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    Upside Down Catfish

    This is really random but my upside down catfish was swimming near the surface, and I got to rub it's belly! It was pretty fun, and it also nibbled my finger. Loved it! LOL sorry, just wasted 10 secs of your life.
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    Clown Pleco: Wood?

    What type of wood should I get for my clown pleco? I read that mopani is good...anything else?
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    Redtailedshark Diet?

    So I bought a RTS a day ago. The first 24 hours, I didn't feed it. Then today I put in algae wafers, but it didn't even bother with it. Either that or because my 5 upside down catfishes swarm around it. How would you go around making sure the RTS eats?
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    Is RTS compatible with upside down catfish (nigriventris)?
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    Upside Down Catfish: Feeding

    I don't like to have floating food because it gets kinda messy for me. But my problem pretty much fixed itself, I fed them algae wafers today, and there was a huge epic feast, and all of them ended with a round belly. So I think you're right, they just needed time to settle in. And it's a good...
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    Upside Down Catfish: Feeding

    Only one of them have a really round belly, cuz it was the one that actually paid attention to the brineshrimp. I'll switch to frozen then. thanks
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    Upside Down Catfish: Feeding

    I tried feeding my upside down cats (got 3 of them 2 days ago, and other 3 today) freezedried brineshrimp, bloodworms, flakes and even wafers (hikari). A few of them do nibble on the brineshrimp stuff and wafers, but they don't really touch it. And even when they do want to eat the wafers, my...
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    Striped Raphael Catfish

    k guys, i got a spotted raphael to go with my striped raphael today. How do i make sure my spotted raph gets his fair share of food. My striped raph is quite adventurous and is brave enough to go wandering around for food anytime of the day/night, so im afraid it'll eat the food that was meant...
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    Striped Raphael Catfish

    holyyyy 38 years?!?!?! I didn't know they live THAT long O_O I just got a baby one two days ago :D I named it Mephistopheles lol. I'm planning to buy a Spotted Raphael to go with it haha.
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    56g, Pictus

    30"w x 18"d x 24"h
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    56g, Pictus

    is it okay to have 3 pictus cats in a 56 gallon column tank? they'd be the only bottom swimmers. and i'll prolly only have 1 gourami.
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    Striped Raphael Catfish

    I've seen a lot of them being really chubby and I thought it was pretty comical. I'm trying to get one, but I live in Canada, and it's hard to find interesting fish here. Wish I lived in the US or something.
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    Striped Raphael Catfish

    Hey, who owns a stripedraphael catfish? what's your experience with them?
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    Red Tailed Shark (Tankmates?)

    Hi, I just wanted to know if it's wise to put a RTS with cories and pleco (i'm planning to get a Gold Nugget or good ol' Sailfin) in a tank?
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    Thanks guys :) I've decided to scrap the gravel and the UGF. Sand all the way :P
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    Gravel Or Sand?

    Hi, I'm going to have a 56 gallon tank soon and I'm thinking of getting some Cory cats (around 6-7...hopefully). I've read that regular gravel is fine, just that they would be "happier" with sand. I also already have a pleco in my old tank (who'll be moving into the coming new tank) and I'm...