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  1. D

    Fishez - The Marine Ones

    I have always wanted a marine tank and a friend got rid of his old tank :angry: A Bi-Orb :angry: I know there not ideal for keeping fish in but hey it was free! I was wondering what i need to do to transform this bowl into a marine aquarium. I know nano tanks are for experts but i'm not a...
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    Breeding Fish

    Hi, This may sound silly but is it possible to stop your fish breeding. When i go to the LFS should i ask for all females or something? Dan
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    Typez of Fishys

    I'm setting up a new 13(uk)gallon fish tank and just wondering what to put in it! :D Does anyone know of good websites or advice that could help me chuze what to put in it! Sort of like "what eats what" and special needs, live in groups, a hardy variety? etc. i got a book from the library...
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    Can anyone think of a good tank to get?

    Thanks, i'll check tmoz when the paper arrives By the way whats an lfs?
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    Can anyone think of a good tank to get?

    Can anyone think of a good tank to get? Around 500-600x200-250x200-300inc.hood I've heard fulval are good (uno or duo deep or something?) I live in England, cheshire, so if anyone knows anywhere local or anywhere onlie with cheapish delivery i would be glad! Dan
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    Should I...

    whoa! what a cool tank, by he way where did u get it from? (It's a small world, i live in england too!) ;)
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    The fishyless cycle and the fishy cycle

    Now this may sound really silly for some wise nuts amoung us. What is a fishless / fish cycle. how do i do it? any equipment needed? It is when you should leave the tank for a month until you pu fish in? I've got a new fluval uno 13ish tank, but no fish yet ! An help wouln't go a miss Dan...
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    Favorite Fish

    I may have missed a few, sorry :rolleyes:
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    Chu-zing a Fish Tank

    Thanks for the advice, i'm glad someone pointed out "what eats what" sort of thing. Many thanks again and i'll get back to everone when my tanks up and running or if there are any problems :)
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    Chu-zing a Fish Tank

    Thanks, I'll probably drop the haps and the tigers. :sad:
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    Chu-zing a Fish Tank

    I've decided i'm gonna get a fluval deep 600 and put in about 8-10 Neon Tetras 5 Fancy Male Blue Guppys 3 Electric Blue Haps 4 Tiger Barbs 6 Zebra Danios 2 Blue Bettas Will they fit? The tank is only 18 gallons is that enough for all those fish? Do i have to add any coral, rock etc. (I'm...
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    Chu-zing a Fish Tank

    Thanks for your advice I'm getting a 10 gallon and i'm gonna fill it with some nice chillids, danios and neon tetras. I'll show you the pics in a month or two when it's established and the fish are in! :D
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    Chu-zing a Fish Tank

    I'm getting a new fish tank soon, at first i was only looking for pretty coloured ones that (sing, dance and make tea!) But now i wan't a decent one, not too big around 10 gallon -_- ? Any ideas i live in england, cheshire if any one knows any where local. This may sound silly, but i've had...
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    Thanks, but what sized tank am i looking at to hold a blue tang and/or clownfish. Where do you get a decent tank and the fish from i live in cheshire in the uk, does any one know anywhere local? Are blue tangs salwater fish, how do you make the water right for them, do you just add salt or is...
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    Hi, I'm looking to buy a BiOrb with a heater and light in the next few weeks, but I don't know what fish to put in. I've had a few standard goldfishes and some black fantails along wih a few minows before, but i'm a beginner when it comes to tropical fish! I was wondering if the BiOrb could...
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    Whoops! I am a newbie, put the message in the wrong place thing! Hi i'm daniel :huh:
  17. D


    Hi, I'm looking to buy a BiOrb with a heater and light in the next few weeks, but I don't know what fish to put in. I've had a few standard goldfishes and some black fantails along wih a few minows before, but i'm a beginner when it comes to tropical fish! I was wondering if the BiOrb could...