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  1. HTP94931

    Question About Putting Found Rocks And Wood Into Tanks

    Hi guys, I was just wondering what the usual protocol would be if you wanted to put a found rock or wood into a tank (I imagine it would require boiling a little bit to disinfect and clean? And the tannins in wood would have to be leached out using a similar process?). And also, are there...
  2. HTP94931

    Silver Tips, Danio And A Lot Of 'tank Drama'

    Yikes.... Yeah, I'll definitely avoid those other types of Tetras as well. To answer Citrus' question, we had a few other Danios and they died pretty early on, but the remaining Danio was pretty well "integrated" into the rest of the ST group, and they treat him as their own, so he swims...
  3. HTP94931

    Which Tetra?

    I'd have to go with the Cardinal Tetras.... the little Rasbora are VERY delicate from what I've read. The Cardinals seem like they'd be hardy, plus they're so colorful and beautiful.
  4. HTP94931

    Silver Tips, Danio And A Lot Of 'tank Drama'

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this site, but was just reading a thread on some problems people have had with Silver Tips, and I figured a little bit of a rant was in order from moi. :) Ever since we bought these fish (about 4 months ago), we have had a lot of drama in our tank, and to be honest...