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    Frog feeding how often?

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    Frog feeding how often?

    I have two dwarf frogs and have been told by the pet shop to feed them with frozen blood worm. Well obviously the fish get this too and I don't want to feed my fish everyday on bloodworm. How often should I put the bloodworm in the tank so the frogs are getting enough food??
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    cycle with guppies????????

    I read that guppies should not be put in a tank that was not fully cycled, as they are not that hardy. The danio's would be better, but of coarse so would the fishless cycling. The length of time is usually 4 to 6 weeks but you will just have to keep checking until you ammonia and nitrite are...
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    specific removal of snails

    Although Clown Loaches grow 12" in the wild, I have read that they are only likely to grow between 6 and 8" in an aquarium. So don't panic yet!
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    Thank you Da Oz brilliant answer, I think the light in the tank might dry them out, so we will have to see what happens. They only laid them yesterday so I have a few weeks to wait yet, I just thought they would hatch sooner than that.
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    New Tank...Help Us!!!

    It is so easy to get carried away as once you get the tank you do want to see the fish swimming around. Now you have got some in there it would be a good idea to change upto 25% of your water daily. And test for amonia and nitrite which should both read 0, when your tank is fully cycled. If...
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    Hi I know the expected age of most fish in my tank, but I have not found anywhere saying how long platies can live. Can anyone help.
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    How long is it before snails eggs hatch. And how long do golden apple snails live? :blink:
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    Clown Loach

    Thanks for the advice above, everybody. I am keeping my tank clean and healthy but I just wanted to be armed and ready 'just in case.'
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    Aquatic Frogs

    I haven't got any frogs yet but I do plan too on Saturday. So I have already asked what they eat and I was told frozen blood worm.
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    Clown Loach

    Hi I have got three clown loach and they are perfectly OK. But I do know that they can suffer from white spot and that you cannot use a cure containing copper. So I just want to be ready (just in case.) When I asked in the pet shop they said that those cures with copper in them where the only...
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    Zebra Danio's

    No not that type of backing it mould polystyrene type stuff and you evomastic to the inside. I did follow the instructions! :blink:
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    Zebra Danio's

    Hello - just a word of warning to other newbies like me - I have now lost three Zebra Danio's, yesterday I took the plants out and went through the gravel (as suggested above) to try to find them and didn't. But I did find one and he had got stuck - we have a jewel tank and put the rock type...
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    Zebra Danio's

    Thanks, - yes I have got a lid but I have been doing regular water changes so the lid has been off at times. So would they disapear under the gravel and still be healthy - would they disapear for over a week??
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    Zebra Danio's

    Hi I bought six Zebra Danio's two weeks ago, (the first fish in the tank, other than a pleco) after the first week I lost one, and now I have lost another. I do mean lost he didn't die and float to the top, the pleco is only 3-4cm long so he wouldn't have eaten him that quickly would he...
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    Am I doing Ok?

    Thanks to you too Skimpy, I have already seen your list of testing, and I nealy did reply and thank you for doing it, it will perhaps stop me from panicking when things go up and down. I do have stress coat and have been putting that in. I am going to test my water in the morning again, I was...
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    Am I doing Ok?

    Thanks Scouqie, no I have not let my water sit for 24 hours before putting in the tank. But I promise to do that from now on. You have the same tank as me, so its nice for me to see what you have got in it.
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    Am I doing Ok?

    Hi I know I am not doing everything perfect! I am finding that out the more I read. I have set up a new 4 foot tropical fish tank and have had 1 pleco (which I am a little bit worried about its future size) and 6 Zebra Danio's (except I can now only find five!!). They have now been in there 1...
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    Hello I am new to tropical fish, but have cold water fish for twenty years in a two foot tank, one goldfish reaching the age of 18. I am now setting up a 4 foot tank with tropicals. Filled it up last week and I am sorry but I do already have a plecy and 6 Zebra Danio's in it. There are so...