
  1. S

    Bristlenose Pleco with blisters (?)

    I just finished my monthly 50% water change/gravel vac, and noticed my bristlenose pleco has blisters or something on her face and side fin, and she is breathing rapidly. She was fine yesterday but I didn’t see her right before the water change. I isolated her with melafix and low light but I’m...
  2. D

    Hey Glugs? Lol

    Hey guys, hope you’re all well. I’ve kept koi for awhile now but I’ve recently done my first aquascape. I’ve signed up because this is all new to me and I’m hoping I can get some great advice. I have a half open top tank and that's why the water is lower by 8 inches from the top if any fish...
  3. C

    Albino Bristlenose - Red on head

    Hi all, I noticed this morning that my Albino Bristlenose head is red. I can't get a picture of it. It doesn't look like it's a sore but rather under the skin. The fish is eating fine and carrying on as usual. Just a bit worried. This is the first Albino Bristlenose I've had.
  4. SaFyQ448


    Hi, I have a 37 gallon planted aquarium that has so many plants. I recently have got an explosion of trumpet snails in the tank. I hardly even put food or nutrients into the water and do 2 week 50% changes on the tank due to there only being 4 Cory’s and 1 bristlenos. I guess I’m indifferent...
  5. S

    Bristlenose Plecos

    Hi all, Hopefully an easy one.... I have 2 female Bristlenose plecs in my 4ft tank and was wondering if it would be OK to introduce a male? Kind regards, Mark.
  6. I

    Elephantnose with black shark

    Hi, I've had fish for years now but new to TFF I've got a elephantnose, pentadon butterfly fish, spiny eel and a few bristlenose I was just wondering if I could add my black shark once I upgrade the tank as will be going either my 5ft tank or my 8ft tank depending if I can find/make a pond big...
  7. C

    My Bristlenose looks really sick?

    Hi, I’m really hoping someone can help please. I’ve had this bristlenose for just over a month. I previously posted to find out it’s gender but was told it in unhealthily skinny. After this I bought some bog wood for it, fed it pellets every 2 days and gave it a fresh piece of cucumber every...
  8. E

    Missing plec

    Morning, bit of a weird one but our bristlenose plec has gone missing! We’ve searched high and low, done a water change to see if he was under the ornaments and nothing. He was there yesterday morning and now he’s gone we are stumped! has anyone had this before? Even if the other fish have...
  9. C

    Bristlenose female or male?

    Hi, I did post about this bristlenose a couple of weeks ago. I had a hunch it was male when bought as female. Since a couple of weeks ago, his/her bristles have grown even more. And grown on his/her head - which by my understanding would mean it was male but I’m no expert so wanted to check to...
  10. JamieTYV

    What is this on my BN Pleco?

    Hi, So I recently noticed some white cotton-ish growth on my male BN, around his gills - started on only one side and then quickly became evident on the other side too. I immediately took some photos and went to my LFS who suggested its probably a fungus (i suspected this!). I purchased some...
  11. JamieTYV


    Hello! Fingers crossed someone can help... I have a large, established tank with a variety of fish, my parameters have been good and stable for a long time... 6 x peppered corys 1 x Male Betta 6 x Female Bettas 6 x Glass Catfish 1 x Female BN Pleco Recently I introduced a Male BN Pleco in the...
  12. C

    Bristlenose female or male?

    Hi, Please could I have some help sexing my bristlenose? He/She is around 8cm. It was bought as a female blue eyed bristlenose but with the bristles I’m a bit concerned that she is a he. Sorry for the terrible photos. If you need more in different angles please just let me know. Thanks in...
  13. C

    Is my Bristlenose a male or female?

    Hi, I was just wondering whether my pleco is a male or female please? I always believed him to be a male but it never really mattered as I only had him but now I’m considering getting him/her a friend. Thanks
  14. 3

    Fungus issue?

    When I turned my tank lights on this morning I realised this fish had white markings on it. I am currently getting rid of an ammonia spike. Think it was caused by the bristlenose kicking all their eggs out then they started to fungus and I didn’t realise. Also when I feed them they kick their...
  15. 3

    Pleco kicking out eggs

    Just came home and found eggs but saw them across the tank floor. It is my first time breeding bristlenose I only moved the male in yesterday. Should I do anything? There is two female and a male.
  16. kbowns

    Raphael catfish

    Hi ,new to posting but I've been keeping fish for nearly 30 years but just want to know has anyone kept Raphael catfish with bristlenose plecs. I have 2 quite large Raphael catfish that really spend most of their time hiding away in their hiding holes, but I would like to add some bristlenose...
  17. C

    Bristlenose Pleco

    Hi there, Just got a bristlenose pleco about 4 days ago and noticed it growing (more?) bristles on one side of his face? Kindve white? Any ideas?? Healthy :)
  18. S

    Albino pleco babies

    Hay guys. So my boy has been tiresly looking after to what I think much be around 25 baby plecs. Argh, he’s been in the fry net and cave since 3 days ago, babies have been hatched a bit longer and are growing big and strong. Any idea when I should kick dad out? He’s in a net cage there is access...
  19. L

    Injury on Bristlenose Pleco

    Hello everyone! I’ve recently noticed this injury/sore on my gold Bristlenose and I have no idea what it is.. I can’t find anything online that looks similar so I’m really worried. he’s super shy and I barely ever get to see his belly and certainly don’t usually get close enough to the tank to...
  20. 3

    Breeding Bristlenose

    I am wanting to breed some Bn. I already have a male who is ready to breed I think. I’ve got a 80l (20g) High and a 10 gallon (50l). Both tanks have already got fish and are matured and cycled. Do you think I could keep the parents in the 20 and let the fry grow out In the 10? I will need to ask...
  21. D

    Female Bristlenose Pleco (FL, USA)

    Livestock: Female bristlenose pleco Age and condition: approx. 1 year old, no record of any illness, approx. 1-2 inches in length Quantity for sale: 1 Reason for Sale: I was hoping she would be male when I got her about a year ago, but unfortunately she's a female. Delivery or Collection...
  22. grymeths

    Getting a new tank and need a second opinion

    Hello fellow fishkeepers! This is going to be a long post so please bear with me! I am new to fishkeeping - used to have them when i was younger but wasn't really paying attention, and was just reintroduced into this world again a few weeks ago! Unfortunately i currently only have a 5 gallon...
  23. N

    What to feed my Plecos who won't eat green things

    Hello all, I have one albino bristlenose pleco (4 in) and one (possibly) zebra pleco (3 in). 20-gallon tank. I didn't buy them so I'm not completely sure about the second one. They have grown quite a bit since I got them and their fins seem much healthier, but they are quite sluggish even though...
  24. I

    Goldfish and plec tank

    Hi there, basically I’ve got a tank that I’ve had set up a while and over time my fish have eventually passed on but i have still got left my full size bristlenose plec and I was wondering if I was to slowly reduce the temperature from about 25 to 23 degrees Celsius if I would be able to have...
  25. M

    BGK + Tiger Barbs + Bristlenose??

    I just got a new 43 gallon tank and i have a small bgk (12cm) in it at the moment. If i add 3 bristlenose plecos and 10 tiger barbs, will i have a problem with aggression from any of the fish? Thanks if you guys have an answer.
  26. J

    Bristlenose catfish tail rot

    Hi, Can anyone suggest treatment for my bristlenose catfish. Tail is rotting. Bristles on face are fine. Other catfish in tank has no issues. Tank is 150L. No other fish in tank (tetras) have any fin issues. Tail has been slowly deteriorating for weeks. I've tried methylene blue dip/bath for 10...
  27. MylesVinno

    Bristlenose Pleco Eggs Disappearing

    Hi everyone, Recently my bristlenose plecos started breeding (one male and three females). So far two times I have seen the male sitting against and fanning the eggs - around 15 or so. Each day the eggs become smaller in number and after 3-5 days they are gone without a trace. I have one...
  28. cowgirluntamed

    I Got My New Babies!

    Yay!!! My two new super red calico bristlenoses are in!!!! They seem nice and feisty. I have a couple of pictures of one of them. So I thought I would share!! Enjoy!! Ps- they are about an inch long. This one wanted to be on the suction cup of my marineland heater. Lol.
  29. RCA

    Upside Down Bristlenose Plec.

    One of my Bristlenose is lying upside down from time to time. It seemed to start after I put a black and white rock in the aquarium, however this maybe coincidence? I removed the rock during my latest water change last week. Generally he hangs around his man cave, and grazes on Bogwood. He...
  30. T

    Lumps On Bristlenose Catfish

    I’m not a big time fish keeper, so I’m not the most educated beyond the basics, but I do love my fish and am worried about one of them. Can any experts tell me what’s wrong with my Bristlenose? He’s not acting any differently, he just suddenly has these lumps on his head. I’ve already asked on a...
  31. Wigster

    Mix Of Fish For Sale

    I am selling/giving away all of my fish as I do not have the room for the tank in my new place.   The fish for sale are: 1 x Silver Dollar (Quite large, couple of years old, nearly 5 inches in length.) 1 x Bristlenose Catfish (Mouth is a little weird on it, but had it for 2 years now and it's...
  32. mbeer21

    Momo Makes Himself At Home

    I bought a new cave for my BNs yesterday (hoping my Marble is a girl and perhaps breeding might happen) but when I got it in the tank I realized how small it was and was disappointed thinking my big boof-head male BN Momo wouldn't fit in there.   Was pleased to wake this morning to find I was...
  33. Valiant

    Internal Bleeding?

    My BN has a red patch on his/her belly and also red skin on half of his/her body. I heard this could be a sign of Internal bleeding, stress and if he/she is ready to breed. Please help! What should I do?
  34. cheesy feet

    Cheesy Feet's 30 Litre Planted Aquarium

    I'll have to get my proper camera out and take some pictures of the fish and slightly changed layout (the rock is now vertical, with the moss attached with some plant netting), but here's some pics from my phone: [/URL]   Sooo. I got bored and decided to set up another little planted aquarium...
  35. S

    Bristlenose Eggs - Are They In Danger?

    One of my male BN is harbouring his eggs in his cave I'm just curious whether I should move them. They're in a tank with about 12 corys 6 peppered 6 Julii and about 8 or so other BN 6 female 2 male and 8 rummynoses.    - Thanks Smelliot
  36. ReddSamurai

    Fishy Pictures

    sorry about the poor camera