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  1. riffraff

    Heres One For Ya, Human Blood!

    so.... got the radio going, steve wright in the afternoon, factoids, and they say... most tropical fish could live in a tank of just human blood :huh: :unsure: :unsure: :blink: :blink: :sick: :| :nod: :shout: .... what the blood y hell i thought, can someone here, fishkeeper or vampire...
  2. riffraff

    Re-Setup Questions!

    so much in that quote, but my opinions are, the goldfish has to go, no good in a tank really and very no good in a tropical set up, the gravel dosent really hold a lot of bacteria, its all in the filters really, need an air pump? ive had 2 and a 24" air curtain, dont use them at all anymore, as...
  3. riffraff

    Cloudy Water, Help Please :)

    the bacteria wont be really in the water it`ll be growing in your filters, so big water changes are fine and good :good: riffraff
  4. riffraff

    How Many Litres Water Change

    ooh i`m in the 300 club, bout 300-350 per week between the 2 tanks riffraff
  5. riffraff

    April 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Voting Poll

    evening... some great tanks in there, looks good when you can scroll through all the pics together like that. good luck to everyone. i thank you both, compliments from fellow fishy keepers always helps :good: riffraff
  6. riffraff

    Only A Fish Keeper Would......

    and... when having the, if i won the lottery talk at work, people mention cars, houses, holidays etc, i agree and then imagine a lottery winning massive fish tank, or tanks in my lottery winning house....they all just shake their heads :rolleyes: riffraff
  7. riffraff

    Only A Fish Keeper Would......

    morning.... seeing as i`m not working tonight because of a slight illness i`m wide awake coz i should be on nights :rolleyes: anyway... i was sitting here thinking of doing a water change, at 3am !! anyone else add to my list of things that only a fiskeeper would do or think?? 1, water...
  8. riffraff

    April 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    morning.... 6 months in and i`ll give it a go :rolleyes: . .
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  12. riffraff

    Eggs In The Tank!

    well thanks for nothing you lot, thanks to nobody coming round and guarding the eggs they are all gone now :rolleyes: yes its your fault, yes you reading this, less than 24 hrs from the eggs appearing they have all gone :crazy: thanks riffraff this will make sense when linked to another...
  13. riffraff

    Thanks For Nothing My Fish Still Have Red Gills After A Year

    #40## it i`m so sorry mate, now if you would like to pop a couple of tickets to Riverside CA in the post i will pop over and sort it for you, its obviously my fault or someone else on this board but i will fly over and sort it asap cheers riffraff
  14. riffraff

    Eggs In The Tank!

    sad but ... heres a vid lol..... :fun: My link riffraff
  15. riffraff

    Eggs In The Tank!

    well thanks for the replys... just been watching them, the 2 angels keep rubbing themselves over the eggs, gently with the underside of their bodies??? theyve stopped eating them and are having a time of it chasing the other fish down! wierd, just a lucky dip of 2 angels cause the wife likes...
  16. riffraff

    Eggs In The Tank!

    evening... just went to feed the fishies and noticed these :blink: the 2 angel fish are guarding them against all the other fish, but occasionally nip one off and eat it??? are these angel eggs or are they guarding a yummy food supply? the only fish i know i have they a sexually active are the...
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  19. riffraff

    Vine Wood

    fairy muff... thought i`d found your wood, and tried to help, reading stuff is not the same as talking so, thats not the wood (sarky) thaaaats not the wood (sighing) tch thats not the wood (sad) thats not the wood you numpty...look (matey p..s take) etc etc is impossible to get across, hence i...
  20. riffraff

    Vine Wood

    well on the link theres a few types of grapevine wood and the bottom pic is described as Premium Grapevine is sand basted and has a darker colouration. Normally the trunk is thick and has several branches which makes it excellent for arbicol reptiles. Compared to the normal grapevine it is...
  21. riffraff

    Vine Wood

    after a bit of searching i found its grapevine wood sold here in the uk My link also loads on ebay just type in grapevine wood riffraff
  22. riffraff

    Vine Wood

    is this the stuff??????? riffraff
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  24. riffraff

    African Dwarf Frogs In A 2 Foot Tall Tank?

    if the tank there in is a death trap then move them now.... i have 2 frogs in an 18" tank and 2 in a 15" high tank, all fine at the moment, they swim, they zen all over the place they stuff there faces and all is good. move them till the tank is sorted and move them back again rather than leave...
  25. riffraff

    From Square 1

    tanks looking good mate, and hurrah i know a plant name... brazilian pennywort, i was told about this on this very forum, found it bought it and it grows like crazy!! riffraff
  26. riffraff

    View From The Bed

    no but thats genius :hyper: thanks for the tip and i will have to do that, cheers mate. riffraff
  27. riffraff

    My Pet Fish *^_^* (New Pics Added 26/03/13 :) )

    very very nice, i wish i had room for a bigger tank, 4 foots the biggest i can go whilst keeping furniture :rolleyes: anyhoo its your tank and its very nice but why isnt the water level higher?? always wonder why some tanks arent filled right up?? riffraff
  28. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    i shall remember that thought instead on bemoaning my photographic skills lol, thank you for your kind comments. riffraff
  29. riffraff

    Changed My Tank A Bit (Pic Heavy)

    evening all... had a bit of a change aroud so thought i would share, put the 2 bits of bogwood together , moved the swords, a few different plants and another piece of wood. for some reason i just cant get a pic without the pennywort having a glare on it, apologies in advance. riffraff
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  32. riffraff

    Amazon Puffer

    if you go to the oddball forum, you will see puffer fish are the most talked about and theres a sticky at the top about them, short answer is no, puffers are spieces only and will nip and bite other fish. i wanted some but luckily my mh told me the same so ive stayed away, sad but there you go...
  33. riffraff

    What Would You Do?

    im a noob to, but my main tank is heavily planted, only problem is ive changed it numorous times, you just cant help yourself once the plants start growing, i think looking at the pic your gonna have problems putting anything in the sand as its kicked up by the looks of it. also you said your...
  34. riffraff


    done it quite recently to a dg myself, it was my first time too so lots of research. clove oil all the way for me, for instance i like the idea of them going to sleep and not waking up better than the other methods, and also thinking about it, ive had to take a kitten, an elderly cat and a dog...
  35. riffraff

    Thinking Of Getting Rid Of The Sand

    ok mate heres how i done it, twice :rolleyes: once on large front room tank, and again just last weekend on bedroom tank, both the same way just a different scale... get an argos plastic box or 2.., i emptied at least half the water into this, remove plants, wood etc, stick them in the boxes of...
  36. riffraff

    What Made You Decide To Set Up An Aquarium?

    im to old for birthday and xmas presents couldnt give a stuff really as long as the wife and kids have got stuff i`m happy, anyway after 4 yrs of nagging the wife said last year, please get yourself something for after a think, i remembered my old fish tank from 20 plus years ago and...
  37. riffraff

    New Fish Club

    thought i`d answer as you worked hard for it...well done. i spose it matters somewhat, what age the kids are? maybe do a bit of a community with some shrimp and snails as well as fish? a few plants and teach the whole eco system thing and how everything lives together with the plants etc, also...
  38. riffraff

    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    just picked up my shrimp, top man, top shrimp. buy, buy, buy. riffraff
  39. riffraff

    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    pmd you riffraff
  40. riffraff

    View From The Bed

    hmm i`m tryin to put the words with each pic but as i reply its all one i`ll just say...went from first pic to last pic, i rehomed the bn as the tank looked to small, then changed the sand as it was just so messy i was never happy, got plants, lost plants, got fish and some shrimps...