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  1. H

    Gouramis that fight

    Thanks for the advice -- I'll give it a try and see how it goes. Happy holidays!
  2. H

    Gouramis that fight

    I have two pearl gouramis (Thing1 and Thing2) that tend to fight from time to time. A few weeks ago they went at it enough to cause a small injury to Thing1, not very big at all, just a small "oops". However it's not getting any better at all. My question is whether it ever will, and if so...
  3. H


    wow lots of replies: first ...thanks fishhead: as I see I’m not totally by myself. and to explain yes my tap water is screwy so its pure RO for me ...yes the fish need minerals and such in part that is why the salt... two blues ..two pearls ...betta I always have one big betta in the tank...
  4. H


    I assume you have a florescent bulb... that said talk to your local hardware guy or fancy light place there is a cri index and a temp scale you can use to get a bearing on your bulbs temp means =avereage wavelenth temp or something not actual temp.. I use one in the 5100K range called a cool...
  5. H

    african dwarf frogs

    I have had serveral land required...fanofish is right about all they say... I will add that they tend to be about as smart as the rocks they sit on ... and blind or mine have been.. both mine starved to death I had to put food right next to them and hope I didnt scare em at the same...
  6. H

    why? how much?

    I know I dont NEED salt in the tank..but I have been told by many many people that they put some salt in. As is seems to help in the overall health of the tank. The question was how much do some of you guys/gals use???? years ago when I was not a fish keeper a friend had a huge tank and I...
  7. H


    ok a missunderstanding I know I dont NEED salt in the tank..but I have been told by many many people that they put some salt in. As is seems to help in the overall health of the tank. The question was how much do some of you guys/gals use???? years ago when I was not a fish keeper a friend...
  8. H


    I wanted to ask you 1 quick question. In your regular tank or community tank (I assume you have one with pearls and others) Do you add any salt? My local fish guy says he puts some salt in all his tanks the amount varies every time I talk to him. I have two "two spot" and two pearl and a betta...
  9. H

    Round Tail Betta

    we've been looking for a round tail betta, but they are very hard to come by. Any idea of why they are so rare? 8)
  10. H

    Cory / Beta / Groumie

    It is very interesting - just wondering if anyone else had seen the same. I highly suggest getting a young cory or two (or three). They're the favorites of the tank at this point! :rolleyes: These young ones were added to a community tank with mature pearl groumies and a beta -- and it took...
  11. H

    Cory / Beta / Groumie

    This is kind of an odd question -- but has anyone ever had a cory that grooms or preens a groumie or beta? We've got a small one that will spend about a half hour a night tending to two pearl groumies and a beta. They seem to enjoy it - they stay perfectly still until he's done. It's just the...
  12. H

    Cardinal Tetras

    We have a small group of cardinal tetras, and have had them for quite a while (nearly a year). Their size hasn't changed too much since adding them to the tank, but we see fairly good sized ones in most fish stores. We're feeding them flakes (for community tanks) but they just don't gain any...
  13. H

    Beta in distress

    I'm hoping someone can help. I have a male Beta, have had him for about 6 months. Over the last few weeks, he's been getting more and more lethargic, hiding in the corners of the tank, and yesterday I noticed that he has a distinct "bend". He's in a 28 gallon community tank, and everyone...
  14. H

    The case of the so called mussels

    :blink: a description would be good???
  15. H


    We've had great luck with the black phantom tetras. You can keep an eye on their mood by their color changes. Good luck with the tank! :nod:
  16. H

    Over-run with snails

    Funny how the simple approch seems to be the last one considered? I DONT WANT TO GO STOMPING MY SNAILS YEEECCH! YOUS GUYS ARE SOOO CRUEl! ok ok calm...ooomm..oomm...omyeech......ooh u guys so if I get someone to stomp my snails can I save some of the little snail parts to feed my aqua frog...
  17. H

    2 many snails

    Our tank, a 28 gallon community tank, had at one time a single (only one, I swear) rams-horn shaped snail. The tank now has in excess of 2,000 in 6 months (ballpark). Is there any kind of critter that would get the population more under control, but wouldn't aggravate the community tank fish...
  18. H

    Over-run with snails

    Our tank, a 28 gallon community tank, had at one time a single (only one, I swear) rams-horn shaped snail. The tank now has in excess of 2,000 in 6 months (ballpark). Is there any kind of critter that would get the population more under control, but wouldn't aggravate the community tank fish...
  19. H

    Ailing Swordtail

    I have a 28 gallon community tank with a couple swordtails, neon tetras, harlequins, a beta, etc. The pineapple swordtail, who's about 4 inches long and 18 months old, is not doing well. Recently he has become "bent", has lost color, and is getting thin on the back half of his body. Someone...
  20. H

    New to forum

    What a great forum. I'm looking forward to learing more about my fish from all you experts.