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  1. M

    Did a little drawing...

    :clap: That's really nice. I've never got any further than matchstick men! Mala
  2. M

    Whay are your fish important to you?

    :nod: I find fish so relaxing to sit and watch. To me they each have a personality. If i feel stressful i either meditate or watch the fish as they go about their daily lives. I enjoy taking care of them, cleaning the tank, rearranging the decor etc. They are just wonderful things to have :wub:
  3. M

    Filter advice needed

    :thumbs: Thanks for all your replies. ddm18 the reason i'm taking the carbon filter out is that i've never had to use any sort of medication in the tank and it's been up and running for over a year now. I feel i'm wasting money on carbon filters and the money could be better used elsewhere. I've...
  4. M

    Filter advice needed

    I have a Jewel Rio 125 and i've decided to take the carbon sponge out. The thing is what can i put in it's place. I already have a nitrate removal sponge in there but i'd like to put something in the space left by the carbon sponge. Is there an alternative to using carbon? :blink:
  5. M

    My son the artist

    :D He looks so proud :D
  6. M

    How long have you had fish?

    :nod: On and off for 19 years.......and i'm only 20 :hey:
  7. M

    Weird/Funny pictures. Post them here!!

    :lol: It looks how i feel in the mornings :lol:
  8. M

    Tasty pictures (thongs).

    :angry: Darn it!! This old bird thought she was about to get a cheap thrill :hey: I hate feet :sick:
  9. M

    Where Can I sell My Fish On This Forum

    :whistle: Where else but the "Buy, sell and swap" in the General Forum :S
  10. M

    What is your fish's diet!?!?

    Flakes, algae wafers, algae pellets, frozen brine shrimps and daphnie, freeze dried river shrimp and krill. They also have live daphnie, brine shrimps and glassworms. In the summer they have greenfly and blackfly ( i don't use chemicals on my plants) :) I forgot to add Tetra fresh whole...
  11. M

    Bored Fish

    :D I'm so glad i'm not the only one. Whenever i change things around all my tetras (neon, serpae and glowlight) indulge in mating frenzies :hey:
  12. M

    Bored Fish

    This might be a stupid question but do you think that fish can get bored with their surroundings. I change locations of the bogwoods and some of the plants every couple of i crazy? :crazy:
  13. M

    RIP Spongebob

    :rip: It's funny how you can get really attatched to the little blighters.
  14. M

    Where do you all live?

    I live in Gislingham, just outside Eye in Suffolk. It's quite a small village ( just a couple of hundred people). We have a tiny school, one small shop and a pub. We are surrounded by lovely countryside which me and the dog take full advantage of. I love the peace and quiet...
  15. M


    :fish: Hi there, i'm am very happy that i've found this site. I've been visiting TFF for a few weeks now and only now have i summoned up the courage to join :cool: . I've got a Jewel Rio 125l planted community tank which i've had for almost a year now ( i'd rather watch the fish than the...