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  1. C

    Faulty Makers Compensate For Loss Of Fish?

    had another mail back asking me to send the heater (at my own cost) to an adress in Italy for inspection, registered post. bet you that will cost me a fortune.....they think it is abnormal that such a new heater would blow out like that and would like to run tests on it before they go any further...
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    Faulty Makers Compensate For Loss Of Fish?

    im devastated, well and truly. sometime during the night, my new 300w scuba heater 'exploded' (for want of a better word) frying all my tanks inhabitants (SA cichlids, not the cheapest of fish either) :( i only bought the heater in may (i have 2x 300w heaters in this big tank and one was failing...
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    Is 29L Considered A Nano?

    i have a 29L nano ank with at the moment just some live rock, soft corals and a hermet crab really wanting to move some clowns in there 29L too small for clowns?
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    Is A 3D Background 'saltwater' Safe?

    ive just picked up a tank to use as a quarantine for my saltwater aquarium was advertised as being used as a sea aquarium (nano? its just 28L) ive got it home im not sure it was used for a sea aquarium its got one of those 3D backgrounds siliconed on the back....and...
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    Sudden Pump Death?

    hi, must be something in the air today, my aqua pro 1 is doing the same thing, not pumping anything, have cleaned it all out but the propeller just judders a bit then stops. darn filter is only 2 years old....any idea what i can try to get it going? (sorry to thread hijack but guessed it would...
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    Sea Aquarium Is Dying..i Need Help :(

    what do i do with my other chunks of live rock? so if i set up a smaller tank with new water and transfer the fish over they should be ok? should i remove EVERYTHING from the old tank and basically clean it out? also i have a grainy substrate that has stuff living in it...not sure if its...
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    Is There A Marine Emergencies Section Too?

    hi all, ive been looking for help with my marine emergency but couldnt find an emergency section in the reef part....i posted instead in the chit chat section but there seems to be no one there able to help (23 views not a single reply) i know i only posted a short while ago but im desperate to...
  8. C

    Sea Aquarium Is Dying..i Need Help :(

    anyone? any advice at all to help at least save the fish?
  9. C

    Sea Aquarium Is Dying..i Need Help :(

    first time posting, long time lurking, and in need of serious advice. we've had a sea aquarium for around 6 months, given as a birthday present to my better half. it had already been up and running for a while before we received it, but the original owner had always had problems with it so...