Hi, I have a planted tank that’s in the process of cycling so while I wait I’d like to know how many of each type of fish I can have in my aquarium. Please let me know how to adjust my numbers so that everyone has room and the bioload isn’t exceeded. I have the tetra ‘starter line’ 105L/27...
Hi! I am totally new to this forum and also the fish world! Yesterday I bough a African dwarf frog who is cohabitating with a few other fish in a ten gallon tank! I called the pet store last night because I was concerned because at first he was swimming around a bit and now he’s just laying...
Around 2 weeks ago I bought 3 new African dwarf frogs to live with my current frog (I’ve had him for 4 years) who seemingly all looked healthy and happy!
All was well until 2 days ago, one of the new frogs suddenly died. I thought it was just because of stress or age, I found him dead floating...
I’m very new to this but just recently adopted an ADF & he has a big white spot on his back. Should I be worried? He hangs out around the tank sometimes at the top of the water & sometimes at the bottom. He’s always stayed very still since I got him. Just want to make sure he’s not unhealthy or...
so im pretty new to the aquariam hobby but i want to get an African Dwarf Frog. ive done tons of research and think im ready. however i was wondering some things.
i want to get a 10 gallon tank
recommendations for best heater and filter for ADF?
Also do the plants need to be real, and if so...
I currently have a male betta veil tail in a 3 gallon tank and he is fairly docile and tame. I've only ever owned my betta because I took him in after having to use a betta fish in a somewhat cruel and cramped ecocolumn experiment at school. I've been wanting to upgrade him to a bigger tank...
Just wondering what I can do about this problem. Ive bought a 13 gallon tank back in february, its a tall tank so the water level reaches quite high. I know the african dwarf frogs arent comfortable with a high water level so I had left the tank just over half filled. However waste keeps...
Hi all,
Ive had my african dwarf frogs for 6 months, i have 3 in a 65L tank. So far they have been in there own tank but i am thinking of adding some small fish, some middle to top swimmers, i really like the clown killifish but was wondering if they could be to small and become frogs food?
Hey guys I have a 3.5 gallon tank right now and I saw some African dwarf frogs at the store the other day and I thought they looked so cool! I haven't bought one, but I would like to. I've kept freshwater invertebrates before, so I have a little experience, just not with african dwarf frogs...
I have some transparent eggs, there are three of them and they are just resting on the gravel in my tank, I don't know what they have come from.. I have guppies in my tank one female which has just welcomed me with 14 fry, I also have a pleco approx 2/3 inches long and I have an African dwarf...
Hello, I'm new to the forum but I've been reading various posts for about three years now gaining insight about aquariums. I have a concern that I couldn't find answers to yet. I have a 5gal tank, it's been cycled and running for about 4 years. About a year ago I bought two African Dwarf frogs...
So, I really love the African Dwarf Frogs in my local pet store. I am considering getting some so I have a few questions:
Do they need a filtered tank/moving water?
Do they do well with peaceful fish (platy/corydora) ?
What do they eat?
Do they ever need to come out of the water?
And any...
Hey there i have a 5g tank with a betta in, i would really like to have 2 adf but will the betta eat the food because ive heard alot of problems about this... also i only have 2 terra cotta pots in the tank and 2 little rocks i have a base from the pot and i can use that for a feeding dish and i...
Does anyone have an African Dwarf Frog in a 10 gallon Top Fin aquarium?
There are small holes in the aquarium hood near the filter and one at the front for feeding. Does/would the frog ever manage to escape?
I have a 5g tank and was wondering which to have? I have had 2 adf before and loved them! I have heard its a gallon per frog? Also if i have a puffer it will only have 1 in but they are so cool!! Which one shall i have???? Also if i have frogs how many? And what plants can i keep with frogs...