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  1. N

    Hi Everyone!

    Edit: delete repeat post
  2. N

    Hi Everyone!

    ^ thank you. Also, we just had a black Molly with yellow fins give birth to 21 babies about 4 hours ago. We have a divider on the far left dividing about 10g of the tank off for our 21 new babies and our 3 week old Dalmatian Molly babies. I love raising the babies and my LFS is wanting to buy...
  3. N

    April 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Winner Is:

    haha foot in my mouth again XD thanks for adding it. It's one of the most beautifully landscaped tanks I've seen. Can't wait to re imagine it
  4. N

    April 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Winner Is:

    Oh god. I skimmed it so quick because it was after I had typed my MSG up I didn't realize there was a description. Thanks a lot lol
  5. N

    April 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Winner Is:

    Hi I would like to model my next tank after this. It will be a tank that houses something like a pair of angelfish or some pair of fish that take care of their young (obviously depending on the fish that are housed I will size the tank appropriately) but I was hoping someone could help me...
  6. N

    Nitrates And Nitrites.

    Thank you very much. That was very enlightening. I will be getting the master test kit on Monday I think and I will definitely be on top of that. I'm still pretty upset that the nitrite level slipped by me. I had been regularly testing the water and then my ammonia bottomed out. I was so happy...
  7. N

    Hi Everyone!

    Thank you very much. It is very enjoyable to look at. I was very happy with the deal I got. I'm still trying to figure out how I want the plants and substrate to look but my girlfriend has done what she can with our current decorations. I really love the hobby and I don't know how this happened...
  8. N

    Nitrates And Nitrites.

    Thank you. I will be getting a master test kit in a few days I've just been using the test kit that came with the tank (ph, nitrite, ammonia). I bought it second hand but there had to have been at least $500 worth of stuff that came with it
  9. N

    Nitrates And Nitrites.

    I would also like to add that had I even known about a fish less cycle I would have done one. I did A LOT of reading when I started and I read multiple sources that said it was not possible or was a sketchy and unreliable process. I now know otherwise.
  10. N

    Nitrates And Nitrites.

    Hi there. I'm pretty new to the forum so forgive me if this is a regular question. I have a pretty new tank which is halfway done with its cycle. My ammonia is at 0 and I have just had a huge spike in nitrites. It killed two of my fish and I had no idea based on my previous research that halfway...
  11. N

    3 Dwarf Platies Tank Size?

    I'm pretty new around here so I'm not the definitive expert but I'd say around 5 gallons would be perfect (I see a lot of people talk liters around here but I'm not sure of the conversion).
  12. N

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi there guys. Just wanted to introduce myself to the community. I am a fairly new fish owner and have been looking for a community to join for a little while so I'm glad I found this site. My name is Brandon. My girlfriend and I started with a 10g tank and became completely enamored with our...