Search results

  1. filliesforgood

    Free Molly Fry In Chicagoland Area! Urgent!

    Thanks guys! I really appreciate it. Only thing is that if I mention a 'fish club' meeting to my mom she'll think it's the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. Big problem there. I'll continue my search, but we may end up giving the fish to Pet Supplies "Plus" this weekend. I'm thinking about...
  2. filliesforgood

    Platy Fry With Stripes ?

    My molly fry are often born with stripes or spots, but unfortunately those always fade away for me over time :( Sure hope yours will stay, though! That'd be awesome to get stripy platys into your breeding stock
  3. filliesforgood

    Free Molly Fry In Chicagoland Area! Urgent!

    Thanks for the site Tolak! I'll definitely check that out. As for the other users, think about it this way: die slowly of ammonia poisoning and overcrowding in a store tank, or only a few moments of being flushed? Besides, many of the people on this forum cull their fish by putting them in cold...
  4. filliesforgood

    Free Molly Fry In Chicagoland Area! Urgent!

    Sorry for the late update. The weekend after I posted that I went to get a breeding box to put all the males in. They seem to be doing fine; only problem is that they are quickly growing and almost an inch long. The breeder box isn't too roomy, probably about 7 x 3 inches. If you want ANY of...
  5. filliesforgood

    Free Molly Fry In Chicagoland Area! Urgent!

    I will post more details tomorrow, but I have a serious problem. An older batch of molly fry have now all sexually matured and the male fry are absolutely tormenting the mother. They are pecking at her eyes and biting her fins and will NOT leave her alone and I feel terrible about this. I have...
  6. filliesforgood

    Mollies Gulping For Air; Annoying Filter Noise

    My mollies have been gulping at the surface for air for about a month and a half now. I have absolutely no clue why -- I change their water weekly, I have a bubbler, a good water flow, and many live plants, and there isn't any problem with nitrates, etc. They spend almost 24/7 up at the surface...
  7. filliesforgood

    A Question Of Molly Fry

    Oh okay, so at least we know where the little guy came from! :good: I had a yikes moment the other day when my fry was actually nibbling the tail of one of my plecos, but it didn't seem to care that the fry was taking a little taste. It probably won't be so close the next time though! :crazy...
  8. filliesforgood

    A Question Of Molly Fry

    The problem is I don't know if I can hit the store before that one tiny fry gets eaten. :crazy: He seems to be pretty smart though, and the other fish don't really notice him when he does come out of hiding. I also think it's pretty safe to say that maybe that isn't even my black molly's fry...
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    prego fish.jpg

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  11. filliesforgood

    My molly dropped _a_ fry last night. But-- she wasn't even squared up or anything, and she was...

    My molly dropped _a_ fry last night. But-- she wasn't even squared up or anything, and she was gobbling down food like she'd been starved for a month. I'm just darn'd confused! Any help is welcomed!!!
  12. filliesforgood

    A Question Of Molly Fry

    I brought a female black molly into my tank about three or four days ago. I bought her because she didn't look like she was ready to pop (I didn't want any aborted pregnancies with the stress of moving tanks) or like she was in the very beginning of her pregnancy -- I didn't want to wait too...
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  14. filliesforgood

    Male Molly Has No Interest In Breeding?

    Thank you so much! And, just to confirm one last thing -- I did buy 3 new fish today, but couldn't locate any aquarium salt whatsoever in the pet shop (only water clarifiers/ammonia dissolvers) to my dissapointment. And you're right -- I read a few weeks ago that 8 was pretty ideal so I guess I...
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  17. filliesforgood

    Got three new fish, and finally two plecos who don't hide!

    Got three new fish, and finally two plecos who don't hide!
  18. filliesforgood

    Male Molly Has No Interest In Breeding?

    Agh, sorry for double post. My other post was so disarrayed already I felt I needed to post another. As for the articles you asked for me to read, I've read probably at least 8 of each of those over my fishkeeping years (and some very recently) that sound extremely similar to the ones you...
  19. filliesforgood

    Male Molly Has No Interest In Breeding?

    Sorry that I haven't been able to respond! I've been very busy and haven't gotten the chance to do any freetime. I've been testing the water every day since I bought my kit (I did buy the cheap one, however, because the only other kit in stock was outrageously overpriced at about 40.00) and my...
  20. filliesforgood

    Male Molly Has No Interest In Breeding?

    Ouch, I didn't realise I might actually have a very serious problem at hand :S Luckily I will be picking up a test kit tomorrow, so it won't be very long before I see what the condition of my water actually is! If my nitrate and ammonia levels do happen to be seriously high, should I also pick...
  21. filliesforgood

    Male Molly Has No Interest In Breeding?

    Oh, I just assumed that snails would produce waste. :look: I thought they'd at least, you know, poop or something. I guess I was wrong! :X And yes, the filter media did come from an active tank, and so did the plants that were in there if that helps at all. I did do a 30% water change maybe...
  22. filliesforgood

    Still really hoping for my mollies to finally become interested in breeding. Ah well ':)

    Still really hoping for my mollies to finally become interested in breeding. Ah well ':)
  23. filliesforgood

    Male Molly Has No Interest In Breeding?

    Oh, yes, I did forget to mention that I had both plants and snails in my tank while I was cycling it, so hopefully it cycled properly. I haven't actually managed to purchase a test kit yet, but I will definitely look into buying one about the end of this week. My fish aren't really having the...
  24. filliesforgood

    Male Molly Has No Interest In Breeding?

    I recently bought a male and female silver hifin molly, and another female that is just a silver molly. I've had them in my 26 gal tank for three days, and so far they are the only fish in my tank because I have just set it up cycled it for about a week. I'm really hoping to get some breeding...