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  1. G

    We've Had Babies!

    you can get a platic tuper wear contaner put them in it punch holes small enought hat they cant egt threw all over and put it in the tank. or even a mason jar with holes but them under the heater because by my guess it would be harder for them to get heat in the container/jar.
  2. G

    Looking For Some Guppies

    Hi, guys I was sure where to put this, but I have been searching high and low for new breeding stock I have gotten all of mine from the LPS and i am looking to get some from a breeder, If you have any that you would sell for even $1 of free or cheap plus shipping could you please PM me they...
  3. G

    Pregnant? Sorry I'm New.

    She probably is a Molly the Petco had her listed as a Datamation Wag? Also I got a Sun Dancer Wag? Looked both up and they don't exist lol both are probably mollies they came from the same tank. Looking forward to my little Molly babies :)
  4. G

    Pregnant? Sorry I'm New.

    Sorry I am new and I have looked at pictures of pregnant guppies and platy but I am still unsure. The yellow female guppy has a dark gravis spot an is much bigger than the other female. And the dalmatian platy is much bigger than the male platy width and length. PLATY...
  5. G

    Is My Guppy A Female?

    Thanks Guys, They were in a tank with males and females so my guess is the are probably pregnant already looking forward to the guppy babies. I have Mollies and I heard they were notorious for eating the fry should I put the moms in there own 2 gallon tank when they square off?
  6. G

    Is My Guppy A Female?

    Hi, Guys im new to this actually only got guppies within the past 3 days. I have 4 of them, i'm positive two are males and one is a female as I can see the black spot, but the garden center I got the other "female" says the guppy is a female but does not have the spot in the same area, it is the...