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  1. M

    Red spotted sevrum

    I was thinking maybe flukes but I am not sure either, could really do with some help, I will get some exact water figures
  2. M

    Red spotted sevrum

    Some pictures attached. Water chnges every week 630 litre tank Water is fine ammonia etc Temp -27 degrees No other fish affected as of yet.
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  6. M

    Red spotted sevrum

    Hi all, Need some help urgently before my seveum becomes even more sick, I have a video file of the fish I can send to someone who can help, the fish seems to have white growths on it's body, this is not white spot either as the growths are too big.
  7. M

    Air Pump

    Only thing is it's hard to aim the water outlet without dropping alot of water level it's about 2 inches under water. The ones I have bought in the past don't last and struggle to pump the air the distance I need it to go Only thing is it's hard to aim the water outlet without dropping alot of...
  8. M

    Air Pump

    Hi I need a decent air pump for my 350 litre tank fir 2 oscars could do with some advice on big ones that are hopefully quite
  9. M

    Advice On My Tank

    hi guys thanks for all the advice well in the end i got 2 oscars after all that they were in the shop and i wanted them. i know the size may be pushing it with 2 as adults but thats a while away yet. i also got a pleco not sure of the name now its dark with yellow spots and grows to around...
  10. M

    Advice On My Tank

    would this be suitable for the size of the tank then and do the chocolates come in different colours? could i have a royal plec and and couple of catfish i just want small bottom feeders / catfish or similar i know im a massive pain but i want to get it right.
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    Advice On My Tank

    Hi I was thinking of having this tell me if this will work. x1 chocolate x2 blue acara x2 guianacara or x1 chocolate x2-3 of blue acara or guianacara which ever would be better i will get a a chocolate and build around that but want to buy them all small
  12. M

    hi if you have plenty of oxygen from the pump you should be ok i was told the best form of...

    hi if you have plenty of oxygen from the pump you should be ok i was told the best form of oxygen is when the water comes in from the top like a spraybar creating bubbles but if you have bubbles from your filter moniter it see how it goes i would think you might be ok
  13. M

    Advice On My Tank

    i will have to take a trip to a shop and have a look i think i fancy a green terror or 2 but it looks like my tank is not big enough for 2
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    Advice On My Tank

    i just got rid of 2 sevrums as they were not getting on i also like the jack dempsy i did have one but it died all of a sudden. the green terror looks nice but would 2 be ok in my tank same goes for frontasas how many of them could i keep?
  15. M

    Advice On My Tank

    frontosa / green terror ???????
  16. M

    Advice On My Tank

    yea i think its small to could maybe do with something eles i just fancy a couple of fairly decent size cichlids which look good and wont kill each other
  17. M

    Advice On My Tank

    that may include the stand aswell i know its 350 litres 76 gallons trinangle shape. i have been reading on oscars maybe to small for 2 i need ideas really for decent size good to look at in the room
  18. M

    Advice On My Tank

    Aquarium Dimension 123 x 87 x 64.5cm took these from google hope this helps. the bottom feeder its not a probllem with the cleaning just nice to have somethings that helps that was i am trying to find something a bit different aswell form a plec catfish etc.
  19. M

    Advice On My Tank

    Hi Guys I have just got rid of all my fish and am looking to replace with something eles. I have a juwel 350 litre corner unit. What i wanted was on oscar or 2 if this amount of water is suitable . I am not sure on different types of oscars as i have not done much research yet the reason i...