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  1. L

    24 X 18 X 12" Aquarium & Equipment (Full Setup)

    Would you be willing to sell the tank on its own?
  2. L

    60 X 38 X 38 Opti-White Tank Aquarium

    Would you take £120 delivered??? Willing to pay now via paypal
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    60 X 38 X 38 Opti-White Tank Aquarium

    How many litres?
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    Anyone Swap 2 Male Endler Guppies For Two Females?

    Anyone swap 2 male endler guppies for two females? Text me or let me know asap 07544805616 I'm in south east London/Kent
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    Fish Acting Lathergic?

    Ok thank you
  6. L

    Fish Acting Lathergic?

    They have been in there a month Tank is just dwarf rams, 2 electric blue, 2 gold rams, 2 German blue rams, 1 Bolivian ram The surface has a spray bar moving it constantly
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    Fish Acting Lathergic?

    My ph is 7 and my temp is 27/28Oc
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    Fish Acting Lathergic?

    Fish acting lathergic? I have a fully cycled tank that is reading all the right test results and all apart from two fish are eating and swimming around ect? It's an electric blue ram and a German blue ram that are acting abit strange hiding in the plants and not moving all day? It could be my...
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    My Grass Is Going Abut Brown?

    Right ok, that's a good idea to help it spread but how do I keep the colour?
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    My Tank

    Thanks I just don't know why my grass is growing well but going brown
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    Ammonia High

    Yeah just a few flakes between 3 fish
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    My Grass Is Going Abut Brown?

    My grass is going abut brown? Dwarf hair grass how to keep colour nice and fresh because it's growing really well but abit off coloured?
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    My Tank

    thats a short timeline so far
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    My Tank

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    Is My Bolivian Ram Scared Or Ill?

    My ram is now settled swimming around and feeding And I'm sitting watching now and the ram definatly has the tiger barbs under control lol
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    Ammonia High

    Oh yeah I definatly will do and the key is water changing as I've found out
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    Ammonia High

    I finally think I've conquered the cycle, my ammonia now reads 0ppm nitrites 0ppm and nitrates 20ppm? Fish are happy feeding everyday Am I correct ?
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    Is My Bolivian Ram Scared Or Ill?

    It was left in the bag dropped in the tank for 30minutes, he's moving around abit now do I will see howit goes
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    Is My Bolivian Ram Scared Or Ill?

    From what I've seen today they are fine, i only put him in today
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    Is My Bolivian Ram Scared Or Ill?

    Yeah my water is about 24c and my water is 7ph? The tiger barbs are fine with my ram so it's not them
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    Is My Bolivian Ram Scared Or Ill?

    Is my Bolivian ram scared or Ill? He's sitting near the bottom in the corner, he's new to the tank today and I only have two tiger barbs?
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    Types/pictures Of Dwarf Rams?

    Really nice, I just bought a bolivian ram which I thought where abit dull looking but it's nice and colourful
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    Types/pictures Of Dwarf Rams?

    Types/pictures of dwarf rams??? Would like some inspiration of dwarf rams/cichlids any help?
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    Ammonia High

    I've just done a 50% change and it's back to normal
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    Ammonia High

    Nitrate is sitting about 20ppm and nitrite is about 0.25ppm?
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    Ammonia High

    Oh ok normally how long does it take for the bacteria to develop?
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    Ammonia High

    So how comes my tanks now gone from ammonia spikes to nitrite spikes?
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    Ammonia High

    Yeah thanks for the advice
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    Ammonia High

    No I let my tanks ammonia levels spiral out of control and I'm just getting on top of it and adding media from my established tank, Im on top of it now as my fish have seriously changed there character and my levels are now at 0 except my nitrate which is 20ppm which I'm not bothered about
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    Ammonia High

    I thought the cycling process required nitrates, so it's not an issue?
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    Ammonia High

    Yeah good idea
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    Ammonia High

    I've done a 50% change and ammonia is 0 and nitrites 0 but my nitrates are still 20ppm is this correct?
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    Ammonia High

    Explain again I'm not sure what you mean?
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    Ammonia High

    Yeah I thought that was a good sign but I will test water later and if any rise or still the same I will perform a 50% water change
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    Ammonia High

    My tests today where 0.25ppm ammonia which is better but my nitrite now jumped from zero to 0.5ppm and my nitrate was about 20ppm???? Is this ok because I did a 15L water change just in case?
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    Ammonia High

    Oh yeah I agree but what I'm saying is that I'm understanding the water changes now and I'm gonna keep on top of it and use prime at the same time Oh yeah I agree but what I'm saying is that I'm understanding the water changes now and I'm gonna keep on top of it and use prime at the same time
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    Ammonia High

    I wasn't using prime before I just bought it, my fish were losing colour and gasping at the top and now they are fully coloured and playing around at the bottom and behind plants that's good right?
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    Ammonia High

    Yeah that sounds like it works well, doesn't affect cycle though?
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    Ammonia High

    But it changes colours to say what chemicals it's picking up