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  1. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

     The bath tub isn't used, and I washed it previously with boiling water. Anything with bleach in it will deactivate in hot water, So I should be pretty safe with that I think. 
  2. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Thanks Byron.   I found the wood out in the country, it's as dead as a door nail. It's just shy of 4ft long and has quite a large end to it. We cut into the thickest part and it's completely dry. It was about 5kg and it floats in the bath tub haha. It's absorbed quite a lot of water now. I...
  3. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    So what would people recommend housing with Angels then? Aside from larger dither fish.   Got a question about wood too! What wood can/can't you put in a tank. Apart from silly things like treated pine :p I found a really nice piece out on a property, it's completely dry as a bone, but no idea...
  4. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Thanks for all the info on the sand. I had a look for that ceramaquartz but didn't have any luck. I think I'll just stick to the moon sand. My Panda Corys seem to love it in my other tank. I did look at the ADA Amazonian Soil, but read that it doesn't last a long time and turns to a clay/mud - I...
  5. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Haha sorry Rob. I will put Discus in it eventually, just not right now. I'm having trouble at the moment finding substrate I like. Does any one know of nice black sand other than Moon Sand?
  6. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Thanks Byron, that is some really good information. I have decided to put off the discus for the time being as there are a lot of fish I would like to keep (some new and some again) and I have more options going this way.   I 100% would like a pair of rams, and as mentioned previously by another...
  7. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

     Thanks! I originally wanted Sterbais, I love them, but my partner likes the Julii better so I thought I'd be nice and let him have a say. But looks like I'm sticking with the Sterbai ;)
  8. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Ahh okay. If I decided not to go down the discus road and wanted to keep Pearl Gouramis, how many would be recommended to keep together?
  9. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    I've just done some reading about the temps. There's a variety of information on the net. I've seen max temps of between 27 - 30C (82 - 86 F)
  10. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Thanks Wills, I'll definitely get 3 Apistos then. Ive been getting so much mixed info about the gouramis, I'll keep researching nevertheless.
  11. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Thank you. Do you know how to tell the difference between male and female in the angels?   EDIT: Nevermind, just did some research :)
  12. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    So I think I've made a decision as to what to put in there after speaking to some other fishy people like ourselves to get opinions.   5-6 x Discus 2-3 x Angels 1 x 3 Spot Gourami 1x Pearl Gourami Pair x GBR Pair x Apistogramma (not sure which one yet) 10-12 Corydora (more than likely Julii)...
  13. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Thanks free runner. I've been around to some stores and fishy people just asking their opinions on the electric blue acaras. I think I'm gonna go down the discus route. Are you meaning a pair of angels or a pair of discus? I have far more options in tank mates with the discus than I do with the...
  14. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Thanks for all the replies. I, myself hadn't read anything so far about plants suffering with young discus, but there's no end to the internet is there! As for trimming and maintenance with plants, I am choosing plants such as swords, fern, tiger lotus <i>maybe<i> a ground cover, so there won't...
  15. Gidge

    Suggestions For 4X2X2

    Hey everyone,    I recently purchased a 4x2x2ft tank (got it for a steal!), and I'm struggling to make up my mind as to what to put in it, Or rather, what combinations to put in.    I will be running an Aqua One Nautilus 2700 canister and will be putting in lots of drift wood and plants.    I'm...
  16. Gidge

    October 2014 - Pet Of The Month Winner

    Woohoo. 2nd win, do I get a badge this time :P  Thanks all :)
  17. Gidge

    My Tank :) Advice/comments Welcome!

    That'll look fantastic when it's all grown in!
  18. Gidge

    October 2014 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

    Aw he's gorgeous! I have a miniature horse too!
  19. Gidge

    420L Stocking Suggestions

    Thanks for the reply.  Funnily enough I tested again and shook the bottle for longer just on sheer curiosity! (I tested my other tank which is due for a water change and it did the same - very low reading).   Sure enough, this time I got a reading of 10-20ppm :)
  20. Gidge

    420L Stocking Suggestions

    I'm a little concerned at how low my nitrates are. (if that's even possible!?)   Ammonia :0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 0-5ppm   Running 2x Otto 2000 internals.    As I mentioned before this tank has been set up for a couple of years now. Could it just be that because it only had the 2 Bala Sharks...
  21. Gidge

    October 2014 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

    My mum is a photographer she does that to photos she sees potential in :)
  22. Gidge

    October 2014 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

    Thank you :) I taught him to 'meow' :P
  23. Gidge

    October 2014 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

    Seeing as no one else has entered, I'll give it another crack.  My 10 yr old Rainbow Lorikeet, JB - short for Jellybean. Give me a break - I was 14 :P   Entry Pic     Verification Pic
  24. Gidge

    420L Stocking Suggestions

    Got rid of the boof head convict today. Was a little sad to see him go as I've had him for a few years, My local fish store gave me $10 for him which is more than what I was quoted before. I picked up 5 juvenile Electric Yellows. About 4cm long. From past experiences it looks like I have one...
  25. Gidge

    420L Stocking Suggestions

    We have quite hard water here so I'm thinking Africans.  He loves Electric Yellows, Mainganos, Blue Dolphins, Marble and tangerine peacocks.    Thanks again. 
  26. Gidge

    420L Stocking Suggestions

    Thanks for your replies I was beginning to think I wouldn't get any!   So basically my initial reaction to ditch the sharks and convict is looking like the way to go. I'm moving soon, and my Dad will be looking after the tank and I know he wants cichlids.    With the choice that I ditch these...
  27. Gidge

    420L Stocking Suggestions

    Hi all,    I currently have a 420L setup that has been running for a couple of years.  Through recent events (I'd rather not get into it) I lost a lot of fish. Anyway, that has all passed and running smoothly again for a couple of months now.   I currently have 1 large male Convict, 2 smallish...
  28. Gidge

    October 2014 - Pet Of The Month Competition Entries

    Well over a year later and I never got my badge for winning March 2013 pet of the month. Shattered.    And as I just noticed, Pet of the year. 
  29. Gidge

    Breeding Electric Yellows?

    Thanks for the responses. In a 95L though do you think I can get away with adding any more?
  30. Gidge

    Breeding Electric Yellows?

    Hi all.    My Dad has had a 95L for a while now, with some cichlids in it. He went with the advice of the LFS despite my protests. Anyway, safe to say he has learnt his lesson now. I've moved them to my larger 110G tank where they will be much happier.    Among these cichlids are two Electric...
  31. Gidge

    Davids 165L Tropical Aquarium

    Huge fan of the Sterbais. I have a group myself. Lovely little critters to watch. Lets see some pics!! Good on you for doing the right thing by your fish too, very admirable. 
  32. Gidge

    Football Is Back

    I'm just going to ignore the banter and say; Yeeeow Man City! (Awaiting abuse..)
  33. Gidge

    160Gal W/100Gal Sump Lake Malawi

    very cool :)
  34. Gidge

    Football Is Back

  35. Gidge

    Planted 20Gallon Tank

  36. Gidge

    Davids 165L Tropical Aquarium

    Ahh bugger, could you tell me how much you paid for your sailfin? 'It' looks like a he, something about his face haha. 
  37. Gidge

    Davids 165L Tropical Aquarium

    I just LOVE the sailfin pleco. They have the cutest faces! Great looking tank, I have the same one :) What part of Aus are you from?
  38. Gidge

    160Gal W/100Gal Sump Lake Malawi

    Loving the sound of that list! Can't wait to see it. 