
  1. V


    Hello, I've only gotten into tropical fish keeping about 3 months ago since I took over the family aquarium. In the aquarium at the moment is grey gravel with the odd bright coloured rock, it looks disgusting. I was thinking of switching to sand so I could put live plants in and also for looks...
  2. V

    Tank design

    Hello everyone, In the last 2-3 I have taken over my family aquarium as our goldfish all died from old age! The tank is 20 gallons (75 L) and is looking very basic. At the moment in the tank I have; X2 Dwarf Gourami X2 German Blue Rams X4 tetras (2 cardinal and 2 orange ones I'm not sure what...
  3. V

    What type of algae is this??

    Hi everyone!! New to this site and aquariums! I've had my freshwater tropical community tank up and running for about 2-3 months now and I've had one reoccurring problem. This black algae keeps coming up and I have no idea how to get rid of it?? Any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks in...
  4. J

    New To The Hobby, 20 Gallon Long Stocking Ideas?

    Hi, I am very new to this hobby, and I'm going to get a 20 gallon long soon, and I need stocking ideas. 2 fish that I would like to keep are a dwarf gourami, and neon tetras. What are some other fish that will get along with them and not overload my filter (I plan on over filtrating). Thanks!
  5. FroFro

    Just Planted!

    I got some dwarf grass from the LFS in those weird gel packs. After cleaning it I broke it into much smaller clumps, stuck some of those weird flourish stones deep into the gravel, and popped the clumps within six inches of each grass clump. My cories seem VERY interest in these plants...
  6. A

    Problem With Neon Tetras

    I'm new to this and I've learned a lot in the last week, but I'm sure I've already made more mistakes than I realize. I bought a 1.5 gallon tank because my parents told me that would be good for the five tetras I was getting at the time. I got them and set everything up but I only had one fish...
  7. Flinkbag

    Please Help! Fish Breathing Very Rapidly!

    I really need someone to respond to this post asap!   I had an issue a month ago where i had foamy bubbles forming on the surface of the water, and all my fish seemed to be struggling to breathe. Now the bubbles are back in a much more mild form, yet my fish are all breathing ridiculously hard...
  8. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    I have decided to start keeping fish. I have set up my tank with real plants and used Tapsafe when I added the water. I put in flints from the garden which I washed thoroughly having checked that they are suitable for tropical fresh water tanks. The nitrate and nitrite readings are really high...
  9. fropuf

    New Danio Tank Help

    Hi.   My brother wants some fish, and he already has selected the fish he want's: 5 danios (Glofish) I am going to have a 33 gallon for him soon to use, and it has a filter, heater, everything. I need to know how much maintenance this species will need, as well as how well they can deal with...
  10. X

    Beginner Help Required!

    Hi, I am new to owning a home aquarium and i am in urgent need of some advice from any veterans out there. I recently purchased a 64 litre Interpet fish pod which came with a thermostat heater, thermometer and CF2 cartridge filter. I set the tank up as instructed, introduced my substrate...
  11. W


    I am new to the aquarium world and am in the process of cycling (fishless) my 75 gallon tank.  The plan is to stock with African Haps and Peacocks (approximately 20 total) when the tank is established.  Currently I am running 1 Cascade Canister 1000 (265 gph) filter and one Penguin 350 (350 gph)...
  12. T

    Stocking Options

    *Please Note, I will not be putting new fish in for a few months, until April, or May.   I currently have a ten gallon tank stocked with a Dwarf Gourami, and two guppies. I was wondering what else I might also be able to add in a couple of months. The reason why I am asking now is so that I can...
  13. LibertyMoore

    New To Fish-Keeping!

    Hi,   I have never kept fish before, but have just bought a 25L fish tank. I know 25L is not very big, but I do not have any room for anything larger.I am not planning to have many fish, but I wondered if anyone can give me any advice on what fish I can keep in this tank? I don't want them to...
  14. L

    Help! Possible Sick Spotted Raphael Catfish

    Hello! Just over a month ago, I started up my first 20g freshwater fish tank. So far I have five cherry barbs, one dwarf gourami, a spotted Raphael catfish, and a beta fish. All has been going fairly well, but about two weeks ago I noticed a few of my barbs having long white stringy waste (which...
  15. mrstwalker

    New To Planted Tanks, Advice Needed!

    So this is going to be a few months out, but I want to gather as much information as I can before I begin this process!   I have always wanted show quality butterfly telescope goldfish. And when I move in the next few months I think I will be at a place I can start the process. I have also...
  16. M

    New To Fishkeeping, This Is My First Tank!

    Hi Everyone! Well I've wanted to keep some tropical fish for a while now and after plucking up the courage to do and after reading these forums I bought my first tank. It's a Juwel Rekord 700 (70l) with filter and heater included (as with most juwels). Finally got delivered yesterday and...
  17. starlitsunrise

    Aquascaping After Cycle?

    Hey guys,    I have two tanks at the moment and I want to aquascape both of them. My 10 gallon has been cycled for a month and a half and currently has a female betta and a female african dwarf frog living in it, as well as a few java ferns, some java moss and an anubias. My 5 gallon is in the...
  18. M

    Nirtite High... Everything Else Is Fine?

    Okay so I'm new to the fish keeping hobby. I have a 29 gallon, a 10 gallon & 5 gallon... go big or go home right? I've had the same problem with all of my tanks. Very high Nitrite and nothing I do seems to fix the problem. PH - 7.5 Amm - 0.25 Nitrite - 5.0ppm Nitrate - 20ppm Heaters in both & I...
  19. A

    Immaculate Biorb 45 For Sale, With All Paraphernalia

    Price - £125   Unlike most used Biorbs on sale, this tank is in almost PERFECT condition, with no visible scratches. (I'm sure there are a few below the level the substrate sits at, simply due to the nature of the abrasive volcanic rock used by Biorb, but even these are indiscernible. These...
  20. mrstwalker

    55Gal Heater Or Heaters - Help!

    Would it be better to buy 2 smaller heaters for a 55 gallon tank for each end of the tank or would 1 300watt for up to 75 gallons heat the tank evenly?? Thanks!!!
  21. mrstwalker

    Pregnant Platy - Help!

    So I've had my platies around 3-4 weeks now. I believe one of my females was newly pregnant when I purchased her. She is very round now and her stomach is starting to get "boxy" like everyone has said before they give birth. Her stomach has looked like this going on 2 weeks now. She has been...
  22. mrstwalker

    I Want African Dwarf Frogs

    So, I really love the African Dwarf Frogs in my local pet store. I am considering getting some so I have a few questions:   Do they need a filtered tank/moving water? Do they do well with peaceful fish (platy/corydora) ? What do they eat? Do they ever need to come out of the water?    And any...
  23. mrstwalker

    Is My Fish Pregnant?

    Hi So it has been quite a long time since I have kept fish, recently I got 6 platies for my tank. I wasnt trying to breed them so I chose them randomly, sure enough I ended up with 3 males and 3 females (one of which could be a late developing male, i cant really tell, but we will just stick...
  24. ashcole1989

    95L Freshwater Tropical Tank

    Hello all and welcome to my journal and documentation of my tropical aquarium experience! So around a month or so ago a friend of mine got himself a nano tank, and after seeing it and helping out with some research I got the bug; I wanted my own tank. As a kid I kept a very small tank in my...
  25. mrstwalker

    Platy Questions

    I have always had Platys, however never knew much about the hobby. My platys have always been happy and healthy, but I want to get more serious about the hobby because I want to start breeding/selling.   10 gallon tank   First:  What should the pH be for platys. (Please no super technical terms...
  26. mrstwalker

    Clown Loaches

    Hi there!    So I recently discovered the adorable Clown Loach! I want to set up a community tank with them, here are the fish I was thinking of homing with them:    Clown Loach (3)  Platy (4) Corydora (2) - either dwarf or albino  Bala Shark (3) - yes I am aware balas need a large tank, I will...
  27. mrstwalker

    New To Gouramis! Help!

    I have seen some Gouramis in the local fish hobbyist store and have seen some on here. I am interested in adding them to my 20gal. tank as a community fish. What fish pair well with them? What is the best tank size? Basically I need general information about Gouramis   THANKS!
  28. Antoniakr

    Hello Everyone! - I'm New

    Hello everyone, i am new to this forum. i have decided to start using forums as i want to note everything i learn down so i will never forget. And getting help from experienced fish keepers will be fantastic. I am going to start breeding Platys. I still need to buy everything yet but i know...
  29. BabyMatthew

    My Moneywort Doesn't Look So Well

    Hi, I recently added a small live plant, moneywort, and it's growing nicely and rooting into the gravel but I noticed the bottom leaves aren't as green as when I bought it. The top part of the plant near the light is doing well but again, the bottom is not as lively. My tank has no fish and it...
  30. Julianmiles123

    Female Guppy Help

    I bought 6 females from my local pet store hoping too breed them with my two males an when I got home I noticed a baby in the bag so I figured one of them where having baby's but later saw that they all have what looks like a gravid spot I canst really tell cause they are all dark at the tail...
  31. W

    Stocking 20G High Tank

    I am getting a 20 gallon tank tomorrow. I am planning on the fish I would stock it with and how I would cycle it?   My current plan for fish is: 2 Dwarf Gourami's 3 Guppies 4 Albino Cory Catfish 5 Silver Hatchet fish I ran this through and it sad 99% stocking capacity.   I was...
  32. sharkydog

    Java Moss

    I am thinking of creating a landscape-look for my tank and was wondering if java moss can grow on/in sand? I have seen that Java moss is often used to create a 'grass' type look and it seems like it doesn't need much to thrive. I've read that a few people buried their java moss partway into the...
  33. E

    Newbie Wth No Idea :-)

    Hi everybody,   I am new to aquarium keeping and very excited, although did not realise it was quite so complicated, before doing my research I was one of these who thought I could fill my tank with some water, put a few pretty things in and then add some pretty looking fih who would live...
  34. NeonTetra97

    Plants In A Biorb?

    Hi all,   I was thinking today that it would be nice to try my hand at keeping a real plant in my aquarium as opposed to the silk ones that are looking a bit tatty up close now :) I have absolutely no idea how to keep plants in an aquarium so any help would be great! The BiOrbs as you probably...
  35. sharkydog

    Celestial Pearl Danio(Galaxy Rasbora) Questions

    Just a quick, two part question: In a 10 gallon [heavily planted] tank, will 3 female celestial pearl danios be okay (because I've seen that the males can be aggressive), and will they be harmonious with either a single male betta(assuming that the individual betta will not harass them) or with...
  36. G

    My First Ever Saltwater Tank. Need Lots Of Help Please!

    I have decided to start my first ever saltwater tank. I currently have a 10 gallon tank, with the normal measurements of 20x10x12. I have a bio-wheel filter that cleans 100 gallons of water every hour, so it's cleaning my tank 10 times in an hour. I also have a heater. Also got the hood with the...
  37. G

    My First Cichlid Tank!

    So I am new into having an aquarium, and i am interested in cichlids. African cichlids to be specific. I bought a 10 gallon tank, with a filter that has a bio-wheel. It cleans the complete tank 10 times in a hour. (Sorry, i don't know what you call this) The guy at my LFS told me i could have...
  38. T

    5 Gallon Or 10 Gallon?

    Completely new to this forum. I have experience with many frehwater aquariums but have never tried saltwater till now. I don't have a ton of extra spending money, so keep that in mind. All I want is basic solid nano tank.I want to be able to keep a few basic corals and few small fish. I...
  39. mikerawr

    I Don't Know What Fish I Have.

    Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and a beginner at keeping fish. I've had a tank for a year now and I've made numerous additions and deletions to the flora throughout this time. However, I've had pretty much the same fish for this entire time. I started with some tetras and my friend put some...
  40. S

    Ammonia Levels At 8.0 Ppm! Help!

    Hello, We recently noticed that out tiger barbs were just laying around, not eating as much, and losing a lot of color. We are beginners so we do not know much about taking care of fish tanks. It is a fairly new tank it is about 2-3 weeks old. So we bought an API Liquid Test kit and the levels...