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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. T

    Can A Tiger Oscar Go In A 20 Gallon Tank?

    Okay... i wont. I will consider them when i get a bigger tank. Thanks everybody!
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    Can A Tiger Oscar Go In A 20 Gallon Tank?

    I have a 20 gallon tank and really want an oscar. I found them at Petsmart and they are actually not that big to start with. Would it be okay temporarily until i upgrade within the next year?
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    Albino Catfish Care?

    Have one in a 20 gallon. Could i get some more info on them? Care needed? Life Span etc?
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    Good Tropical Fish To Get In My 20 Gallon?

    I cant take one as he is in his pirate ship. I did my research on it it though and we are friends with the pet store associate so i trust what they said. I can look for an internet pic?
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    Good Tropical Fish To Get In My 20 Gallon?

    I forget the name, but it was one that does not get big. The store told me to get it.
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    Good Tropical Fish To Get In My 20 Gallon?

    I have a 20 gallon with 1 Algae Eater, 6 or so Neon Tetras and 1 Male Guppy. I would like to add another schooling fish. What would you recommend? I'm looking for one not to much money. Thanks!
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    Are Guppies Good Tank Partners For My Neon Tetras?

    20 gallon. I have 5 tetras
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    Neon Tetras Facts

    Would like some facts about Neon Tetras like tank buddies, facts etc.
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    I Would Like A Frog For My Tropical Fish Tank... Should I Get One?

    Hello So yesterday I went to Petsmart to buy some Neon tetras for my 20 gallon fish tank. I saw in the same tank some small little frogs at the bottom for sale. I was going to get one but wanted more info on them first. Do they eat any fish? Will they eat guppies? Neons? What do i feed them? Are...
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    Is This A Good Community For A 20 Gallon Tank? Tropical?

    I decided not to get Danios. Not really my favorite anyways. :) Thanks!
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    Can I Get A Angelfish?

    I have a 20 gallon fish tank. I currently have 6 neon tetras. I absoultely love these fish. Beautiful! I am going to get some Male Guppies. So i was going to get a few Zebra Danios as well but dont really like them very much. I was wondering if i could get an angelfish? I understand they get...
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    When Are Neon Tetras Happiest? School Of 6? Or More?

    Had 3 Neons then got 3 more. Are they happiest in groups in groups of 6?
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    Is This Good Stocking For A 20 Gallon Tank?

    6 Neon tetras 4 Male Guppies 4 Neon Tetras
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    Is This A Good Community For A 20 Gallon Tank? Tropical?

    Hello. Does this sound like a good community for 20 gallon tropical tank? Guppies, Neon Tetras, Zebra Danios? Not sure how many of each.
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    Tropical 20 Gallon Stocking Ideas?

    I am thinking of getting Zebra Danios, Neon Tetras and Guppies. What would you recommend for guppy... Male or female?
  16. T

    Tropical 20 Gallon Stocking Ideas?

    Really want guppy's and neon tetras... What else could go with these?
  17. T

    Starting A New Tropical Community... What Should I Get?

    Hello. So i stopped having a tropical tank at the end of May. then i went and did Goldfish. My goldfish however are too big and i am selling them to somebody who can provide better care to them in a bigger tank (100 gallon) Anyways, I now want to go back to tropical. I want a colourful tank with...
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    How To Peacefully Put Down A Molly Fish

    True. I'm not going to continue with Mollies. Beautiful fish...but dont like the personality very much. I am still interested to find out how they died though.
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    How To Peacefully Put Down A Molly Fish

    I decided im not going to do it. I dont have the heart. My other mollies die from pregnancy.
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    How To Peacefully Put Down A Molly Fish

    So i have a 20 gallon tropical tank. I had 5 mollies, they have died through the passed month though so my last black molly is still alive. But he looks lost. Always looking for his friends. He looks sad and not healthy and goes on his side. I tried different medicines but nothings helping. I...
  21. T

    Is Algae Bad For Your Fish?

    I have a 20 gallon tank. I have soem brown stuff on my sunken pirate ships sails that wont come off. The sails are a fabric. Its storebought but i have rinsed it, scrubbed it but it wont come off! Is this bad for the tank? Also on some of my fake plants they are brownness. It looks like algae...
  22. T

    Want To Get Angelfish

    Hi! So i currently have a 20 gallon tropical tank. I have: 3 Neon Tetras (i can get more...) 1 Mollie (Which isnt doing so well by himself as his buddies, the other mollies, died recently) 3 Female Bettas, which i will return or give to a friend as they are fighting with Neons. and 2 Golden...
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    Neon Tetras - What Do I Need To Know? Food, Behavoriur, Tank Mates...

    of course! Whatever is best for them. I heard odd number (3,5,7...) are best
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    Neon Tetras - What Do I Need To Know? Food, Behavoriur, Tank Mates...

    So I have a 20 gallon tank. I have: 3 Red Wag Platies 1 Black Molly 3 Female Bettas 2 Mystery Snails and yesterday i bought some Neon Tetras. I wanted a little 'spark' to my tank. I will never get Mollies again. Once this one passes away, I wont get any more. They can be a real hassle when...
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    Changing My Whole Aquarium. What Do I Do?

    Hello! So pretty soon I am going to be getting new gravel for my aquarium and getting a more natural colour. (I currently have blue and I'm sick of it already) and getting a piece of driftwood as a center piece. I want a more natural tank. What do i do so i can keep the good bacteria? Whats...
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    Is My Sisters Tank Done Cycling? How Do I Know?

    We used Api Water Sticks and did a fish-in cycle
  27. T

    Adding Female Bettas To A New Tank. Would This Work?

    20 gallon tank: 1 Dwarf Gourami 5 Mollies 3 Red Wag Platies 2 Emerald Cories (Which i will take back and possibly exchange for albinos) I was wondering if i could add them and how many?
  28. T

    Can I Add Female Bettas?

    20 gallon tank: 1 Dwarf Gourami 5 Mollies 3 Red Wag Platies 2 Emerald Cories (Which i will take back and possibly exchange for albinos) I was wondering if i could add them and how many?
  29. T

    Can I Add Any More Fish? I Want Albino Cory Catsfishes

    20 gallon tank with: 1 Dwarf Gourami 3 Red Wag Platies 5 Mollies 2 Emerald Cories I have some questions: Do Albino cories grow as big as Emeralds? Should I take back the emeralds for albinos? Could i add a few female bettas? I really want some female bettas! :) :)
  30. T

    Mixing Cory Catfish...good Idea?

    20 gallon
  31. T

    Mixing Cory Catfish...good Idea?

    Hey Everyone! I found out it is an Emerald cory. It is the one listed in the picture above. I got him a friend. I also got 2 dalmation Cories. I meant Dalmation Mollies**
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    Mixing Cory Catfish...good Idea?

    Good Idea? You See, I bought a Cory Catfish. I dont know what kind but it was $7. I dont want to have to buy another $7 fish so could i mix it with the Albino Cats that are on sale?
  33. T

    Would 2 Female Bettas Do Good In My Tank?

    Okay! I was just asking becuase i hate seeing them in cups at the pet stores. It hurts to see how they are barely living. But ok thanks! What other fish would you recommend?