Search results

  1. PhatRam32

    Female Betta Sick

    I'm in the U.S. What I can get my hands are the following: API Melaflix, Marcyn Plus, and a fungus clear tablet for fungus and bacterial removal.
  2. PhatRam32

    Female Betta Sick

    Betta looks like it has cloudy eye however, it also has a red spot right below its pupil. Any idea what that could be? A soar or ulcer of some sorts? Did a 75% water change and wondering what type of medication Should I use use to treat? Thanks in advance.
  3. PhatRam32

    Adding Carbon Insert To Fluval Filter

    Gotcha cool. Thanks again!
  4. PhatRam32

    Adding Carbon Insert To Fluval Filter

    Cool Thank you sir! Do you use carbon full-time in your tank twotankamin?
  5. PhatRam32

    Adding Carbon Insert To Fluval Filter

    Hello I am currently treating my water with maracyn plus and once treatment is completed, I plan on adding a carbon insert temporarily to my fluval power filter to remove any remaining medication in the water. My question is how long do I leave the carbon in the filter? I do not run carbon as I...
  6. PhatRam32

    Interesting Readings

    Tested out my water and noticed my KH was rather high. Wanted everyone's opinions on my results: GH = 45ppm KH = 240 ppm PH = 7.2 Nitrite = 0 ppm Nitrate = .05 ppm I dunno.. the results for GH and KH I thought were directly related. Anyways, wanted to see if this is something I should be...
  7. PhatRam32

    Bubble Wand Question

    I have a bubble wand which was given to me by a friend and wanted to know if it is really beneficial for my 15 gallon freshwater tank. I have an air pump where you can adjust the bubble flow accordingly. Wanted to see if it was good to add to a tank. I have good surface movement for oxygen...
  8. PhatRam32

    Leopard Bushfish

    Thanks for the info! They are very interesting fish to watch!
  9. PhatRam32

    Leopard Bushfish

    Just bought 2 of these fish from my local petsmart literally like 3 hours ago.  Wanted to ask a question about their swimming behavior.  One of the two seem to glide along the tank and swims rather haphazardly while the other one swims like a gourami of sorts.  What would be the warning signs to...
  10. PhatRam32

    Candy Cane Tetra Feeding Question

    The pleco is a bushlenose if that helps.. i've had this setup for a while and have not had any issues
  11. PhatRam32

    Candy Cane Tetra Feeding Question

    Yeah its most likely stress.. I plan on buying more.   15 gallon   2 danios 1 dojo loach 1 rainbow fish 1 pleco   tank been setup for 2 years.  7.0 ph. 0 ammonia 0 nitrite, minimal nitrate. GH and KH to the right of the spectrum
  12. PhatRam32

    Candy Cane Tetra Feeding Question

    I purchased 2 of the candy cane tetra from my local pet supermarket and well been mixed results. One of them i found stuck to the filter and died yesterday and the one that is still alive will not eat. I know it has only been a few days since purchase however, never really had a problem with...
  13. PhatRam32

    Fish Dying Rapidly

    Ever since I changed filters from a tetra whisper filter to my aquaclear filter, I have had 4 fish die in the last month and a half. Not sure if this is a coincidence or not. I tested my water and all levels seem to be within normal range except for the carbonate hardness. All of a sudden it is...
  14. PhatRam32

    Can Anyone Id This Algae Eater

    Borneo Sucker is another name for this fish. They are great to watch!
  15. PhatRam32

    Fluval Aquaclear Power Filter For 10-30Gal Question

    Purchased this from petsmart the other day   It is working great so far however, I noticed that it produces a little bit...
  16. PhatRam32

    Silver/hujeta Gar Feeding Question

    It's been 2 weeks and he/she is doing a lot better now that he/she is getting used to the tank. The Gar now literally eats anything including fish flakes! I just need to control the amount of food he eats so he does not eat himself to death! Mine is small about 2.5 inches in length so far. I...
  17. PhatRam32

    Silver/hujeta Gar Feeding Question

    I have had my Hujeta/Silver Gar for 8 days now and he seems to be doing fine. However, are these guys really picky eaters? Reason why I am asking is because sometimes he goes after the blood worms and krill that I feed him with authority and there are other times where he is not interested in...
  18. PhatRam32

    Zebra Loach Question

    If had a lot of these fish for quite some time. My bumblebee goby died so decided to buy a zebra loach. First fish I have bought in 8 months. They all seem to be doing just fine.
  19. PhatRam32

    Zebra Loach Question

    True.. Well time to save up! I appreciate the knowledge!
  20. PhatRam32

    Zebra Loach Question

    1 dojo loach 1 zebra loach 2 red serpae tetra 1 guppy 3 swordtails 1 bushynose pleco 1 pictus catfish 1 female betta 1 whiteskirt tetra I know its quite a wierd mix but all the fish seem to be getting along just fine. Ever since I made my post about the Zebra Loach he has been more social as...
  21. PhatRam32

    Zebra Loach Question

    Thats the issue is space. I have a 15 gallon hexagon tank. I am almost at capacity with 12 fish.
  22. PhatRam32

    Zebra Loach Question

    Semi funny.. so i started feeding the other fish flakes literally a few minutes ago and bam zebra loach comes out of nowhere and is swimming like crazy! I've never seen him this active this early! Wahoo! But you are right I may buy him a buddy down the road but he seems to be making pals with...
  23. PhatRam32

    Zebra Loach Question

    I bought my Zebra Loach about a week ago and all he does is hide in the underwater cave structure however, I have spotted him at night when the lights go out and can be seen swimming around the bottom of the tank. I heard they are nocturnal but, is this normal behavior for this fish? I usually...
  24. PhatRam32

    Red Claw Crab Molting Question.

    My crab just finished molting a few days ago and left the empty exoskeleton in the tank for him to eat. How long should I leave it in there? Just wanna make sure I'm not harming my water quality?
  25. PhatRam32

    Dilemma With Red Tai Crab

    Good tip. I feel bad returning the crab but, I don't want to put my other fish at risk. =/.
  26. PhatRam32

    Dilemma With Red Tai Crab

    Thank you for the advice. That is probably the course of action I will take =/. The attendant at pet-supermarket talked me into buying the crab claiming it was friendly..I guess I should have done more research.
  27. PhatRam32

    Dilemma With Red Tai Crab

    Found my red tai crab eating my African clawed frog and suspect foul play... Really upset and horrified... Are my other fish at risk? I currently have 4 serpai tetras, female beta, 2 swordtails, and Pleco and spotted catfish who has battle the crab for control of the sunken ship.. Should I...
  28. PhatRam32

    African Clawed Frogs

    Was wondering how well one of these guys will get along with my other fish. Currently I have 4 serpai tetras, dojo loach, spotted catfish, and two swordtails. I originally had a dwarf African frog and did not have a problem.. Should I just stick with these guys or give the African Clawed Frog...