
  1. N

    Female betta tankmates

    I have a 30 gallon tank with 12 celestial pearl danios, 12 harlequin rasboras and 6 kuhli loaches, can I add a female betta? I understand that CPD are very shy fish and I don't want to stress them out by the betta being there. I also don't want the betta to be stressed by all the small fish...
  2. C

    Help me stock my tank!

    Hey! I’ve got a heavily planted 15 gallon tank which currently has 4 guppies, 3 amano shrimp and two snails. What else should I put in there? I’ve been looking at small schooling fish like chilli rasboras and maybe a female Betta? Any ideas?
  3. M

    Walstad tank stocking

    I am a beginner and have a 15 gallon high tank(20"x10"x18") with plants like dwarf hair grass, anubias nana petite, ludwigia super red, Bacopa caroliniana & a few water lettuce. There are 6 widow tetras, 5 cherry shrimps & 1 spotted nerite snail. They have all been doing fine for about a month...
  4. R


    Looking at getting more fish for my community tank. I currently have a lot of tetra such as black neon, gold, redline, white fin, green neon. ect all community. I was looking at getting Cochu blue and silvertips. Good idea ? Or will fin nipping be an issue. I also was wanting dwarf pencilfish...
  5. April_ht

    70 Litre (18 Gallon) Tank Restart

    Yesterday, I came to the decision to swap my tank from cold water to tropical. I sold my WCMM and Corydoras, and now have an 18 Gallon tank empty and ready for a fresh start. I done a 95% water change and did not wash the substrate so as not to have to cycle again, though I suspect I may go...
  6. P

    Will these fish fight? help with stocking 55 gallon.

    Ok, so I’m pretty new to fish keeping and I was recently given a 260 litre/ 55 gallon tank. I’ve been playing with a few ideas but have settled on stocking with fish on the larger side. I am not sure if this will work as the gouramis may fight but any help would be greatly appreciated. I have...
  7. 7

    Best schooling fish for Dwarf Gourami in a 20gal?

    Hi guys! I'm new to this site. I have a 20gal (high) tank with pool filter sand and mopani wood. My current plan: - 2x m/f Dwarf Gourami (orange coloring) - 8x pygmy corycats - cherry or amano shrimp colony What school would complement the Dwarf Gourami and light substrate the best? (options...
  8. A

    Betta has a white bump on its side

    Hi, What is wrong with my Betta fish? It looks a bit like a tumour. They’ve had this since I got them a few months back, but it was considerably smaller, and has grown bigger since this picture. I thought it was due to stress at first as I had a few tank changes, but it’s been at least a month...
  9. Captain holt

    Oscar tank setups

    Would love some aqua scaping inspiration! Post photos of your Oscar tanks below :) This is mine currently. 5ft x 1.5ft x1.5ft. Home to: - 1 Oscar (Rudy) - 1 Senegal bichir (Bruce) - 1 albino sailfin pleco (Boris īī ) A wee bit on the small side but everyone seems happy :)
  10. Juliak

    Black Ghost Knife Fish and Bichir Tank Size Suggestions

    I recently bought a 2" black ghost knife fish. As of right now, he is in a 60 gallon aquarium with my 2 Senegal bichirs (3-4"), 2 rope fish (12"), 2 giant danios (2"), 1 dojo loach (5"), and 3 adult bronze corys. Most of the fish in this tank (bichirs, rope fish, and BGK fish are very calm and...
  11. Ellie Potts

    Community Tank Advice Needed

    Hey everyone! I'm relatively new to this forum but was looking for some advice. I'm setting up a 55-gallon tank (48" x 13" x 21") and would like it to be a community tank. I've recently been really into schooling-tanks with many different kinds of schooling fish. For example, one fish keeper...
  12. N

    Newbie - c.80-90cm wide/c.125 L tank suggestions, setup and general advice (upgrading from 19L)

    I’m a newbie who was gifted a small Fluval Spec 19L tank (″ (W 52 x D 19 x H 30 cm, for reference) with 5 armano shrimp and a few fish (not sure what they are!) about 4-5 months ago. I have some tap safe and water cleaner, and have been doing 10-15% water changes every 7-14 days. I'm in London...
  13. HevvyC

    New 20 Gallon Starter Tank - Advice? :)

    Hey guys, I've just bought a 100L/ 20 gallon tank and I'm waiting to pick it up at the moment. Very excited! It comes with 2 internal filters (both Aquael 700) and a heater which is great. I was looking into keeping some honey gouramis, platies, neon tetras and maybe some leopard cory's? Nice...
  14. Jimbob1223

    Setting up my 40 gallon

    So I've got a few small tanks at the moment, nothing bigger than 20 gallons though, and I have decided after thinking for a long time that I want to get a 40 gallon and use it as a peaceful(ish) community tank. I just have a few questions regarding the tank equipment and stocking. 1. I have a...
  15. E

    Community Rainbow tank (Pseudomugil and Others)

    Hi guys, has anyone had any experience with having a community tank of mixed rainbow species? i have a 55 gallon which I want to have the following: either pseudomugil furcata or Pseudomugil luminatus irian reds turqoise rainbows dwarf neons Boosemanis adolfoi cory bronzs cory maybe a trio of...
  16. ukdamon

    Frogs & Shrimp

    I have a fairly happy community tank, which includes African Dwarf Frogs and Cherry Shrimp. Unfortunately the Shrimp all seem to be vanishing. I think it's a couple of reasons. Firstly, they are hiding because of the fish in the tank, and secondly because I have frogs and I have seen the...
  17. ukdamon


    Hello and thanks for having me. I am new to the forum, but I've been keeping fish on and off for many years. I presently have a 60L Tropical Aquarium with community fish, some African Dwarf Frogs and some shrimp. I plan in the future to have a larger Discus aquarium.
  18. matchstickgeezer

    Hello... it’s been a while!!

    Hi. I just wanted to say hello as it has been YEARS since I last logged into these forums! I’ve had my current setup for 10+ years but during themat time I have kept everything from 100+ shrimps, to community fish, to breeding Kribs, to loaches, frogs and snails. Having recently had 2...
  19. Tool13x

    African Community Tank stocking ideas.

    I am trying to put together a stock list for a 55 gallon community tank and hoping for some input. I already have an Amazon River biotope and I was hoping to do a Congo biotope for this one, or at the very least stick with African species. The tank will be planted, sunken driftwood, and...
  20. M

    Lighting suggestions

    Hello. I’m setting up a new tank. It will house a variety of community fish and have live plants. The tank will be 36” deep. I am after some suggestions for some good lighting preferably LED. As the tank Is 120” long I want to put 2 or 3 light units across the width of the tank which will be 18”...
  21. L

    5 Clown Loaches in a 30 gallon?

    Hey I’m starting a 30 gal community tank and would love to center it around clown loaches. I do plan on eventually getting a bigger tank as they grow, but only have the 30 gallon at the moment.
  22. F

    First timer here!

    Hi all! Very happy to be part of this group! After reading a ton of posts, I'm still lost so hopefully someone can help me asap. We don't have test strips so we will be getting them today, but we live out of the city so if there's a chance we need anything else, id like to get it in the same...
  23. Cameronb_01

    Breeding Discus

    Hi everyone, About a week ago I identified a breeding pair among my discus, (due to their constant proximity and the protective nature of the male). From that point forth I started doing 25% RO water changes daily, increased the temperature from 28°C to 30°C and also changed their food to...
  24. N

    10 gallon stocking ideas?

    Hi there, I currently started a new 10 gallon 2 weeks ago that I am in the middle of doing a fishless cycle in. Here is a picture, although I am adding some microsworfs along the perimeter of the glass, a moss covered bridge made of coconut shell over the sand, and dwarf baby tears on a piece...
  25. A

    Shy fish?

    Is it possible for a fish to be shy? My variated platy lives in a 30l biorb with another platy, a zebra Danio and a black moor. It spends most of its time hiding either in the central coral or in the substrate at the bottom. The other fish are swimming about quite happily, so I don' think it's...
  26. R

    Stocking Gourami for 30 Gallon tank

    Hey guys, I’m getting my largest tank yet soon, and I’m hoping I can snag a 75 gallon, but I’m having trouble finding one for a reasonable price. I’m thinking I’ll have to settle for a 30 gallon. I’ve completely fallen in love with my dwarf Gourami I received after a friend of mine couldn’t keep...
  27. L

    Silvertip Tetra- Behaviour question

    Hi All! Recently (Approx 2.5 months ago) I introduced six Silvertip Tetra into my (new) community tank, they live alongside Paul (BN), 10 Neon Tetra & 8 Raspboros. They've all been living very happily but the last few days one of the silvertips is in my opinion acting a little weird. This...
  28. F

    Stocking help....

    So i had a betta that recently passed away. :unsure: The good news out of that is I get to pick out new fish. I have a ten gallon tank that my betta was in all by himself. I am kinda going in the direction of a community tank, and I have some ideas but i don't know which one would work out...
  29. V

    29 Gallon Angelfish Community Suggestions

    After a mass-die off of guppies in my 29 gallon planted tank, I've made the decision to restock the tank in a few weeks and I really want a pair of angelfish in the tank. However, I also have 2 platies and would like to add a few more of them to have a small school of fish in addition to the...
  30. AXsmasher

    Large 150cm * 150cm * 50cm tank (1125L) Stocking

    Hi, I'm pretty new to this forum so correct me if I have posted in the wrong place : ) thanks. I am setting up the above tank and it will be quite heavily planted (I am very experienced with planted tanks just not the fish). I would like a huge variety as my family would really like "Lots of...
  31. N

    Platy Disappearance

    Hello everyone, I discovered this site and decided to join, as everyone here seems helpful and friendly. I have a question about a mysterious disappearance. I have a 20 gallon betta community tank. In the tank is a crowntail betta, platies, cory catfish, and kuhli loaches. A few days ago, I...
  32. A

    Community fish ideas for new tank?

    I am thinking about upgrading my 16 gallon tank to a 50 gallon. I already have 4 male guppies and 7 diamond neon tetras, but i would like to keep a tank with much more types of fish. Anyone have any suggestions or ideas? my most recent plan is: 4 male guppies 10 neons 6 cory catfish 4 platy 6...
  33. M

    Community Fish Tank

    Hi! I have a 100 litre (22 UK gallon, 26 US gallon) Tropical Fish Tank which I Have had set up for a few years, but now, most of the old fish have died. I'd now like to start afresh, with a community tank. Currently, All I have in there is a bulldog catfish. Ideally, I'd like to have a tank...
  34. J

    Hey Guys New To The Forums! Help?

    Hey guys my name is Jake I have been keeping fresh water fish for around 4 years now. I just joined because I wanted to put myself into the fish keeping community a little more. I started this forum so you guys that have more experience than me can help me and others start and be successful in...
  35. P

    First Time Seeing Fish Eggs. What Laid Them?

    We have a 65 gallon tank, fully cycled but not fully stocked. It's an upgrade from a 20 gallon which was an upgrade from a 10 gallon. We've been novice aquarium people for 2 years. We've never seen eggs until now.    Our new tank contains:   - 3 Albino Cory catfish (1 we've had for a year+ and...
  36. J

    Larger Fish For Community Tank

    hey all, i am in the middle of slowly stocking my 3ft 190L(50 gallon i think?) i plan on having: 8-10 black neons 8-10 cardinals 8-10 glowlight tetras 5 sterbai corys 5 panda corys im looking for a larger feature fish or pair of fish that will not harm any of the other inhabitants. i like...
  37. K

    Update On My Tank

    HI, :)   This is just an update on my tank to those who have replied to my recent topics.   I rehomed my Reedfish, I know he's happier with a bigger tank and 3 other Reeds to keep him company.   My keyhole has started showing signs of improvement. I treated her in the medical tank with a broad...
  38. K

    Very Sick Keyhole Cichlid

    Hi, :)   I've owned my Keyhole cichlid, Fluffy, for about a month and a half now. and for about three weeks she's been extremely ill and I cant figure out what it is. I've tried everything, from anti bacterial, to anti fungal, to ich, to fasting her for bloat. she just wont get better. I also...
  39. K

    Looking For Advice

    hi,   I'm just posting to get advice on my aquarium, what I can add/take away, give my fish a more happy life, ect..   -I have a 55gal long -over filtered- one whisper 90gal filter, one adjustable, up to 60gal aqueon filter on the highest setting. -two heaters that keep the water at 78F not...
  40. K

    Rope Fish Dietary Concern

    Hello,   I'm asking before I take action as that always seems to make the outcome more positive.   I recently acquired a rope fish from my LFS. I did my research and read that because they've never been bred in captivity that they should be fed live or frozen food. I purchased frozen blood...