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  1. B

    Sick Zebra Danio - Bloated Or Fat?

    Hi Dropsy? Is that treatable? Will it affect the other fish? We did have more danios (5), but they didnt last cycle - sadly an inexperienced mistake. We have dwarf neon rainbows and female bettas. The catfish is a synodontis petricola so only reaches about 12cm in total. The tetra are phantom...
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    Sick Zebra Danio - Bloated Or Fat?

    Some images of the zebra danio..
  3. Picture 005.jpg

    Picture 005.jpg

  4. Picture 007.jpg

    Picture 007.jpg

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    Sick Zebra Danio - Bloated Or Fat?

    Hi My zebra danio has suddenly become very swollen and looks either fat or really bloated. I noticed it yesterday morning and have since starved the tank in case it was related to over feeding. He appears really fat and i have noticed today that his scales look as though they are proturding as...
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    Help! 2 Flying Foxes And 1 Catfish Dead!

    They are liquid tests.. I thought it may be something to do with bacteria. Hmm.. The sucker is a Borneo sucker or Chinese plec... He has been munching on the tank sides. Apparently he is a tricky one to keep, but looks fine (fingers crossed). If it was a bacteria boom, what would have...
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    Help! 2 Flying Foxes And 1 Catfish Dead!

    A few weeks ago I did post on here asking if anyone could help with regard to one of the foxes that appeared to have a red lump underneath.. That seemed to clear up and all behaviour was fine. All the other fish seem to be swimming normally and eating as the always have. One of the catfish...
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    Help! 2 Flying Foxes And 1 Catfish Dead!

    It's a 70 litre tank and female bettas The water readings are the same as earlier after a water change (about 25%). To be honest, I think the tank looks a little cloudy (not much). Just doesn't seem as clear as maybe it could be?!? Also, I suppose the nitrite colouring in the water test isn't...
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    Help! 2 Flying Foxes And 1 Catfish Dead!

    Tank has been running for about 2 and a half months.. Did a fishless cycle too.. We have 5 mollies, 1 danio, 3 rainbow, 3 bettas, 2 catfish and 1 sucker ... Will test the water now and repost findings...
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    Help! 2 Flying Foxes And 1 Catfish Dead!

    Hi Have just come home to find 3 fish dead in my tank - they were all fine this morning! Have tested water and readings are: Temp 25c Ammonia 0mg/l Nitrite <0.3mg/l I am worried that I could be over feeding. Would that have had an impact? I added new plants on Sunday too.. Could that have...
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    Flying Fox Has Red Protruding Bottom!

    Here are some images of the issue ... hope this can help with some ideas as to what it is...
  12. IMG_1692.jpg


  13. IMG_1687.jpg


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    Fish 1.jpg

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    Flying Fox Has Red Protruding Bottom!

    Hi pH is 6.5 - 7 Ammonia is <0 mg/l Nitrite is <0.3 mg/l temp 25.5 Thanks
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    Flying Fox Has Red Protruding Bottom!

    Hi Have just noticed that one of my flying foxes has a red protruding bottom area. Seems to have come on suddenly and doesn't seem to have caused any problem to the fish. Still behaving as normal. I tested the water this morning and all is good. Any ideas what it may be?
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    Aquarium Problems

    One of the gourami is dead :( the other seems to be hiding away so haven't seen any eating or pooping from him. As I said, because of the mollies, others don't seem to get a look in with food. I'm going to get some treatment for the cloud eye now. Will start the course today. Thank you for...
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    Aquarium Problems

    One of the gourami does look a little better. He isn't swimming freely, but is a little more active. The other however looks doomed :( laying on the bottom. Still breathing, but not for much longer. So I need to remove the carbon filter sponge when treating with the medicine? The mollies have...
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    Aquarium Problems

    I don't use the test strips for that very reason. Is that what cloud eye is? I have 5 mollies and only one is showing cloudy eye, in one eye.. I have done a 20% water change this morning and cleaned the filter sponges (I had four sponges in all. Cleaned the top filter sponges and the carbon...
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    Aquarium Problems

    We have the tetra testing kit for nitrite levels and <0.3 is the lowest on the card. Would you recommend any other kits? Should we get a nitrate testing kit as well? My apologies.. We did a fish cycle with danios. We had 8 at the time. Guy in the shop said to do it that way. Is there a way of...
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    Aquarium Problems

    pH 7 Ammonia 0 mg/l Nitrite < 0.3 mg/l Nitrate - unsure as haven't a testing kit Can anyone recommend a way of cleaning the test viles as I am unsure whether they ate completely clear from previous tests. Rinsing in tap water doesn't seem to clean the ammonia vile too well...
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    Aquarium Problems

    We have been doing about a 10% water change each week. Should we be doing more?
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    Aquarium Problems

    Hi I have a 70 litre tropical tank that has been running for about 7 or 8 weeks. Currently it has 5 mollies, 2 danios, 2 flying foxes, 2 dwarf gourami and 1 catfish. The ammonia and nitrate levels are good (as recommended) and the temp is about 25 degrees. As of this morning we have noticed...