community tank

  1. N

    Betta eats my Bottom feeders food...

    Hi guys, My new 10 gallon planted community tank is doing great...for the most part. It consists of one male betta 4 panda corys 3 Amanos and a nerite. My little ecosystem is actually going along great socially, perhaps too well because my betta has joined my school of corys. He follows them...
  2. BioBaby

    What are your favourite aquascaping trends / themes ?

    I just bought a 10 gallon tank (PetSmart is having a sale!!) and I want to aquascape it, but I've never really aquascaped beyond gravel and some decorations. I'm looking for ideas on what to do with it. I don't have a plan for any specific fish yet, but I want a community tank of maybe three or...
  3. Tool13x

    Tankmate suggestions. New to TFF and (kind of) new to the hobby.

    Hello everyone. I have had a 30 gal tropical community tank that I started about 5 years ago and have really been getting into the hobby in the last year or so. This is a tank we had started for the kids and at this point it is mostly a mix-match "survivor" community of fish that have made it...
  4. I

    Need help setting up betta in a community

    I have been thinking about upgrading my betta's tank for a while now since his current home is a bit too small for him and he has started biting his fins. However, I don't have infinite funds and want to make sure that if I spend the money that everything is set up so that he can be the happiest...
  5. N

    10 gallon stocking ideas?

    Hi there, I currently started a new 10 gallon 2 weeks ago that I am in the middle of doing a fishless cycle in. Here is a picture, although I am adding some microsworfs along the perimeter of the glass, a moss covered bridge made of coconut shell over the sand, and dwarf baby tears on a piece...
  6. TheCoolWolf

    Should I add small fish?

    I am planning on having Glowlight tetras, Harlequins, Cherry barbs and Black neons in my established 75G aquarium. Should I relocate some of my other fish that are already in there? Stocking list: 2" Pearl danios (x10) 3" Beardless barbs (x3) 4" Hard-lipped barbs (x4) 4" Bala shark (x1) 2"...
  7. F

    Stocking help....

    So i had a betta that recently passed away. :unsure: The good news out of that is I get to pick out new fish. I have a ten gallon tank that my betta was in all by himself. I am kinda going in the direction of a community tank, and I have some ideas but i don't know which one would work out...
  8. VelvetBetta

    10 gal community tank

    I got a betta (velvet thunder) about a mount ago since then I have added 5 harliquen rasboras and 6 glow light tetras. Thunder was fine with this he still acts the same and does not chance or attack them. I was thinking of getting some Pygmy corydoras and I was wondering how many I should get...
  9. M

    Corydoras feeding techniques

    Hello I have a 20gallon tank with: 4 corydoras aeneus 7 guppy 2 platy 3 upside down catfish And I noticed a problem while feeding. The guppys and platys are always eating the food of my corys. To help the corys I try to distract the others with flake food on one side of the tank while I sneak...
  10. Classy

    Community tank

    Hello! In 2 weeks I'm going to be adding new fish to my tank. This weekend I'm cleaning out my tank, filling it up, and adding some gravel. I'm then going to during the upcoming week and some tetras to cycle the water. Then the week after that I'm ordering some angelfish. I was wondering if...
  11. B

    New Cichlid Tank

    I currently own a ten gallon community tank I will get a 25 gallon tank for cichlids. So far i think i want Kribensis, Sun catfish,Electric yellow cichlids, and blue johanni cichlids. Will this work? How many of each species? Is the size ok?
  12. J

    Larger Fish For Community Tank

    hey all, i am in the middle of slowly stocking my 3ft 190L(50 gallon i think?) i plan on having: 8-10 black neons 8-10 cardinals 8-10 glowlight tetras 5 sterbai corys 5 panda corys im looking for a larger feature fish or pair of fish that will not harm any of the other inhabitants. i like...
  13. nofishinginmytank

    White Mountain Minnows With Livebearers?

    I currently have 5 male guppies and two platies in a 40 litre tank. It is well planted and has lot's of hiding places. My cory catfish has been moved into a 80 litre tank with 4 others so he is alot happier. I was just wondering has anyone kept or can anyone give me any advice maybe adding 2 or...
  14. K

    Stocking A 29 Gallon In A Month And Need Help

    I am purchasing a 29 gallon aquarium soon and will cycle it according to the page that everyone keeps using on this forum. I am trying to figure out the best way to stock the tank though. Here are some of my ideas. Please let me know what you think or if any of these are a horrible idea!    7...
  15. Birdie90

    Worms In Tank?!?!

    I have a bottle filled with old tank water from my betta tank that I give once or tiwice a week to a couple of my plants. And I looked in th bottle today, it has worms in it, they're no thicker than a hair and are like an 1/8inch long. I've also noticed these weird things in my community tank...
  16. N

    Fish Suggestions For My Community Tank (Peaceful Fish Only Please!

    I started a 72 gallon community aquarium a few months ago. I currently have 2 bristlenose plecos, 2 german blue rams, 4 zebra snails and 2 aquatic frogs. I am currently looking at getting a opaline gourami and a zebra pleco. Would the gourami and the zebra pleco fit well with the aquatic animals...
  17. R

    Peaceful/happy Community Tank Fish

    Hi I wanted some advice on what fish I can put in my 150litre tank? I currently have 4 ottos one rubber nose/clown pleco, 2 corys 3 mollys and 2 female betas, 3 dwarf gournamis 1male 2 female. I wanted about 4 more cory, 2 angels, maybe killifish? Something colourfull maybe some dwarf cichlids...
  18. B

    Peaceful Pleco That Doesn't Grow Too Large?

    Hi everyone, I am looking for suggestions on a peaceful pleco that would do well in my 55gallon community tank and won't outgrow it (at least not soon!). I am attracted to some of the more patterned varieties and love the albino ones! I don't have very small fish in there, the smallest is...
  19. AquaPit

    Should I Still Keep My Chinese Algae Eater?

    Currently I have two Gold Chinese Algae Eater. They are housed with Neon Tetras, Corys and Electric Blue Rams, etc in a 47litres tank. They are now about 4-5 inches long (approx. 9-12cm). If removing them, what other fish that can settle the algae(not that my tank is full algae! Haha)
  20. yancho

    Stocking A 42 Uk Gallon Tank

    Hi, I'm thinking of setting up an aquarium at the community I'm living at which will be around 191L. It will have a 20L internal filter attached to it (so basically 171L) for the fish.   I'm thinking of adding loads of filter media, and maybe some java moss balls at the top of the filter too...
  21. AquaPit

    I Love My New Hobby!

    Hi everyone! I am from Singapore! A newbie in fish-keeping (3mths to be exact!) and loving it! Set up a 47 Litres (60cm x 35cm x 35cm) Community Freshwater Fish Tank! With few casualties (Sad) but the rest survived and are currently the Pioneers of my Fish Tank! They are: 1) 3x Red Zebra...
  22. ChancesMama

    Need Help With Ammonia Levels!

    Okay so, I have been struggling with Ammonia for about a month and I think I know what I want but I need to be sure so this wont happen again. I have a 28gallon (roughly 106 litres), currently I have 8 neon tetras and 4 cherry barbs but they will be gone by next week. I first noticed my ammonia...
  23. Alm0stAwesome

    The Angel Isles: Planted Community Tank

    I figure I'll start a thread to chart the progress of this recently set up tank. This won't just be about plants but about my fish as well and I like to post lots of pictures   This first post will be fairly long as I'd like to go a little into the set up of the tank as well as how it is now...
  24. B

    Betta And Tetras Does It Work?

    I'm thinking about keeping a betta and tetra community tank. I was wondering what people who've had experience with this set up think. I've kept bettas and corydoras before and they got along but at feeding time the betta would eat all the corydora food and the corydoras would get almost none...
  25. T

    Feeding Clown Loaches In A Comm. Tank

    I'm about done fishless cycling my 120gal tank (48 x 24 x 24), so I'm in the process of preparing to add my full fish load once it's ready so as not to loose any of my beneficial bacteria. My initial plan is to stock with 5 adult clown loaches and a handful of tetra, danios, and barbs. I'm not...
  26. nikkifro8994

    Hair Algae Help!

    I was gone for 10 days on vacation. My mom fed all my tanks for me while I was gone. I got home and saw hair algae all over my 10 gallon community tank. It had a tiny bit before I left, but I didn't think anything of it. My other 10 gallon has a little inside the filter intake tube. These 2...
  27. S

    Re-Making My Community Tank

    Hey, currently I have a rio 240 with a gravel substrate with plastic plants. I'm thinking about changing my tank around maybe going planted with 6 corys but I'm curious to as which fish would look and go best with them and which fish I currently have that I could keep and whether or not I need...
  28. J

    Shrimps Or Pleco

    I'm coming to the end of a fishless cycle for my 190 litre community tank. I've more or less decided my stocking list, but I'm needing some advice on algae eaters. I'm thinking of getting some shrimp or a small pleco. I have listed my specs below, and was wondering if anyone had ideas on what i...