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  1. white9870

    How Do I Stop Wood In Tank From Floating?

    I had it weighted down completly under water since its bin in there, does it mater if its warm or cold water or not?
  2. white9870

    How Do I Stop Wood In Tank From Floating?

    Iv had a bit of wood soaking in a bucket of water for around a week now but it still floats, how can I stop it? Thanks
  3. white9870

    Which Light Tubes Is Beter For Plants?

    I have a fluval roma 125, I'm just wondering which light tubes would be best in the light unit for plant growth. I curantly have a power-glo and aqua-glo 20w bulbs in at the momment, are these good enougth or do I need somthing else? Any info would be great thanks.
  4. white9870

    Uv Sterilizer?

    Would having one of these in my tank help control my algue problem? And if so what would u recomend I have? Thanks.
  5. white9870

    What Tubes Should I Use In My Tank?

    I have a fluval 125, the tank curuntly has these tubes and light unit in atm Fluval GLO lighting unit, One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 20W 60.96cm (24in) T8 One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 20W 60.96 cm (24in) T8 I'm jus wondering if these are good enough for my plants or should...
  6. white9870

    Anyone Know What This Is Growing In My Tank?

    How do I get rid of it? its very annoying stuff lol
  7. white9870

    Anyone Know What This Is Growing In My Tank?

    I have something growing in my tank and don't know what it is, its black and stringy like, like cotton thread and is growning on everything, wood, plants, filter. Any info would be great. Thanks.
  8. white9870

    Something Growing In Tank

    I have got something growing in my tank, its on the plants, wood, filter inlets and outlets. It looks like thin black thread cotton, its starting get every where and I don't know what it is, would anyone have anyidea? Can't do a picture at the moment as I'm in work. Any help would be great thanks.
  9. white9870

    What Other Fishj Could I Have?

    Neons were just the first thing that came to mind, I thought about cardinals but not sure if they got them in my LFS. I'm guessin they all be ok with the rams?
  10. white9870

    What Other Fishj Could I Have?

    I was thinking about the harlaquins, but also thinking of a school of neons or sumfin along that size to add sum nice colour, would theyy work?
  11. white9870

    What Other Fishj Could I Have?

    I'm just wondering if it was possible to have any more in the tank, I currently have 9 harliquin rasbora, 6 bronze corry (with 5 cory fry in a breading net) and 2 bolivian rams. Is that all I could have or can I add any? And if so what could I add. The tank is a fluval 125 with an APS 1000...
  12. white9870

    What Do I Do With Corry Fry?

    Well out my 19 eggs I had iv got a total of 2 fry survive in the net which very happy with, and seem to be doin fine. On arriving home from work just now I can see somthing like another 30 or so eggs on the glass, which I have now also but in the net too. But most of them are stuck together in...
  13. white9870

    What Do I Do With Corry Fry?

    Lol I want to keep them as I was gona buy sum on the weekend as I thought these would have no chance, but held out buyin any sunday, and luckly I seen these yesterday then. Well I got tetra flake food, so I'll chrush tha really fine. I didn't expect them to be as small as they are, they tiny...
  14. white9870

    What Do I Do With Corry Fry?

    What do I feed them aswell? As all I have at the momment is flake food and pelletes.
  15. white9870

    What Do I Do With Corry Fry?

    Yea thas what I meant sorry lol, the net is fairly big, its about 25cm x 15cm and about 25cm deep, is that ok,it has very very fine neting allround with thing plastic edging for it to keep its shape. or should I just go with leting them go? Because knowing my luck the filter will suck them up...
  16. white9870

    What Do I Do With Corry Fry?

    I'll have to leave them in the tanl then, as I thought I had a small 20 liter but it seems my dad has sold it. How would I go about doin this, do I like tip the net upside down, or jus put it below water level and let them go out on their own?
  17. white9870

    What Do I Do With Corry Fry?

    Right, well on wakeing friday morning I seen 19 eggs on the glass of the tank, but with work I didn't have time to do anything. So on saturday I put the eggs into a fry net with air pump under it and left it be. On geting home from work on monday, I checked the net and noticed up to 5 tiny tiny...
  18. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    ahhh i see, well by going off that then i think i have got 3 of each, 3 are big, and 3 are alot smaller, but the one in the pic is the biggest. i just thought it was a greedy fish and eating anything it came across lol
  19. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    how can you tell the difference then? i havent got a clue lol, yea shes huge id say around 2-2.5 inches
  20. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    Here's 2 of my bronze corrys, one on the left is about 2 or 3 times bigger than on the right.
  21. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    There normal play sand on the bottom, yea doin all regular cheeks, testin water all the time, all stats always spot on. All fish in there are doing fine, and all plants are perfect to. So I'll have a look at some more on the weekend then.
  22. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    Yea I knew that, I got 6 bronze in there at the moment, would I have any room for others then? There's alsoe 9 harlaquin rasboras, and 2 bolivian rams in there, its fluval 125 tank with an APS 1000 external filter.
  23. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    That's good then, because I remember someone sayin before that you can only ever have one type in a tank, and I have always liked the look of the pepperd corrys. So I think I mite get some of them soon then, just love watchin them dig their way into sand, can be there for hours watchin them lol.
  24. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    Hopefully they will be succesfull as I love my corys, espeshily one of mine as it is huge, gota be twice the size as the others I got. One thing I have wanted to know is, can you mix different corrys together, like I got bronze corrys in mine, could I only have bronze ones in there or could I...
  25. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    ok cheers for that, I got plenty of nets spare, so if there's more there when I get home then I'll set that up straight away. Wouldn't mind having a few more free corrys.
  26. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    Cheers for everyones help, so just use a normal fine net that you would use to catch fish isit?
  27. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    One more thing, how do I move them from one tank to the other, and what do I do with them in the other tank, do I just leave them float in th water with the air stone in there, or is there more I'd have to do. Just want to know ready for next time. Thanks.
  28. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    Ok cheers, I'll do that then, I'll leave the ones that are there where they are now. Never know still mite get lucky lol. And I'll get everything ready for next time.
  29. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    Yea I got a small 20 liter tank in the attic I can use, I'll do what you said and put them in there, worth a go see if I can get anything from them. Just hope they still there when I get home.
  30. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    What about somthing like a breading net in the same tank?
  31. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    Will I actualy get any corrys from the eggs, or will they jus all be eaten?
  32. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    I had a feelin corry eggs, there's corrys, harlaquin rasboras, and bolivian rams in there.
  33. white9870

    What Are These On The Glass?

    Can anyone tell me what these white dots are on the sides of my tank? Thanks.
  34. white9870

    Water Surface Movment

    Ok cheers for that, was just wondering, as the APS 1000 says flow rate off 1000lph, but it no where near that, it more like 300-500 after all the media is in, so just wanted to double cheek, thanks for your help.
  35. white9870

    Water Surface Movment

    Well the is plenty of curent in there, and I just moved it to the surface and it does seem beter, there ripples going on the surfacenow, but only half the tank, I'm guesing that is ok? As the current of the water is moving the none rippling part around gently till it gets to the part that is...
  36. white9870

    Water Surface Movment

    I have an APS 1000 external filter, and allthough the filter is good it does not move the surface of the water as good as I thought it would. What I'm wondering is, is it the movement of the surface that does the oxygen exchange or the breaking of the water surface that does it. The filter does...
  37. white9870

    What Is It?

    i think she is on about the pleco on the rocks
  38. white9870

    Tips On Before Buying The Aquarium

    have a look here it will tell you everything you need
  39. white9870

    Sand A Good Idea?

    i find my sand quiet soft, it looks kinda like sand you see on the beach after water has been on it, but can easly press things into it, and if the fish stir it up a bit, it sets back down quick too.
  40. white9870

    Sand A Good Idea?

    make sure you give it a good clean in the bucket first, when you think you have got it perfectly clear, do it a few more times again, as it beter to be extra perfect.