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  1. D

    How Many Pets Do You Have?

    We have 2 German Shepherds (10 Year old female named cassie and a 2 1/2 year old male named Zach) 5 Cats (Names...Chelsea, Ozzie, Frankie, Harvey and Kimmy)
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    My Small Tank

    Yeah, I am deffo gonna change the fake wood....just need to find some bogwood that is just right. :)
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    My Small Tank

    Ok heres a pic of my small tank (approx 50ltr). The pic is not that good sorry........ I hope to be getting some more plants soon, need some to hide the air line and things. Comments welcome :)
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    Post Your Small Tanks Here

    Ok heres a pic of my small tank (approx 50ltr). The pic is not that good sorry........ I hope to be getting some more plants soon, need some to hide the air line and things.
  6. tank.JPG


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    What Are Your Nitrates?

    My Nitrates are always tap water has a reading of 40. I do have live plants (adding more at the moment) but they just won't go down. I do 25% weekly water changes. I really have a hard time reading the test results as the colours on the card are so similar. Maybe someone here knows...
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    Nitrate Poisoning - Cant Get Nitrate Down!

    I would not have thought a nitrate reading of 10 would be causing a problem like that is pretty low. Anyone got any ideas?
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    Stocking Question

    Hi, I have a 50ltr Rena tank which at the moment houses 2 peppered corys, 1 albino cory, 1 bronze cory, 4 neon tetras, 2 male guppys and 1 peppered cory fry (when he is large enough he will be going to my friends tank). The question I have is would adding 2 male guppies be ok? someone I know...
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    Your Journey

    Here is my first 40ltr tank Then the filter broke and as the tank was a "all in one" I decided to replace it with this 50ltr tank. This tank looks nothing like this any more it has changed quite alot over the years. Will try and post an updated pic. I have not been able to upgrade to...
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    Freeze Dried Bloodworms

    Just wanted to know whether corys will like freeze dried blood worms? Also will they eats algae tabs? Thanks for the help :)
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    Algae Flakes/tabs

    Just wanted to know whether guppys and neons would eat algae flakes? Also will corys like algae tabs (not sure about this but I have heard that they will munch on them)? Thanks :)
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    Does Anybody Have A Picture Of A Really Big Cory?

    My Albino is about 2.5 inches........don't know if thats huge but he looks big to me!
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    My Corys

    Just wanted to share some pics of my my tank I have 1 Albino, 1 Bronze, 2 Peppered and 1 peppered baby :) . Hope you like. Albino One of the Peppereds and the bronze....not a very good pic of the little guy...will try and get some better ones soon
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    Clamped Tail

    One of my male guppys tail is clamped (stuck together)...he is still swimming about (bit hard for him though) and eating. Do you think Melafix would help? Water Stats Ammonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrates.......unsure but high as I my tap water has 40 reading Any help would be appreciated
  21. D

    Safe To Let Baby Cory Into Tank?

    I have the following in my you think he will be ok with these? 1 Albino Cory 1 Bronze Cory 2 Peppered Corys 4 Neon Tetras 3 Male Guppys thanks
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  23. D

    Safe To Let Baby Cory Into Tank?

    My peppered corys spawned a while ago and only one baby survived. I found him hiding in some plants a week back, I then put him into a breeding net to keep hime safe. I want some advise as to when I can let him back into the tank, I think he is approx. 10mm long at the moment. If I did let him...
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    Guppy Tails

    Hi, I was just wondering whether guppies tails (males) split over time? or is this always a sign of fin rot? I have 3 males in my tank one has a short tail which is fine but the other has quite a long/large flowing tail (really hard to describe). When ever I get guppies with the ling/large...
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    Neon Tetra Problem

    My stats are Ammonia 0 , Nitrite 0, Nitrate unsure? ph 7.6 I know my nitrates are quite high (tap water a reading of 40 to start off with), I need to get a better test kit for this as all the colours look similar and I am not to good at reading the results. The bleached out bit of the neon...
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    Tap Water Nitrate Levels

    My tap water also has a reading of 40! My Nitrates in my tank have always been quite high (ever since I started the Tank...bout 4+ years) and my fish have been great, I have live plants and am in the process of adding more to see if this will help reduce the nitrates (only really ever had a...
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    Baby Cory :)

    Congrats! My two peppered corys have just spawned and I thought all the eggs had been eaten by my other fish. But one little guy managed to survive like yours. You can see a pic in the link below: I have him in a hatchery at the...
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    Noisy Filter

    I wasn't going to put the media under tap water...I know you should only clean it in Tank water. Just was gonna rinse the new filter off, won't be doing it yet any way just relised I have ordered the wrong filter! :sad: Have changed the order to the right one now...phew
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    Noisy Filter

    My replacement filter has arrived…..I am just going to be adding the media from my existing filter (new and old filter are the same). All I am going to do is rinse the new filter under tap water to get any dirt/dust off, then add the filter media and then put it in the tank and keep my...
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    Pet Pics

    It's quite a large window and zach is a large dog (height)....but as you can see skinny. Managed to find a pic of Cassie our 10yr old GSD.
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  32. D

    Pet Pics

    Just wanted to post a couple of pet pics. The first are a couple of our 3yr old GSD Zach........sitting in his fave spot over the top of the sofa and then looking out through the window into the garden (my Dad is outside and Zach wanted to see whats going on) :) And then there is my cat ozzie...
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    Neon Tetra Problem

    Hi, One of my neon tetras appears to be losing it's colouring, looking bleached out. It appears to be acting normally and is eating. Could this be NTD?
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    Fish Id

    I have had a look at some pics on the net of Nimbochromis venustus....and I think you may be right.
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    Noisy Filter

    Diet....thanks for the advice. I have taken it apart again and have truned the pump all different ways and then put it back together in the tank. The rattling has become slightly less noisy but is still there and the humming is quite loud. I may try again later and take it apart again. I did...
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    Noisy Filter

    I did a water change this morning and cleaned out my filter (small Rena filter internal). Ever since then the filter has been rattling, I have tried everything to make it stop but nothing works. I have checked the impeller and everything appears to be OK (no broken parts). My tank is in my...
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    Replacing Filter

    I am going to be replacing my filter (old one not working properly) with the exact same filter. If I add the existing media to the new filter everything should be fine right? Just wanted to check :)
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    Fish Id

    Hi, I was wondering whether anyone can ID this fish (I have attached a pic)? My friend (honestly it’s not me :) has two of these in her tank. Thanks for the help :)
  40. fishid.JPG

