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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    Even though this seems to be working miracles for the white stuff on him, it is almost all gone now after only 24 hours, what is the best remedy for the fin rot?
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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    Okay so today, not even 24 hours after doing the water change that I detailed above, he is looking better, he seems to have less whitesih on him.
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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    I understand he is old, however <I have known people to have their betta for 7 years. ;) And as he is still perky and eating fine, I have a feeling that if I get control of what is hurting him, then I am sure he will be around for a little longer. It is hard to explain, but I have seen him...
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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    Ohh and some of the pics look kind of weird because there is an aquarium beside his that houses our fire belly toads. That is why you see different gravel and decorations in the background of some of the pics.
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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    Please feel free to ask any questions that you need to help him. I am obviously an inexperienced aquariumist, so I do not know what other information I can offer.
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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    The water is green from the tetra fungus guard. Today we are doing a 100% water change to take that out since it is doing nothing. His tank will be refilled with dechlorinated tap water. We will also add aquarium salt, bacterial supplement and stress coat. Sorry the pics aren't great, my...
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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    1 do two 25% water changes each week. He never lost his appetite and despite getting sicker looking has remained spunky. There are more fungus patches then before I started the treatment and his fins are getting worse, today I noticed that I can see the fin rays on his tail fins as well. So...
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    Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

    Hi all, I am new to this forum and am desperately seeking help for my poor sick Betta fish, Pablo. He has fin rot for sure... the fins on the side of his body are what is concerning me most. They are half gone with the fin rays exposed at the ends. He also has whiteish grey patches on his...