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  1. L

    Dwarf Gourami Bullying

    I have two dwarf gouramis I believe one is male and female but I feel I might be wrong now. I have one big one and the other is smaller. You can guess what I'm going to say already use the big one chases the little one and the little one ends up being chased behind a gap of the filter. I wanted...
  2. L

    Help Have I Done A Terrible Thing ?

    Thanks I've got some seachem on the way which should come today tomorrow or Monday. If I think that's not work I shall try getting hold of some filter media. Thanks for everyones help, LITA :)
  3. L


    Hi if it is the small cap type thing you need to slightly screw it and turn the outlet so its pointing down wards if you have not worked this out already. I'm sorry if you already have done :)
  4. L

    Anyone Use The Venturi On Their Filter?

    I don't run my venturi all the time. I just use it to agitate the surface for a bit then turn it back to the spray bar option. I wanted to use it as a protein skimmer but I'm not sure how that would work so just doing some research to make sure it is set up properly then use it for those...
  5. L

    Help Have I Done A Terrible Thing ?

    Hi everyone, Thanks for your advice. I went ahead and bought the seachem. I never expected it to ever replace water changes I'm about to do my tests then do another what change based on what the results are. Yes it is called a roma 90 because it is 90 litres I know there are some that a...
  6. L

    Help Have I Done A Terrible Thing ?

    Does any one else agree with the use of seachem? Just wanted some more opinions before I went ahead and bought. Many thanks, LITA :)
  7. L

    Help Have I Done A Terrible Thing ?

    Thanks for everyones help. I did use to keep fish when I was younger so I am used to water changes just not so much the concept of fishless cycling so fingers crossed. Thanks :)
  8. L

    New Fluval Roma 90 Set Up

    I know what you mean it's my tank but my mum really wanted angels we got this advice from the guy in the lfs so I guess it must be true cos his main aim is to sell fish !!! One thing I would say is that the pH lowers won't work miracles so if it was me test it out before you by the angels not...
  9. L


    Oooh someone else from huddersfield :)
  10. L

    New Fluval Roma 90 Set Up

    So far I know that the angel fish and guppies won't go together as they have the tendency to nip at fins. Also angels prefer a lower pH than yours and I have no idea how to lower them really. I think parrot fish are the same for nipping. Tetras I think are relatively easy to look after. As for...
  11. L

    Help Have I Done A Terrible Thing ?

    My mum bought me some dwarf gouramis today. Since then I have been told they will not be hardy enough because my tank isn't properly cycled yet. Is this true or is it possible with water changes daily and constant checks on the ammonia levels so that they don't get too high that they could...
  12. L

    Returning To Tropical Fish . . .

    Adding a pic of my tank hope it's going in correctly LostInTheArk
  13. L

    Returning To Tropical Fish . . .

    Well I got my fluval Roma 90 set up. It's a bit murky and I have already had to buy a new thermometer for it since the original got broken. I shall add a pic later !!!
  14. L

    Digital Vs Lcd Thermometers

    Thanks, was going to order one online but delivery charges are extortionate might see what the local fish shop has. LostInTheArk
  15. L

    Digital Vs Lcd Thermometers

    I'm not sure this is in the right place but its hardware sort of. So having my tank less than 24 hours my mum has managed to break my thermometer. I had placed it slightly too high so the marina bit was above the water level. Which I know wasn't ideal but she came and just ripped it off. Now I...
  16. L

    Returning To Tropical Fish . . .

    Hi everyone thanks for the replies, To be honest it was my mum that wanted angelfish and she would never have another tank of her own. (she is convinced I'm going to get bored of the fish but I never wanted to stop having them in the first place so I've been wanting fish again for 10 years...
  17. L

    Returning To Tropical Fish . . .

    Hi everybody, As of friday I shall be the owner of a Fluval Roma 90 and the brand new stand (they are only just coming into our local aquatics shop). My parents used to keep fish when I was a little girl. I've wanted fish again for a long time and now finally after finishing university I have...