rasboras, and a honey Gourami in the tank...
  20. Mizz_MayDK

    L181 pleco and Corydoras Venezuela Black

    I have bought 5 L181 pleco - naturally they are quarantined in a separate tank, but when they are ready to be moved out of quarantine I want to place them together with my Corydoras Venezuela Black. Is this a good combo? I don’t want to risk my corys lives or their fins being bitten of
  21. Linkandnavi

    Stocking a 450L

    Evening everyone, My 450L (approx 119 US gallon) recently finished cycling. 150 x 50 x 60cm. I'm in the process of slowly stocking it over the next few months. I've not run a tank of this size before so I'm feeling my way in with the stocking levels. At the moment, it has two Siamese Algae...
  22. R

    55 gallon stocking ideas with Black Skirt Tetras

    Hi all, I've gone back and forth with my stocking ideas and people on the forums have been super helpful so far but I find myself lost again. I currently have a 55 gallon that is lightly planted (hoping to continually add plants over time) with some driftwood as well. Currently there are 7...
  23. A

    Brand new cory catfish with possible swim bladder. Help!

    I just got 2 new luxozonas cory cats. One of them is doing great and the other was rough from the start. He swam through some bubbles and looked a little wobbly. Then he was just laying on the bottom. After a while I noticed him having a hard time keeping himself straight. Eventually he was...
  24. B

    Is this white spot? (Ich)

    Hi guys, so I put a new Cory into my tank yesterday and noticed a white spot just below the fin. Is this ich or something else? I cannot tell but should I be worried? Thank you, Brandon.
  25. C

    Sick Cory

    One of my Cory's is suddenly unable to swim correctly and is sat at the bottom of the tank all day. If it does try and swim it sort of bounces about at the bottom of the tank and takes a while to right itself if it falls on its side or upside down. Iv checked water parameters and all are spot on...
  26. 2tank

    question about substrates

    Hi, everyone. can I take beach sand for example and just boil it to kill any microbes and bacteria in it or should I buy purpose-made sand substrates? I am in need of a sandy bottom in my big tank for barbs like corys.
  27. newmag1659

    Dwarf Mexican Crayfish and Corys?

    I’m thinking about adding a Dwarf Mexican Crayfish to my established 20 tall killifish and Cory tank. I’ve seen conflicting opinions on whether the crayfish will harass/eat the corys. I have 4 albino corys, 2 emerald. Is this a feasible combination or should I just skip out on the crayfish? I...
  28. Geordie Paul

    BN Peco behaviour

    Hey all its been a while since I've posted because my 34 gallon is finally stocked and all was well. However, my juvenile bushynose pleco (I got when he was just weeks old.) is about 4 months now, and is the tank bully. Still not sure of the sex because it's still young. When he eats, he hogs...
  29. L

    What species is this Cory?

    So I grabbed the last 3 of them from the LFS. And they were obviously not albinos though labeled as such the worker at the time sold them to me as albinos since he did not know what they were. This was a couple of years ago and 2 have died I want to get him a group but have not seen any like him...
  30. R

    Tankmates in tall 40g: Black Tetra and Julii Cories

    Hi All, Pretty new to the fish hobby. Got my hands on a tall 40g tank that I've had running for the last few months and has been running really well (hope I didn't jinx it). Details: Sand substrate Live plants and non live tall plants (fake driftwood as well) Pretty high water flow coming...
  31. M

    Sick Bronze Corydora

    I've already lost one Cory to this and I don't want to lose another, hoping someone can help. I got these 2 at the same time a while ago and got an extra 4 more recently. Basically, both of the older corys had what I assumed to be swim bladder issues since they were using leaves to avoid...
  32. newmag1659

    Upgrading to a 20 gallon!

    I'm very excited as I am upgrading my 10 gallon to a 20 gallon. I currently have three adult (two female, one male) gardneri killifish and 6 corys (4 albino, 2 emerald), and two nerite snails. The tank is heavily planted and I intend to do the same with the 20 gallon. Cycling shouldn't take long...
  33. C

    Please help! Fin rot

    Hi I am new to the forum, I have a 29g tank that has been fully cycled for about 4 months. I have sand but no live plants. I have 5 guppys and 5 bronze corys. About a week and a half ago I noticed one of my corys looked like it had the early signs of fin rot. I checked the nitrates with the...
  34. T

    Something is very wrong in my tank

    Ok. This gon be long. I tried to get good pictures, but fish b fish ukno I've had 5 (6, but one died already from whatever it is that's wrong) female guppies since january. I bought them online from a good seller. They came healthy (and preggo :D), totally fine these past few months. They were...
  35. K

    Is this normal shrimp behaviour?

    Is this normal? I have one shrimp who keeps eating the sinking pellet food I drop in for my cories, and is so protective over it that it has a go at any fish that tries to eat it. The shrimp actually drags the pellet away to a hiding place! Quite clever tbh. But there are other fish who make an...
  36. E

    False Julii Cory has one protuding eye

    Hey guys, I have a 29 gallon tank with 5 peppered Cory's, 4 False Julii Cory's, 8 Neons and one betta. Today I noticed that one of the Julii cory has just one eye that is protruding out and seems lethargic. The other one is fine. There is no redness around the bad eye. Anybody have any idea or...
  37. z09050

    Help, not sure what has happened to my corydora

    My Cory has not got any barbels, noticed this when I got him. He has not been moving around and is breathing very fast. I think he is weak because before this he was rolling around without control. He looks a lot paler then my other cories (Water parameters if needed) PH 7 Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0
  38. D

    Betta and cories?

    Would I be able to put a male betta with some cories in a big enough tank? Nothing too flashy, just albino or green/bronze cories with one male betta
  39. J

    Help with Cory eggs

    Hey all, I woke up this morning to Cory eggs all over the side of my tank. I did some research and quickly found out the would become fish food if not rescued so got my old betta tank out, probably about 2 gallons, threw some sand and a plant in, took the eggs out with a credit card and put a...