
The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    Very Sick Keyhole Cichlid

    Hi, :)   I've owned my Keyhole cichlid, Fluffy, for about a month and a half now. and for about three weeks she's been extremely ill and I cant figure out what it is. I've tried everything, from anti bacterial, to anti fungal, to ich, to fasting her for bloat. she just wont get better. I also...
  2. K

    Looking For Advice

    hi,   I'm just posting to get advice on my aquarium, what I can add/take away, give my fish a more happy life, ect..   -I have a 55gal long -over filtered- one whisper 90gal filter, one adjustable, up to 60gal aqueon filter on the highest setting. -two heaters that keep the water at 78F not...
  3. K

    What Species Is This?

    I'm not extremely new to the hobby, but I'm no veteran. I have a 55gal over-filtered tank with a school of different colored tinfoil barbs as the main attraction. But my question is this: I have a fish that was sold to me when I first started keeping fish. He was sold to me as a convict cichlid...
  4. AshleyNZ

    My Cichlid Adventure - 52G/220L Journal

    Have been inactive for a long while now, but I have returned from the grave.  After a few months of having my tank set up as a tropical community, completed with green-colored silica sand from a pesky algae, and nasty looking plants, I have decided that this is not the setup ideal for me!  ...
  5. hudsona85

    New Firemouth Cichlid!

    Went to my LFS and found this little guy/girl. Couldn't pass it up! Plan to put this one in the 75gal when I get it going!  
  6. Fiji

    55 Gallon Re-Stocking

    Hey everyone!  I've had a 55 gallon tank set up for about 2 years now (ph-7.9ish) running a Fluval 406 and Fluval U4 that had about 5 rainbowfish, 1 bn pleco, 2 juvenile clown loaches, 1Synodontis Angelicus, and 1 elephantnose. About a week ago my tank had a heater AND filter malfunction/tragedy...
  7. C

    One Cloudy Eye And White Growth On The Body

    Here are pictures: He's also lost colour, any idea what this could be? In the past he had growths near his mouth but I think they were harmless as they went away on their own.
  8. Hadexicon

    Finished Tank, Tips?

    Well I just finished my tank, I replaced the gravel with sand and everything I'll post the before and after photos, the fish are pretty beat up due to my firemouth BEING A LITTLE **** even my Oscar Toby is messed up.. Might get rid of Felix the firemouth anyway pictures: Before...
  9. D

    Mixed Malawi Tank

    So i want to know if i can add these fish to my current tank, Lemon Jake Peacock, OB Peacock, German Red Peacock and Blue Dolphin hap.   So my tank is a 72 gallon bowfront with a 55 gallon sump.  In the main tank i have tons of rocks for my Mbunna and swimming space for Haps and peacocks.  Also...
  10. C

    Female German Blue Ram Laying Eggs Without A Male Pair?

    About a month ago, I bought three female german blue rams and one male german blue ram. They were just random fish from my LFS, ie they weren't sold a breeding pair.   Recently one of the females started showing her colors and I noticed her and the male seemed to stick close together. Her belly...
  11. tetraodon_biocellatus

    Red Hump Eartheater Not Eating

    Hello world,       Two days ago I purchased a Red Hump Geophagus around two inches in length. According to my LFS he was eating readily but is now refusing food. I had him in my 55 gallon but my geophagus brasilensis was roughing him up so I moved him to my 40 breeder yesterday. All the fish are...
  12. M

    Need Some Planning Help

    Hi all,    So I am moving into a bigger apartment in a few weeks, hoping to have everything in and sorted mid Jan, at which point some space will be measured up and a new tank will be ordered.    Because I am super stressed about moving, I am preoccupying myself with what I may want to run on...
  13. Stoty

    Injured Fish! Fungus? Help!

    Hi,   I have an injured mumba from an attack.  I have had him in my QT tank for the last 2 days and have been treating with melafix.  A friend spotted him laying down in the sand in my mbuna tank.  He wasnt moving much when i put him in my QT tank, but now he is moving better.  His fins are all...
  14. C

    Extremely Territorial German Blue Ram?

    I got four GBRs three days ago, one male and three females. The male is obviously dominant, he claims his space but he's "friendly"about it. Two of the females are fine as well, they just swim around and don't really bother anyone. One of the females is extremely aggressive. She hides in a...
  15. C

    What Sex Is This German Blue Ram?

    See the attached photos, it's all the same fish. Here's another
  16. C

    German Blue Ram Cichlid Water Conditioning?

    Hey guys;   Thinking about getting a pair of German Blue Ram Cichlids. From what I've read, they require water that is on the softer side, with low pH (5-7). My municipal tap water is moderate on the hardness scale, but the pH is relatively high (~7.5).    Do you have any suggestions on how to...
  17. jimbooo

    Blue Rocks For Sale - Used In Cichlid Tank

    Hi,   Ive moved away from chichlids and back to planted tanks and have a load of blue rocks for sale.   there are roughly 20 to 25 rocks as seen in the pic below.      each rock is between 15 and 25 cm long (1 to 2 kg each I would guess)   any takers? I'm looking to sell the lot in one go so...
  18. N

    Please Help Id Mbuna Species And Sex

    Hi All, I've waited for my pet to mature before asking for help in identification.  She/he has matured into a very beautiful Mbuna and I would love to add several others.  I've been searching over the last year unsuccessfully.  The closest I've come is the Metriclima family, yet there are stark...
  19. alexshaw

    Jack Dempsey Cichlid, Eggs Need Help.

    Hello all I have two Jack dempsey's, in my 400L Tank. One is female and the other, male. I recently woke up to find they had laid eggs on a peice of slate in the tank. This was good news to me as i have been wanting to breed them for a while. The tempreture bump and live food helped well. I have...
  20. jimbooo

    Need Ideas - Suggestions As To New Set Up Please

    Hi All,   i need your brains as i have a mental block.   i have had a disaster in one of my office tanks over the weekend. its a Juwel Rio180 (40G). currently a malawi cichlid set up with lots of rocks etc.   the tank split a seam on saturday half way up and dumped 20G on the office floor...
  21. J

    Dragon Blood Peacock Black Dots

    Hello, just after some enlightening. I have a Dragon Blood Peacock just starting to colour up, believed to be Male from blue tinge on face and bigger spots of back fin. But anyway I noticed today after getting a close look it has many many little black dots/spots all over it, face to body to...
  22. lowcontrol

    My First Tank. Oscars And Plecos.

    This is my very first tank. I bought it almost a year ago as an already established tank.  It is a 55gal. When I originally got it, it was WAY over loaded. Three cichlids, two oscars, and two plecos. Guy was just gonna dump the fish and sell the equipment if I hadn't of got it from him. I was...
  23. lowcontrol

    Help With Identifying Cichlid And Possible Problem.

    I bought my first tank a little under a year ago, got a good deal on an already established tank.  One of the fish was this guy. I know it is a cichlid, but thats about it.  Also today when I went to feed the fish, he just kinda sat there floating just above the substrate, didn't even try to eat...
  24. C

    Bolivian Ram?

    Hello fellow fish lovers. I'm just confused. Is this a Bolivian Ram?  
  25. Tropical_Dave

    Pundamilia/ruti Island Cichlid Fry

    hello everybody, ive just bought some pundamilia fry which i am going to feed them cichlid veggie flakes that i give to my yellow labs. i was wondering though if i could also feed them high protein fish food? i know i cant give it to my labs as they would probably get bloat but i have always fed...
  26. monahan95

    Is My Female Sp 44 Holding?

    I've had my sp 44's for around a month (2 male 2 female) They are only around 2" and I haven't seen any breeding activity, however, I have noticed over the past few days that one of my females hasn't been eating and she isolates herself from the rest of the tank. She also has a small lump...
  27. N

    Please Help With Aggression Issues In 50G

    Hi All, I recently added 8 new pets to my 50G.  The pets currently are as follows: Kenyi: 2 Females/1 Male Cobalt Blue Zebra: 2 females? 1 Currently Juvenile Bumblebee: 1 sex undetermined/juvenile Yellow Lab: 1 sex undetermined/juvenile Mixed Mbuna: 1 sex undetermined/juvenile Psued Acei: ? 2...
  28. 3

    Green Terror, Male Or Female?

    I have a 1 year old green terror and im not sure if it is a male or a female. Any idea which it is?
  29. S

    Opinions On Cichlid Aquariums

    ok so i have a 500+ ltr aquarium, around 125 gallon i think id like some opinions on what people think of the stock list, any changes you think i should make or any additions? oscar x1 jack dempsy x1 convict x1 (maybe more?) green terror x1 texas x1 featherfin catfish x1 silver dollars x7...
  30. monahan95

    Species Identification

    I bought this African cichlid today and at first I thought it was a female kenyi, but once I got it home I done my research and it says that all kenyi are born blue and the male's will eventually go yellow with darker vertical bars, Notice that mine has started to show signs of yellow on his/her...
  31. AeonMapa

    Ebjd Journey!

    Hey everyone, this is my first post on here, and I hope to get a lot of support from you my fellow fishkeepers, and hope to be able to help you out as well   I just purchased a baby EBJD about a week ago. He's only 1" in length. Now I know that its recommended to get this particular fish a bit...
  32. monahan95

    My First Cichlid Tank, Need Help!

    Hi guys, I am going to be purchasing a Fluval Roma 200l on Thursday and i'm 99% decided that i'm going to go cichlid. I need some help deciding what species I should go for, the main thing I want is LOADS of colour :D. I have also read a lot about cichlid aggression e.g. don't mix Mbuna with...
  33. Y

    Hi Is My Female Sunshine Holding?

    Okay so i've had my 70 gallon tank cycled for about 2 weeks and yesterday i went and i picked up a breeding group of Sunshine peacocks. 1m-4f.  when i was floating them in the tank 10 mins later there was fry at the bottom of the bag! i guess one of the females were holding. but anyways this...
  34. Zeoth

    Super Aggressive Rusties

    Hey guys,   So I have a 55 Gal with the following stock:   Yellow-Tailed Acei x7 Yellow Lab x  7 Demonasi x1 Rusties x7 All fish are juveniles,the largest fish are 3 inches max at best.   The rusties are by far the most aggressive fish in the tank. They chase other fish, who come even remotly...
  35. D

    Input For 75 Gallon Tank

    Just looking for a little input on a potential 75 gallon stock list. I recently upgraded from a 55 to a 75, with some fish already in the tank so I'm going to be waiting a few weeks before potentially adding any more fish no matter what. The 55 was set up with fish for about 3 months before...
  36. CoryFever

    Driftwood In A Tanganyika Tank

    I recently bought a nice piece of driftwood at my local LFS with the intention to start up a South American apistos tank. I have changed my mind however, and I would like to start up a tank for the Tanganyika cichlids. I can't return the driftwood, and all my other tanks have no room. The...
  37. CrimsonBoli

    Think I've Messed Up...

    So I have been looking for a pair of Bolivian Rams for the past week. Visited my biggest LFS today and they didnt have any but they had some (what was labelled) 'Rams'  Upon asking advice if they had similar requirements as a BR they said they would be fine. (worried about the PH difference as...
  38. leah2296

    To Rehome Or Not To Rehome.

    I think I am in favour of rehoming but I need advice.   Many cichlids in my tank are 6-10 years old. One of the babies grew up into a big, mean nasty fish and he now rules the tank. He is gorgeous (the photos don't do him justice) but he is absolutely ruthless. He plucked out the eye of another...
  39. gizzmo3017

    Can Someone Help Me Identify What Kind Of Cichlid I Have?

    I purchased this cichlid a couple months ago along with some other cichlids (which all died except a very small fire mouth). Its a really neat fish that swims around and explores all the hiding spots I had for my African cichlids. It may have also killed my mollies
  40. K

    Cichlid Not Swimming Properly

    Hi I recently added a pair of Keyhole cichlids in my 180L tank with Angel, Gourami & blue rams. And just after 2 days, yesterday I noticed one of the cichlid isn't swimming properly, infact having difficulty in swimming. Rest of the fishes seem fine, I test water every week and do regular water...