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    Praecox rainbows still sick. Help

    Would myxazin be better? The interpret anti internal bacteria says don't use with scale less fish and I don't want to hurt my cories. Interpret is the only one I can get from lfs else it's amazon prime time
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    Praecox rainbows still sick. Help

    Ah ok that makes sense. Thanks for the advice. I didn't know about the goldfish food being usable so I'll see if I can find some made of plant matter
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    Praecox rainbows still sick. Help

    Ok thanks for explaining. How would it get in my tank then? I haven't added any new fish in ages and no other source of contamination with other tank water from stores etc. I'll get some interpret internal bacteria medicine today as that's all I have access to where I am and see if the course...
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    Praecox rainbows still sick. Help

    I can't get medicated food here in the UK so I'll have to try liquid meds. How likely is it that its TB? Only the rainbows are showing any signs of illness and not even all of them yet. Got barbs, corries, pleco which are all looking fine currently. I can't bear the thought that they are all...
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    Praecox rainbows still sick. Help

    Hi all. My rainbows starting showing growths on their sides about 2 weeks ago. I have been doing 50% water changes every other day to see if they would recover naturally but the growths aren't going away. Any idea what this is so I can start medicating? One of them is looking quite lethargic...
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    Sick praecox rainbows

    Hi all, Need some help. My rainbows have been absolutely fine for like a year now but I got home and found one had passed away and two more look ill. The female looks very ill. Very thin and curved body/spine. I sadly didn't notice until now as she was hiding lately. The male looks like he...
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    Substrate for planted tank with Corys?

    Thanks byron. Do you know of any black or otherwise very dark sand substrates that are safe? I see the caribsea black tahitian moon sand mentioned a lot? Ive seen your advice to add oak leaves before so I'll look into that too. Best to boil them to sterilise before adding? As for the ferts...
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    Substrate for planted tank with Corys?

    hi all, committed to the idea of redoing my main 200l tank as its looking a bit worse for wear and i want to get a bit more advanced with planting and step up from crypts and java ferns finally. already have a reasonable light source in the form of the fluval fresh and plant 2.0 but looking...
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    Little white lump on panda Cory gills?

    Hi all, Anyone know what this little white lump is on my pandas right side between Gill and fin? Not seen this before. Thought it was fungus from a distance but looks more solid like a little piece of cream cheese or something. Also please excuse the algae ;)
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    Rainbowfish mixing

    Hmmm ok thanks all. Will give it some more thought. I have never seen splitfins in the UK but will enquire. Looks like I may be back to dwarf neon rainbows then. Beautiful fish no doubt. Let's hope I can find some better stock! Are there any other good centrepiece fish I am missing that like...
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    Rainbowfish mixing

    What if I added an additional filter? I have a fluval u4 I can add to the tank too. Or is it the nitrates that would get out of hand? I shall take another look at platys too. Thanks byron
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    Rainbowfish mixing

    Hmm ok I'll think about it some more. Which livebearers are best then? Platys seem very colourful and active to me I assume the 8 bosemani would need to be in there alone with the pandas? If all else fails I might just sell the 130 and save up for a 450l juwel rio haha :D
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    Rainbowfish mixing

    Unfortunately I'm ruling out livebearers purely because I could never give a fish up if they bred and became overcrowded like they so often do. Also I had guppies before and they were so damn delicate :( Thats what led me to rainbows in the end with the exception of praecox because they don't...
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    Rainbowfish mixing

    Hardness 18-19dgh Ph 7.6 tap Haha yes I meant Cory (thanks autocorrect). It is panda city with 15 of them though :D
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    Rainbowfish mixing

    Thanks as usual for the advice Byron. I'm at such a loss as to what to stock now. It seems all the fish suited to my water which I like are just too big for my tanks :( I took an interest in rainbows and Malawis because they embody what i love about fish.. colour and activeness. Same reason I...
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    Rainbowfish mixing

    Hi all. Quick question on rainbows.. I have had multiple people tell me it's ok to mix various pairs of rainbows together if it is a rainbow only tank but I want to know what this forum thinks? Is it ok for me to put 5 pairs in my 200l? Or should it be minimum 5 fish of each rainbow derivative...
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    Tanganyikan Lamprologines??

    sorry to bump my own thread but has anyone got any thoughts? need some advice before i go buy a load of rock as my fishless cycle ahead of schedule!
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    129 litre hard water set-up help

    thanks for your help. i did some more reading in the background too and started a new thread in the cichlid section with a few other questions including the multis/ocellatus question which you answered :)
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    Tanganyikan Lamprologines??

    Hi all, very interested in setting up a cichlid tank and want to know if a 130l fluval fresh f90 would be suitable for these smaller varieties having ruled out mbuna due to tank size. I have done some reading and like the looks of dwarf petricolas, neolamprologus (pulcher, leleupi and...
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    129 litre hard water set-up help

    I shall look in to them now. have been looking a lot into Malawi and Tanganyikans. are lamprologus ocellatus a possibilty too? and could they be mixed with multis? as for malawis are there any that would be ok in my tank? ive always liked the classic yellow lab and demasoni mix and think while...
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    129 litre hard water set-up help

    Hi all. Currently cycling a new 129 litre fluval fresh f90 90×35×45cm wxdxh and as the title says I have hard water in the order of 18-19 dGH. Ph 7.6 I want to keep fish well suited to this water and have concluded the better options (apart from livebearers which I prefer to avoid) are...
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    yes... another stocking inspiration thread

    i thought all males would fight and stress each other to illness? if not then great because i do love the sunset platy :D
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    yes... another stocking inspiration thread

    i do like the look of swordtails and have always liked platys and mollys too. only reason i dont have them already is because i worry with live bearers i would end up with too many fish after a while and i couldnt ever give a fish up if my tank became overstocked. :/
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    yes... another stocking inspiration thread

    ah yes good point i was remiss with that info! tank is 90 x 35 x 45 cm ( ph sits around 7.6 and hardness of tap water according to supplier is 23.5 deg. clark. (335CaCO3 mg/l or about 18-19 gH)...
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    yes... another stocking inspiration thread

    Hi all, finally making the jump to multi-tank ownership. picking up a lovely fluval fresh f90 (129 litres) and need some inspiration my current roma 200 is stocked with panda corys, lemon tetras, black ruby barbs and a lone praecox rainbow which i love so similar ideas appreciated. i loved...
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    better plant substrate suitable for cory's

    in that case i have the two bulbs you recommended already and i shall purchase new ones when i move. the current roma has LED yes but mine has the older 36" t8's. given these bulbs and if i start using seachem flourish as per manufacturers instructions what could i hope to get away with? i...
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    better plant substrate suitable for cory's

    to that end here is the rundown: fluval roma 200 - 55g 100x40x45cm (wxdxh) running zoomed flora sun and tropic sun - going to replace with flora sun and ultra sun soon fluval 306 external filter temp 23-25 celcius ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate never more than 40ppm ph around 7.5 average...
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    better plant substrate suitable for cory's

    fair enough! if i fancied black sand for a change would it be ok the caribsea stuff? or is it still not as fine/smooth as play sand? what ferts/tabs would you recommend? also; what plants would you consider for a 55g with play sand and ferts as mentioned above? currently with zooMed 6500k...
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    better plant substrate suitable for cory's

    Hi all, moving house in 3 weeks so am going to take the opportunity to upgrade my play sand substrate to something plants will actually grow in. I was considering ADA aquasoil amazonia but i read it turns to mud after a while and has to be replaced every couple of years. its also hella...
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    is this too much?

    Thanks as always byron :) Will stock up the barbs. would a few more bronze corys fit? I'm concerned about space too especially as the pandas are so good at multiplying themselves! had 6 originally and the rest are descendants. I've also always wanted a BN plec would one of those fit?
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    is this too much?

    hi all, want to stock my tank back up after some disease problems (stable for 10 weeks now). I had some advice previously on stocking levels but im concerned it seems too much? please advise or suggest alternative. tank: fluval roma 200 - 200l filter: fluval 306 external - rated for 300l...
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    Nightmare Still Not Over! Please Help :(

      what are peoples opinions on this?   i had received multiple posts from people saying this would not be overstocked??   13 panda cory 10-12 black ruby barb 10-12 lemon tetra 10-12 praecox rainbow.   did i infact overstock?
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    Nightmare Still Not Over! Please Help :(

    thanks for advice. I have been reading though and think these are infact case after case of dropsy :( I dont get how its still happening. I have medicated and am keeping water quality good (Am 0, Ni 0. Na<30ppm). I just want this to end. losing all my beloved fish is wearing me down to the point...
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    Nightmare Still Not Over! Please Help :(

    just removed another dead barb with the internal bleeding problem as described in OP :(