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  1. Dawnrader

    Head Down And Struggling

    Make sure she can maintain balance when swimming? She's not as bad as she was since i changed the water but she's still standing on her head at times. It looks like her tail is too light and is flipping her over. Does she swim on her side? no Does she rest for long periods on bottom of the...
  2. Dawnrader

    Head Down And Struggling

    Hi everyone, I've had a look round the net and not really come up with much. One of my female platys is headstanding but was fine last night. The tank is due for a water change tonight so i haven't done any parameter tests. I'll do those after i change the water, which should be about 25-30...
  3. Dawnrader

    What Is This?

    Well it's day 6 and i've just done the full 5 day treatment of Myxazin and it doesn't look like it's made any difference to the fish. Should i do a water changed and another 5 days or switch on to something else? The Myxazin hasn't made any difference to the filter which i'm thankful for, i...
  4. Dawnrader

    What Is This?

    Thanks wilder, was about to start crying before i saw your post. with the Myxazin, will my filter be alright?
  5. Dawnrader

    What Is This?

    I now have a second fish with the same sort of marks on it.... not good! I'm in the UK so can't get Maracyn over the counter. I'm going to do a big water change tonight, turn the heater to 74 and add salt, what else do you suggest? Any meds you can think of?
  6. Dawnrader

    What Is This?

    Can you recommend a good brand to use, or the name of a treatment? I've googled the disease but no treatments were stated. Cheers x
  7. Dawnrader

    What Is This?

    Can someone tell me what this is on my molly? I noticed it last night and took the pictures. Bit of background. I recently had a water issue which i have yet to figure out as to why it happened, anyway, my nitrates went mad and it took me around 10 days of daily water changes to get it fixed...
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  10. Dawnrader

    Sick Molly

    Has she lost her weight due to not Much? She's lost weight and it's noticable, but she's not emeciated The bumps do the look like tiny red pin pricks. no Are the little bump on top of the skin, or beneath the skin. On top of the skin Any redness to the bump. none do the bumps have a...
  11. Dawnrader

    Sick Molly

    Tank size: 110l pH: 7.5 ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 20 kH: gH: tank temp: 76 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I'm puzzled by the health of one of my fish. Over the last week she's become lethargic, lost weight and colour but is...
  12. Dawnrader

    Neon Tetra Dramas

    Hi Andy, I'm no expert by any means however i looked at your original fish and i'm pretty sure it's neon tetra disease. That's what it looked like when it started with my neons, they will slowly go white round the tail then the tail becomes deformed and they can't swim properly. Keep your eye...