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  1. Z

    Switching Over To A Planted Tank

    There are no dumb questions!! I'm no expert by FAR - but I've had a planted tank for a little over 2 yrs. Eco-complete is fine. There are many types of substrate - much comes down to what you like. I've heard that sand isn't the best for heavy root feeders - like sword plants. But many people...
  2. Z

    Show Off Your Tank!

    I'm getting my quarantine tank nice & full of algae then I'm picking up a few more otos. I'm afraid of over stocking the 20 gal so I'm thinking I'll need a few more plants and might throw in a sponge filter for extra filtering. The fish store only had 2 otos left so I got both & lost 1 in qt...
  3. Z

    Show Off Your Tank!

    I've had this set up for about 9 months. 20 gal L with 8 threadfin rainbows, 4 dwarf neon rainbows, 1 oto & 1 zebra snail. Crypts, java ferns, anubis and 1 sword Here's the oto when he was in my quarantine tank The threadfins