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  1. L

    Well Here It Is. What Do You Think?

    Cheers guys, the rams seem to change colour and intensity throughout the day. Need to work on the equiptment clutter next. Ad
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    Well Here It Is. What Do You Think?

    Thanks for the comments. I agree with the comments about too much intrusion from the equiptment. It wasn't too bad untill I added the canister filter and powerhead, but I just can't see any way around that as I feel the tank really benefits from the flow. Ad
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    Changing Back To The Fresher Side Of Life

    Thanks again for all the advice's my work in progress MY TANK Ad
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    Well Here It Is. What Do You Think?

    So after much de-salting the Osaka's now up, running and stocked. The set-up, as it stands is a Fluval Osaka 155, with 30ltr sump for floss and the heater, a fluval 205 canister running ceramics and sponges, a hydor nano pump for flow, and a 6x 24w T5 light unit. I went with, apart from a...
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    November 2011 Fish Of The Month Winner Is:

    Stunning fish pic, is it a Firemouth? Ad
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    Anyone Near Kidderminster?

    thanks, but would the bacteria still be alive after being out of the filter for 24hrs? Ad
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    My 125L Journal

    fantastic looking tank. I was looking at the black unipac sand today for my planned apisto tank and was wondering if it was inert. How deep have you got the sand for planting? Ad
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    Anyone Near Kidderminster?

    hadn't, but thanks, will do it now :-)
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    Not Long Now...a Fresh Start For My Osaka 155

    thanks for that. To be honest, thats what i thought about the corys, as the footprint of the tank's only 60x45cm. Will definately put some caves in there, i'm on the hunt for some natural slate, or small flat wood pieces for that reason. Seen lots of plastic ones, but really don't like plastic...
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    Dwarf Puffers In This Tank Or?

    IME with turtles and tortoises, they are reeeaaallly dirty creatures, beautiful but dirty. So they really need a reasonable amount of water. As for the fish, sounds ok for a couple of dwarf puffers to me, might be a tad dull though, like two small peas floating around :lol: Thats all down to...
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    Anyone Near Kidderminster?

    hi, i'm in the process of setting up a trop tank and wondered if there was anyone close to me who could spare some mature media? Will be ready for it in around a week :-) ad
  12. L

    River Reef 94L Apisto / S American Biotope Setup

    i'm new to this dwarfe cichlid business, and an going down the same road with my osaka. Would all those cichlids be ok in a 94ltr tank?
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    River Reef 94L Apisto / S American Biotope Setup

    hi. Alder cones are easy to id, they're small, round and on a stalk, also it's the only broadleaf tree in the uk that produces cones and grows in damp areas like marshes or alone streams. Hope that helps. Ad
  14. L

    Not Long Now...a Fresh Start For My Osaka 155

    Thanks mishmash :good: I think I'll probably go with some cory's, just wasn't sure the apisto's would appreciate them :) The tetra combination sounds interesting..hmmm What combo would you suggest, standard neons or something totally different like lemon? I'll look into the play sand, isn't...
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    Not Long Now...a Fresh Start For My Osaka 155

    Ok, I think I'm decided. I think I'm going to base the tank around a pair of A. cacatuoides. Big group of tetra's (probably black neons) for company and possibly something else, but not sure yet. A nice chunk of bogwood, loads of plants, sounds like a plan :good: Still not sure about the...
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    Not Long Now...a Fresh Start For My Osaka 155

    thanks for the input,both. Has anybody on here got an osaka 155 to show off, This was mine as a reef :) Ad
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    Not Long Now...a Fresh Start For My Osaka 155

    LOL, Thanks. I like the idea of the Cardinals, also like the black neons too. Never been a massive Cory fan, but then we only see the bronze ones around here :angry: Ad Just found some pics and info of Simpsonichthys picturatus, :hyper: Stunning fish, but tank mates may be a problem. Ad
  18. L

    Not Long Now...a Fresh Start For My Osaka 155

    Thanks, the Osaka's only 2ft long, is that long enough? The 155 is the vol :) Ad
  19. L

    Not Long Now...a Fresh Start For My Osaka 155

    I sold the first of my marine stock last night, and have a load going on saturday ready for the big move over to fresh water :crazy: I was a little hesitant to go back to freshwater at first, but am really looking forward to it now. I was wondering if there where any other 155 Osaka's on here...
  20. L

    Changing Back To The Fresher Side Of Life

    @zoddyzod - Good point about the hatchets and the open top, I'd forgotton their love of carpet surfing. Regarding the Rams though, the more I look around the less I like the Bolivian Rams, just think they look dull, the German are lovely, but perhaps too fragile... so still a bit stumped, I'm...
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    Changing Back To The Fresher Side Of Life

    Thanks all for your input. I love Rams, but never had any luck keeping them, maybe it was down to my source rather than me as I hear many of them are quite weak. I had good success with keyholes, but find them a little drab, quite like Kribs though??? I also like the black tetra's. I'm thinking...
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    Changing Back To The Fresher Side Of Life

    Ok, so the twin T5 unit would perhaps do the job then? Is there a list of the less demanding plants anywhere? Ad
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    Changing Back To The Fresher Side Of Life

    Thanks guys, I love the look of heavily planted, but want to keep things quite simple. Is CO2 necessary? I have a choice of lighting available, a twin 24w T5 or a 6x24w T5, or could run both as I do at the mo on the reef.
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    Changing Back To The Fresher Side Of Life

    Hi All, I'm new to this forum, but not so new to the hobby. I've kept freshwater trops, on and off for 15yrs or so, with a short dive into mbuna, then the last 4 yrs or so dabbling in the salty stuff. I currently run a sumped Fluval Osaka 155 reef, however with 2 young children and cash not so...