
  1. K

    Rope Fish Dietary Concern

    Hello,   I'm asking before I take action as that always seems to make the outcome more positive.   I recently acquired a rope fish from my LFS. I did my research and read that because they've never been bred in captivity that they should be fed live or frozen food. I purchased frozen blood...
  2. K

    What Species Is This?

    I'm not extremely new to the hobby, but I'm no veteran. I have a 55gal over-filtered tank with a school of different colored tinfoil barbs as the main attraction. But my question is this: I have a fish that was sold to me when I first started keeping fish. He was sold to me as a convict cichlid...
  3. M

    My Planted Tropical Tank

    Well with my new found love for aquariums i thought it best to share my little pals in a short clip on my planted tropical aquarium. Hope you like it :)
  4. I

    New Addition Suggestions?

    Hello, I had a quick question about adding new fish to my tank. I have a 55gal and wanted to add 2-4 new fish to my tank. I currently have dension barbs, angelfish, neon tetras, boeseman rainbowfish, and a pleco. They all love each other. But I went on vacation recently and some of my fish died...
  5. kuzyaburst

    Red-Tailed Shark In Community Tank?

    I contacted a guy who has lots of experience with many different fish, and I asked him if it is ok to keep a Red-Tailed Shark with my list.... he said it's risky but you can try it. Also said something about its individual personality. I don't know if I want to take the risk though... Is the...
  6. M

    Algae Eaters For My Tank?

    I have 2 tanks.   Tank 1    100L :  6 glowlight tetras, 4 guppies, 4 red eye tetras, 2 golden balloon rams, 2 penguin tetras and one Melanistius Corydoras ohhh and one snail   Tank 2     40L :  10 Guppies   I need to keep the glass free of algae does anyone know of any good community fish that I...
  7. L

    Video My Projects

    It's been a long time since I last posted, so I figured that I was long overdue for an update here.    I've moved past breeding my guppies and now my column tank is going to be fully stocked. I would love to take pictures of my fish, but my camera is too slow to take a decent picture of them.   ...
  8. K

    Hey! New Here And Ready To Talk Fish

    Hi!   I just joined this fun forum. I am not a complete new person to fish as I have worked with fish a lot in my life. However I wouldn't call myself a professional. Anyways, I am excited to get back into the hobby at my new place.    I am working on trying to get a 20 gallon tank (the one I...
  9. elipilgrim

    Carbon Pad Change ?'s (Power Filter)

         Hey everyone, I have a tank that's just 2 months old but it's after going through a lot of ups and downs, literally.. After a rough fish-in cycle and facing some deaths, fish fighting, ick, eye eating, etc..  I feel like my tank is FINALLY at the point where it's stable and everyone in...
  10. P

    4Ft Community Tank Start To Finish

    So, after month of waiting to be messed about a final time I thought my dreams of a bigger tank were shattered. And then I saw this beauty on Facebook. ( won't let me post it as it's too big, will try from the laptop later) basically it's a 4ft tank, stand and all the trimmings for £100. I...
  11. elipilgrim

    Green Tiger Barb (Aggressive)/?'s

         Hey there everyone, I am fairly new to having a tank and only getting the initial cycling process near the end now.. It was a fish-in cycle, with a couple losses on the way but not many.      I have a 29 gallon tank with 3 plants in it at the moment. Here's a picture:      Inside are 8...
  12. Gvilleguy

    My Tank-Within-A-Tank Betta Project

    For about a year and a half I maintained two tanks in my house. I know many of you get the "tank bug" and have a lot more tanks than that. But, for me, the on going maintenance of two tanks took away some of the enjoyment of fish keeping.   I was maintaining a 26 gallon / 98 liter community, and...
  13. mrstwalker

    Is My Fish Pregnant?

    Hi So it has been quite a long time since I have kept fish, recently I got 6 platies for my tank. I wasnt trying to breed them so I chose them randomly, sure enough I ended up with 3 males and 3 females (one of which could be a late developing male, i cant really tell, but we will just stick...
  14. nortonmad213

    Are Females Suitable In A Community Tank?

    hi, so as the title reads, i have found a local breeder who sells female bettas for a pound a piece, i was wondering if they would do well in a community set up or best to have a species only tank? thanks in advance
  15. mrstwalker

    Buddah Zen Garden - 10Gal

    Just wanted to share my 10 gallon Buddah Zen Garden tank, this will be a tetra community tank. My first tank in awhile and Im super pleased with it! Tell me what you think :) Just got done with my cycling process and will be adding fish soon!
  16. D34DLY

    Stocking A 75 Gallon (291Litres) Tank

    Hey guys!   So I need help for stocking suggestions (those who had helped a few months ago may recognise me. I'm back again, but this time have a few measurements changed. :) )   Here is my tap water quality:    Anyway, I need some ideas on what fish I should stock. I would like a community...
  17. allydawn17

    50 Gallon Tank Stocking?

    Hi! I am getting a 50 gallon tank very soon and I'm wondering if this stocking is alright?  tank dimensions: 48 1/4"L x 12 3/4"W x 20"H filters: Tetra whisper EX70, Tetra Whisper 10-30i   8x Panda Cory 1x peppermint pleco 2x german blue ram 1x angelfish* 6x cherry barbs 2x honey gourami 3x...
  18. CrimsonBoli

    My 200L Community (Low Tech)

    So finally posting pics up!     My setup: Fluval Roma 200 2x T8 (6500k + 10000k) + 2' LED bar APS 1000EF ext filter (Awesome filter by the way!) Air pump and stone (which I never have on...) 300W AquaZonic heater Fish:  4x Clown Loaches (3 Borneo, 1 saddle-stripe Sumatra) 8x Neon Tetra 3x...
  19. B

    Upgrading - Cool Fish To Add?

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here.    I have a 30Gal tropical tank and will be upgrading to a 50Gal corner tank in a few weeks. Super excited! I am looking for some advice about interesting and peaceful fish I could add. I was thinking of adding a few larger fish to mix with my smaller...
  20. LunaBug

    Bottom Feeder/scavenger For Betta Community Tank

    I've noticed that my community tank, which houses my betta, is in desperate need of a bottom feeder or scavenger. Narcissus(the betta) is a bit of a pig and his tank mates are very similar in their eating habits. I try to get most of the food before it hits the gravel but Im not always...
  21. N

    Community Tank Focused Around Discus, Rams And Schooling

    Hi all,   I'm keen to get opinions on suitable tank mates for Discus.   My current set-up: 200L tank, 2 striped Dora, 2 guppies (at least what I was told were guppies although mine are extremely "square" looking) and a Golden Loach (that I hate) - These fish all came with my tank and were not...
  22. Brahmza

    Toss Ideas Around For A New 125G Community!

    Hey everyone. I'm starting a new community and am looking for advice on further stocking. It's a 125G tank, PH at 7.4. Here's what I've already decided on - - 2 Super Red Severums (My centerpiece most likely) 5 Turquoise Rainbows 5 Lake Tebera Rainbows 10 Denisons Barbs 10 Syndontis Petricola...
  23. Brahmza

    Severums With Rams?

    Hey everyone. I recently moved and am starting to set up my tanks again. Right now, I have a 55g tank set up, PH 6.8, Temp at 75 fahrenheit, and I have a few questions. I know that adult severums shouldn't be kept in a 55g. I just purchased a group of 8 juveniles, all under quarter size, and...
  24. I

    Inherited A 40 Gal Tank, Help A Newby Out :)

    I inherited a 40 galon tank, and I don't know much about fish care so please bear with me.     I've tried to come up with a list of everything that's in there as best I can, and looked up each type of fish on google but this may not be 100% accurate.   9 neon tetras 2 Gold Dojo Loach 2 mollies 2...
  25. Elrohirthehasty

    Best Schoolers/shoal-Ers

    Which (small, community) fish form the tightest, most coherent schools/shoals? Opinions? Experience?
  26. L

    "adopted" Some Fish...what Else Can I Get?

    Hello! I've recently adopted some fish from a relative who decided they no longer wanted their aquarium. Luckily, I had a 75 gallon just sitting here that I've wanted to set up again. They gave me the fish, some decorations, some plants, and a Magnum 350 filter. Score! :) These are the...
  27. SarahMarie

    What Fish Can Go In A 64 Litre Tank?

    I only have 2 platys in my tank at the moment and I'm wondering what other fish I would be able to put in without them fighting or overstocking the tank. I have a 64 litre tank, which I know is quite small but would still like to add a few extra fish. Any help would be great! Thanks
  28. Robbo89

    25 Gallon Planted Community Journey V2

    Hey all,  Restarting the journal for my community tank as the pictures were absolutely useless lol   As this is my first planted tank, and really first community tank, all advice/criticism/feedback is strongly desired!   Here is the first pic, day 1. (This was about 3 weeks ago)     Needless...
  29. Robbo89

    25 Gallon Planted Community Tank Journal (With Pics)

    Hey all, Going to start a journal for my community tank, starting from day 1 (a very dirty, in poor condition tank) to finished product (hopefully something a bit better than day 1 )   By the end I'd love to have a really cool looking before/after pic, but along the way I'll try to put as many...
  30. Robbo89

    Will My Planned Community Tank Work ?

    Hey, I have followed every guide to effectively fish-less cycle an aquarium I think exists on the interwebs, and am now about a week off from adding my fish (provided all goes to plan).  My current plan is to include into my heavily planted 25 gallon tank: 6 Zebra Danio, 8 Black Widow/Phantom...
  31. H

    All Guppies In Community Tank Are Dying

    I have a community fish tank that has been fine for awhile, I recently bought some new fish from the pet shop, which I think introduced something into my tank. All of my guppies are dying, they are the only type of fish to be affected, the bettas, tetras, loaches and catfish etc are unaffected...
  32. LicianDragon

    Organic Material Clouding Up My Tank?

    I have a 20 gallon tropical community planted tank. It's planted with eco-complete substrate. I also add co2 booster from API daily. Ammonia is 0 nitrite is 0, nitrate is about 5ppm. The tank has been set up for about 5 months now but has always had an issue of organic material floating around...
  33. Colonials66

    More Than One Angel?

    After looking online and speaking to staff at the LFS I'm getting contrasting opinions on whether more than one angel can be kept safely in a community tank. I love the look of my angel at the moment and would like to add another into the mix, but don't want to if they are going to constantly...
  34. Colonials66

    Looking For Something A Little Different

    Hi,   I currently have a 240l tropical community tank, with  the usual community fish like guppies, swordtails, corys, X-ray tetras, dwarf guorami's, RTS and an angel. I'm currently about 80% stocked. But I'm looking for a new addition but want something a little different, so no endlers or...
  35. Brahmza

    55G Community - What To Add?

    I have a 55g tank stocked with 4 pearl gouramis, 10 tiger barbs, 2 pairs of German Blue Rams, 8 bloodfin tetras, a common pleco and 6 green Corys. The tank is looking a bit empty, I have a lot of plant cover and structure, temp is at 80, pH of 7. Water is quite soft. Curious what kinds of fish I...
  36. Brahmza

    A Better Diet For My Fish?

    I have a 55g tank stocked with tinfoil barbs, tiger barbs, german blue rams, zebra danios, dwarf gouramis and a pleco. So far I've only been feeding them flake and pellet foods, and I'm looking to feed my fish a more well-rounded diet. Any suggestions on foods I could feed these fish...
  37. Brahmza

    Stocking My Community Tank

    I'm semi-new to fish keeping, but I'm looking to make some changes to my tank and want to make sure everything will work out beforehand. I have a 55g tank at 80 degrees stocked with 3 4" Tinfoil barbs, 10 tiger barbs, 8 zebra danios, 2 German blue rams, 2 dwarf gouramis, 2 green Cory, 1 sterbai...
  38. Loveridge01

    Adding Suitable Community Fish To My Tank

    Good Morning All, I as you can probably tell am new here; I am also relatively new to forums I have had my tank for a few years now and have recently began to fix and upgrade everything I can Added a handful of new plants and some silks for backing plants I have a 24 gallon tank and at present I...
  39. M

    First-time Tank Idea

    Hi all, Brand new to the forum. Just bought a ten gallon tank and wanted to pose my stocking idea and get some feedback. In your opinion/experience, should it work? Should I add/replace/remove anything? I understand of course that there are no black and white answers, and each individual fish...
  40. Brahmza

    German Blue Rams?

    I just transitioned from a 20g tank to a 55g tank. I was curious if I would be able to put a pair or two of German Blue Rams or even Gold Rams. My current setup consists of: 3 Tinfoil barbs, 5 Tiger barbs, 1 BN Pleco, 1 spotted cory, 2 dwarf gouramis and a mix of leopard/longfin danios. The...