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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. T

    What should I do?

    Although my sun coral is doing very well, it is becoming quite difficult to feed. I a only limiting my self to feed it one frozen tablet of brine shrimo. Andonly half the coral gets fed. Do they share the food. Also, many of the otger creatures in the tank are always taking the food. Will not...
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    hatitain anemone

    your right, i need to do more research. I have talked to my lfs and they said they will take it off me next week :) And my sun coral is under a rock, so not much light does it get a t all. ANyway the sun coral is doing marvellously. The rest of the corals I havr gota re just mushrooms and...
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    what is best

    what is best to float the bag in the tank. I do up to an hour. What do you think
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    is it...

    is it ok not to feed my sun coral for 1 day
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    hatitain anemone

    A clownfish eaten by an anemone :0! SERIOUSLY! It is only small. Oh well :( Should I do anything to keep the anemon e 'full' as it were to stop it from eating anything. What can I do to help. And are all anemones this violent! What anemone's host clownfish that aren't aggresive. I wont...
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    coral food!

    Bout trace soft coral , but will these feed my coral. Or is it just micro plankton thats feed tehms. Did I waste my money, or what should I get to buy soft corals
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    Musing about corals

    Well I when I bought this piece of rock with a leather It had a smlall lylic thing growing. It has now multipled by 3 in size. It resepbles a hand with millions of fingers holding grapes? It is lylic and appears to be SPS. It changes shape occasionaly. May I send someone a pic to tell me what...
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    hatitain anemone

    ok. But as I said I am truly sorry. The grenn fluorescent mushrooms are a beaut though1 :) I have put them quite high up but have read the prefer to be lower. Shpuld I put it lower down
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    hatitain anemone

    Will I still be able to get a cleaning crew, or will the anemone kill them. And how urgent is it that I purchase a cleaning crew
  10. T

    hatitain anemone

    :( I was told that they would be very easy to keep, and I though for a fiver it would be ok. Will it kill everything, it seems pretty suitable in its position; it has dugged itself into a crevas in the rock. there is coral nearby- should I move it. I will ask next time and I apologise. I...
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    hatitain anemone

    well m tank has been set up for 2 months. It has 3 t5 white tubes and one t5 blue: ) The lfs said I could have an anemone and I took the one for a fiver as i did not want to spend money on one that would die. :) But it is an hatitain anemone not white tohugh purple i bought the purple as I...
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    hatitain anemone

    Oh and i did not know how to place it so i had to hold it to plae it somewhere - would this have killed it Please help I am really worried Thanks
  13. T

    hatitain anemone

    I bought one for a fiver t o practise on. Thin g is it aint white it is purple with pink tips. Is this normal. I bought it like this. Should I have bought the white one thanks
  14. T

    Over feeding

    A skunk cleaner and fire shrimp, 3 fether dusters as well...
  15. T

    Over feeding

    Hi well i had to use one frozen tablet ot feed by sun oral today and I put alittle bit off seaweed for my fish BUT IT ITS STILL TOO MUCH HOW CAN I CUT DOWN WITHOUT STARVING THE CORAL; IT DID NOT GET FED WELL TODAY Wouild purchasing some snails and hermitsa aid the removal of this excess food
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    Over feeding

    50 gal fairly big tablets. OOPS! I have not fed my toasdstool anything then So i should buy it some food
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    my tropicla 5 gal

    1 so fart - my prized ailfin molly - had him foor a year - was such a beaut!
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    my tropicla 5 gal

    he didnt realise. He took the lug out ot charge his mobile :|
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    Over feeding

    I am worried I am overffeding. I feed two brine shrimp tablets a day one for fish and one for corals sometimes i feed 4 :o way too much right Should I stop
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    my tropicla 5 gal

    My brother on friday turned off the tank for 24 hours. Now 1 fish has died what do I do. Should I give them all to the shop. I twas my sailfin molly :(
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    :( :( :( :( :(

    o ok. The rock I bought cost 59 pound as it had two corals growing of it. A finger leather and some lylic hard one. But I know regret not getting this other coral Man i get so stressed
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    :( :( :( :( :(

    Cool thanks - and my old toadstool is being realyly weird all small and shrunk - is this probab;y due to me moving it today. SHould I just leave it for a wee k and aftera while will it be back to normal?
  23. T

    :( :( :( :( :(

    DSaw this gorgeues hammer/anchor coral and I really regret not getting it. Are they hard to keep and did I make a good choice not getting it as I really am kicking my self atm. I rock with softies instead :( DID I DO SUMMIN STUPID
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    my shrimp

    My skunk cleaners tentacles arte shorter as I have stated - but its tentacles look really brittle and fragile. Will bying some iodine bring its tentacles back to normal and how will it suddenly regrow by the next molt - thanks Oh will calcium help and would another skunk cheer him up ? Thanks...
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    help sun coral

    Well I DONT GET IT. The coral is inbetween two ricks with a rock hanging over it! Anyway I fed it alot to day. And I tell you it is as open as if in the picture - but man these corals are pigs! I fed practrically every polyp! The back ones were guarded by the srimp. bUt they have really fat...
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    help sun coral

    Will do - got the spot. Not now just taken a shower - tommoroow though. Will the coral surive for another day?
  27. T

    Skunk cleaner

    It molted but now its tentacles are shorter. Will they grow back and how can I help? Thanks
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    help sun coral

  29. T

    help sun coral
  30. T

    help sun coral

    I want it too look like this - eventually :)
  31. T

    help sun coral

    Well ifed it. The polyps atr it but theywere not open too big. They are now closed :(. Is this normal - when is the best time to have them open. And is the fact that my clown fish are treating it like ana anemone closing it
  32. T

    help sun coral

    AH WELL THEN I HAVE ONE! SO is this ok - 12:OO feed to fish 12:05 : Turn of lights 12: 20 mix brineshrimp with saltwater from tank then suck it up with a turkey baster and feed to polyps...
  33. T

    help sun coral

    Not really much luck with feeding them today :( What is a turkey baster. And may you give me step to step advice - thanks :)
  34. T


    Oh ok - I've touched it a few times. Does this mean I have killed it . Will it not come ou t fora while. So would I have to wait a while for it to come out. And I need to feed the sun coral every 3 days - if I don't touch the coral wil it be ok. WIll the toadstol survive even though I have...
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    When I first got the toadstool it it was much more yellow and brighter Now it aint oipen as much and iaint as bright WHY? I will by another though on thursday
  36. T

    help sun coral

    well I put some brine shrim on the coral and under a cave - it didn't take it - Ill try tommorow - more advice would be great THanks guys
  37. T

    Skunk cleaner

    I just added in a skunck cleaner to help the tang. THe fire shrimp is a bit aggressive towards it.....will this stop? Thanks
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    Here is a link: This is a picture of how it looks like (not mine though!) But anyhoo - you see that smalle line on the tail! It resembles that THankyou
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    40 galllons with 20 kg of live rock! WHITE SPOT! OH NO! SO DOES THAT MEAN IT HAS WHIT E SPOT AFTER A DA Y OF BUYING IT! BECAUSE AT THE SHOP THE MAN PICKED OUT THE BEST ONE OUT FOR ME - I WAS WITH HIM! I'm sooooooo freaked out How could this have arrised I love my tang its soo colourful...