Search results

  1. R

    Does My New Betta Have Fin Rot?

    #40##, I was hoping for once I could trust the pet shop people when they said I could have all those fish in there but apparently not!! Thanks for your reply though, will read up a bit about tail biting, fingers crossed it doesn't turn into finrot...
  2. R

    Does My New Betta Have Fin Rot?

    Hi guys, I am really new around here, so I hope I have done this right... I read up on the guidelines but I'm in a bit of a rush because I'm worried my new Betta has fin rot! I'm a beginner with fish keeping, I did have one Betta that I stupidly kept in a new tank and as I was still learning...
  3. photo (6).JPG

    photo (6).JPG
