advice needed

  1. R84achey

    New to fish! Blonde needing help!

    Hi Everyone, I have just purchased a 2nd hand Juwel 180. I’ve always wanted a tank however I’m finding everything so confusing. I’m currently giving everything a good scrub as the internal ornaments are filthy. They’ve had them stored in the back garden in a bucket ?. I’m cleaning them with...
  2. J

    Help with Platy

    Hi everyone, first time posting here and just looking for advice. Does this look like Dropsy in our Platy fish? And if you think it is, is there any advice on what we should do? Our tank is an established tank (about 3 year old). No new fish added for over a year and no sudden fish deaths. I am...
  3. Kat1053

    How should I go about switching to a new filter?

    So I just bought a betta but the filter that I have is quite strong and I noticed the fish is getting pushed around quite a bit (it’s one of those ones where there’s a little waterfall going into the tank) so I put a little sponge in the outflow but so the flow is slowed a bit and ran to the...
  4. R

    Very sick, Very Loved Betta. Treating for Columnaris. Please help me heal him. It's been weeks. Very Detailed.

    I copied this from another forum for help, here is everything I posted: What is the water volume of the tank? His home: 55gal community tank. Quarantine: 10gal, by himself. How long has the tank been running? His home: 4 months. Quarantine: Setup the day I noticed he was sick, he's been...
  5. A

    How to Cycle 5.5 Gal Betta tank

    I got a 5.5 gal tank today as an upgrade for my betta. I need to cycle it but I need to know where to start and what to do. Today I put rocks, water, the filter, and stress coat in the tank and a couple cups of water from my other tank. Is there a way to cycle without buying ammonia? Thanks for...
  6. D

    Guppies on top of tank?

    I recently got a beautiful extended trio of red lace metalhead guppies with a bunch of fry, and I also already had lots of fry in the tank. I just noticed that many of the fry hang out at the top of the tank and mainly stay in the same place. They don't seem to be gasping, but I want to make...
  7. S

    Stocking a tank.

    Hello,I have a cycled 25 gallon(95 lt) planted aquarium with one gold gourami(juvenile and really peacefull),5 panda corys,1 golden bristlenose,9 neon tetras,11 guppies and some ramshorn snails.Also,I have a corse sponge filter.What do you think,is it too much?Will some of the fishes be a...
  8. Dukefish

    Betta Sorority (6 Month Update) (Comments/Advice/Guidance Welcomed!)

    I last posted in August after recently doing the forum introducing you all to my first tank ever and my betta sorority: Link After some advice and research I made some changes and entered the Tank of the Month: Link It's been several months since I posted so I'd like to give you an update on...
  9. W.R

    Clown Killifish, good idea?

    Heya all, recently I've had my established 20L/5Gal tank emptied out (bare a few pregnant shrimp), and I've been thinking about what to stock it with, the filter flow is minimal, very many floating plants (red root and salvinia, frogbit) as well as some vallisneria gigantea, mosses etc. Ph is a...
  10. L

    Many questions from a “beginning” betta breeder

    Hey everyone! :) I’ve been trying to breed my betta for the longest time (At least over a year now) but I haven’t had any luck. My male would build a nest after I introduce my female, I gave him a few days(about 2) to build, and that’s when I put my female in breeding tank. I keep an eye on...
  11. T

    Need betta help

    I'm a young adult and this is my first time caring for a betta and I need help. I have my fish, Stick, in a nice 5 gallon tank, no sharp decorations, real plants only, but I also have an African dwarf frog. I haven't really seen them nip or fight other than when my betta gets too close for...
  12. Jennifer Gonzales

    Help! I’m moving LONG DISTANCE

    Hello all, I’m not a very experienced fish keeper... that being said, we are getting ready to move 10 hours away. I have a 40 gallon tank with 10 guppies, 3 mollies, 4 dojo loaches, 1 pleco, and a bunch of snails, as well as a 5 gallon fry tank with somewhere around 30-40 guppy fry. Re-homing...
  13. E

    Rosy barb breeding

    Okay so I have 4 females and one male in a tank and I’ve been trying to look for breeding online there isn’t any helpful advice 1. What do rosy barbs eggs look like? 2.where do they lay them? 3.does the female lay the eggs straight after she’s mated ? 4.what does it mean having the water few...
  14. onefieshcedrick

    How to Set Up a 10-gal Tank?

    I am looking into acquiring a 10 gallon tank for a veiltail male betta but have never worked with a fish tank before. Does anyone have a basic set of steps and things I need to set up the tank for my fish?
  15. N

    My new gourami is sick

    Today I got a new dwarf gourami from petsmart, but I didn’t realize there was an issue with it until I got home. I was hoping someone might have an idea what it is but I think it might be fin rot.
  16. Z

    Pond snail invasion 10g

    So I have a 10 gallon tank and it has become totally overrun by little pond snails. At first i was like oh cool free snails (having no idea) but now they are everywhere. Mainly lining the top of the water level. Is there a fish or snail that will help take care of this issue? I have 2 assassin...
  17. RenC

    Calling all fish tank decorators!

    My tank has been looking a little blah to me lately. Any suggestions on how to make mine look less empty and better than it does now? (Front two plants are live) I’m up for all suggestions (:
  18. C

    Help/advice African dwarf frog has reddish legs

    Iv attached a photo I’m saw online that red legs can be a sign of infection and I’m worried my frog has it. I have not noticed a change in appetite or activity level. I have had my two frogs for around 8 months, they have always been in good health. I’ve got a filter on my tank and change water...
  19. M

    Is my molly fish pregnant?

    I need help. I just added this fish into my tank less then a week ago. She/He seems way larger then our black ballon molly. Please help! If she is when does she need to be put into a separate tank? Anything I need to know?
  20. jennaalexismiles

    Betta throwing up?? Possibly? HELP!!!

    Hi everyone. After a lot of trial and error I’m finally turning to a fish forum to see if anyone can help me because I haven’t seen anyone with my situation. I added pictures of the “throw up”, my fish and the food he eats. I noticed what looked like maybe throw up, but I haven’t seen him...
  21. Allaboutcichlids

    Help! My fish is ill, any ideas on how to treat it?

    Hi everyone, As you can see from the images my cichlid is very ill. It has been like this for a couple of months now, slowly getting worse and worse over time. As you can see, there are lumps (which are very hard to touch!) all along the fins of the fish and its mouth has swollen which has...
  22. J

    Water too warm. Inaccurate thermometer?

    Background: I just purchased this 5.5 gallon tank kit and began cycling today. I've used quick start, stress coat, and a bit of fish flakes. The filter, heater, and thermometer are installed, but only the filter is plugged in for now. I rinsed and added black sand, and the tank is filled...
  23. C

    Please help! Fin rot

    Hi I am new to the forum, I have a 29g tank that has been fully cycled for about 4 months. I have sand but no live plants. I have 5 guppys and 5 bronze corys. About a week and a half ago I noticed one of my corys looked like it had the early signs of fin rot. I checked the nitrates with the...
  24. J

    Question about Betta fish

    Hi have a betta fish and a few khuli loaches in an aquarium at home. I heard it would be best if I fed the loaches at night with the lights off because they are most active at night plus my betta would eat most of their sinking pellets before they do if i fed during the day. However, if i did...
  25. L

    Please help!!! Betta Fish with facial swelling/injury (?)

    Please help! My female betta, Lady Fish, has what appears to be some swelling/roughed up area of scaled and whitish discoloration to the left side of her face. I just noticed this tonight, she looked perfectly fine yesterday. I'm not sure if this is an injury or some sort of...
  26. S

    SICK platy fish - please help identify the sickness!

    Hello, Can anyone recognise which sickness is hurting my platy tank? I have an idea, but I am not sure. Basically out of the blue (no new fish added, no change in diet, but doing weekly water changes), quite a few of my platies started having light patches on their bodies -at first i thought it...
  27. O

    Help! My anemone is swollen!

    Hello all. I recently purchased a Nano tank. I have 2 ocellaris clownfish, a royal dottyback, one Banggai cardinal and a yellow angelfish. (The yellow angelfish was brought to my tank only 3 days ago) I noticed around 2 days ago that my anemone had suddenly shrunk (It was never that big but...
  28. BrookLynn

    New Tank Advice?

    Hello! I haven't been on the forum in a while; last time i was i was still very new to the hobby, although i'm still relatively new, haha! I'm planning on moving my betta, Swim Shady, from his current little 5 gallon to a 29 gallon that I've recently purchased. Of course i want to set it up and...
  29. R

    White Spot on Betta

    Hello all, I am a bit worried about a white spot I spotted on one of our little guy’s scales. Any idea what it could be? I’m worried it could be the start of ick but worry about starting treatment without knowing the cause. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  30. B

    Weird white algae

    a small amount of white fuzzy looking algae has started to accumulate on some of my plants and around the intake of the filter. I recently re-aranged the plants and rocks to better suite the fish and I’m just wondering if this might be the cause, any help is appreciated
  31. bettabbypearl

    Betta Fish With A Torn Fin, Help Needed!!

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping, I have one Betta fish, I've had him since July. I keep him in a heated, filtered, planted, 10 gallon tank. He's a Dumbo Halfmoon, so he has pretty big fins, and up until now they've been healthy and growing really well. Tonight I noticed a fairly large tear on his...
  32. B

    Start of clamped fins?

    Hi! My new betta (double tail half moon) has been living in his 3.5gal for 4 days now after buying him from PetSmart. Hes very active but today i noticed the top of his double tail seems a bit clamped. The tank has a heater, temp is around 77-78F, filter and testing for ammonia this morning...
  33. BettaGirl_666

    Neon Tetra Help

    Hello! I was feeding my neon tetras this morning when I saw that one of them (the smallest) had gotten a black tinge on the top of it's dorsal fin. It's been nipping at the other tetras frequently today, and the days I've had it before it was rarely doing so. Is this normal with tetras, or is...
  34. JMuth

    A lot of questions; New Tank size, outdoors, rehoming and more

    So I’ll start with the main questions I’m looking for answers for: 1) How big of a tank should I get and how can I stock it? (I have some fish already in desperate need of an upgrade) 2) How should I rehome my goldfish? (There’s a few options and a lot of questions) 3) How do I work with weight...
  35. C

    New, looking for tips

    Hi, I'm new to fish keeping and am looking for any tips and advice anyone can give. The plan is to keep tropical fish, in a 90L tank starting small and gradually introducing more. Is there anything I definitely should or should not do starting off? Any information is appreciated. I have done a...
  36. F

    Sick Betta. HELP!

    My betta fish, Clifford, is in a 3.5 gallon tank with a heater and filter (and two moss balls). Last week I noticed blackish fin edges vs. his normal white fin edges. I suspected fin rot so I put him on tetra lifeguard and have been doing 50% water changes every day, at the end of treatment he...
  37. Annemarie

    Betta cloudy eye

    hello! So I’ve had an aquarium with a betta for about a month now. There’s some plants, a little bit of algae (but we’re taking care of it), a good filter, and a heater that keeps the water at about 77-78 degrees Fahrenheit. The ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates are in healthy amounts (0,0, and a...
  38. Ruby011

    Pregnant Platy - if/when can I put her separate

    Hi there! So I'm very green to tropical fish keeping. I suspect one of my platy females may be pregnant. I've tried to read up on the topic, but i don't see the "spot". She seems very social, except for one of the other female that keeps chasing her and seems to be nipping her belly. In my...
  39. Aeroase

    Help with Cory Catfish?

    Hi, I currently have a 10 gallon tank with some green and peppered cory catfish in it. One of the peppered cory cats looks very skinny to me compared to the others. It’s a little less active, but still more or less acting normal. I’m worried it’s in the early stages of some kind of disease, am...
  40. PetMaster

    Killer Fish on the Loose???

    I have a 5 gallon tank. All fish were male. Day 1: I placed 2 Mickey Mouse Platys and 1 Blue Platy in it. Day 1 (6 hours later): 1 Mickey Mouse Platy is missing, assume he is dead. Day 3: Introduce 1 Black Molly and 1 Dalmatian Molly with the 2 remaining Platys. Day 32: Both Mollys are...