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  1. H

    German Blue Ram In Need Of Urgent Help!

    Unfortunately, my GBR was dead when I got up this morning. Noticed that she had a whitish patch on the side of her head too. Two cardinals and three shrimp left there anything I can do to stop this parasite attacking the cardinals?
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    German Blue Ram In Need Of Urgent Help!

    Ok, thanks. There are two cardinal tetras in there at the moment. I really don't know what to do with them!
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    German Blue Ram In Need Of Urgent Help!

    Thanks livewire. I know they're a sensitive fish in any case but this female did breed with the first male I had. Just a quick question: is it likely that this parasite will remain in the tank following the unfortunately inevitable death of this GBR?
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    German Blue Ram In Need Of Urgent Help!

    It's the API master test kit. My water is on the harder side of what a GBR'S would like usually, but these GBR'S were bred and kept in harder water. Just noticed that her anus is bulging as well...
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    German Blue Ram In Need Of Urgent Help!

    Yes, it's fully cycled. Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5-10 She's been fine for for months, perfectly healthy. It seems that whatever the last male had, it was contagious and now she has it too.
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    German Blue Ram In Need Of Urgent Help!

    Evening all, I have a female GBR'S in a bad way at the moment. She's been the tank stalwart up to this point and has seen out three males over the last four months. The last male I added was fine for around a month but then started to get listless, increasingly bloated, breathing exceptionally...
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    Cardinal Tetra With Indented Stomach On One Side, Any Ideas?

    I haven't unfortunately, but I've been keeping an eye on it when I've been feeding them and it seems to be getting its fair share, it's often the first to the top! It's so strange because this indentation and loss of colour is only on one side.
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    Cardinal Tetra With Indented Stomach On One Side, Any Ideas?

    Evening all, I've dealt with a whole host of issues in my aquarium over the last month. Firstly, I had a huge ammonia spike, during which I lost 2 cardinal tetra and a German blue ram. This I sorted with the help from the knowledgeable people on this forum. Next, I had an ich outbreak. It...
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    So sorry I didn't update you! I kept on doing very frequent water changes and I mean VERY frequent as in getting up at 2am to do a change. I also added a bubble curtain as I don't think the fact that the filter wasn't breaking the surface was helping things. Well it worked, but now I have...
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Another water change done - 30 litres this time. So that's 80% of the water changed today in two lots. Breathing has slowed down considerably, colour has returned to the rams, cardinals still a bit edgy, but no gasping at the surface (it's been half an hour since the last change. Think I might...
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Ok thanks. Ammonia was at 0.25 even though I did a 20% water change yesterday morning and a 75% water change at midnight (dedication!). I did another 20% water change today at around half eleven this morning. Fish are still gasping. Shall I do another change tonight?
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Well I got the water tested and guess what, high ammonia. I did another water change this morning and will continue to do one a day for as long as it takes. I do have a concern about the surface of the water not being agitated enough. The filter outlet in the Aquanano seems quite low and so...
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Another cardinal dead this morning. Am off to the local aquatic centre to get tank and tap water tested.
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Still alive but all still gasping at the surface and the worst thing is, the Rams are gasping as well now. Is there anything I can do (I'll do another water change today)
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Thanks for the advice both, I'll stick to what I've got then. Fingers crossed for a happy tank come the morning.
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Ah ok, what species of plant would you recommend? Water change done, GBR's have coloured up already, cardinals still very subdued on the bottom but colours have returned. I did want to introduce one more species of fish into the tank but having researched, am finding it quite difficult to...
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    My temp is at 28c. I've got another 12litres nearly up to 28 now so I'll put that in and then top it up with conditioned tap water at the same temp. Thanks so much. I'm hoping that when I get up in the morning, they'll all still be alive!
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Thanks for the advice! In the time since my last post, I've taken out 75% of the water. I had 12 litres of conditioned, heated water to put back in but I was wondering whether I should wait for the next lot of 12 litres to come up to temp and keep on doing batches of 12litres (it's as big a...
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    I don't have any of my ammonia testing kit left. I'm assuming that I'd see a spike in nitrites if it was high? Feel free to correct me...
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    No, brand new bucket only used for water change. I have 12 litres of conditioned, heated water in it at the moment. Should I do a water change tonight?
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    It's perfect according to the test sticks I'm using - They're the six in one tests. Zero nitrates/nitrites General hardness 8 Carbonate hardness 6 Ph 6.8 Chlorine 0 Thanks for getting back to me. Any advice much appreciated!
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    Help! Cardinal Dead, Possible Lack Of Oxygen?

    Hi all, This is my first ever post to the forum given that I'm new to tropical fish keeping. So around 6 weeks ago I bought an Aquanano 40. I waited a month before adding any fish. I tested tha water regularly, as I still do, and it was absolutely perfect, so I added its first inhabitants...