Search results

  1. F

    Burma Upside Down Cat

    Hi Dave, Your seeing mollies and swordtails. I've had him since March and so far hasn't eaten anyone. :thumbs: I keep him well fed. Hopefully all are safe ;) He's about 9 or 10 inches now. Big chicken. Scared of everything :lol: Thanks tho, I'll keep and eye on things. Need...
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    Burma Upside Down Cat

    You can see bumblebee catfish in log in middle if you look hard. He lives there with a black kuhli loach.
  3. F

    Burma Upside Down Cat

    Yes CF that's what it is. Fin
  4. F

    Betta Pics

    Mr.Blue and frog in right corner
  5. IMAG0104.JPG


  6. F

    Betta Pics

  7. IMAG0074.JPG


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    Betta Pics

  9. IMAG0075.JPG


  10. F

    Betta Pics

    Here's some pics of Mr.Blue and frog.
  11. IMAG0138.JPG


  12. F

    Burma Upside Down Cat

    All credit goes to DMK for being the best helper i know. Thanks Danny. Fin
  13. F

    Burma Upside Down Cat

    One last one i promise.
  14. IMAG0121.JPG


  15. F

    Burma Upside Down Cat

    Sorry one more.
  16. IMAG0136.JPG


  17. F

    Burma Upside Down Cat

    Monster pic.
  18. IMAG0137.JPG


  19. IMAG0134.JPG


  20. IMAG0130.JPG


  21. F

    Burma Upside Down Cat

    Ok I borrowed brothers cam. These my first pics I ever taken with digital. Took these all in the dark with tank lights out and flash on. Had to guess where he was most of the time. :lol: Anyway tank looks cloudy but really isn't, and I know I have too many fish. Been trying to give them...
  22. IMAG0127.JPG


  23. F

    My fishtank pics

    Oops out to lunch. Wrong dates lmao. Beautiful tank anyway DG. Fin
  24. F

    My fishtank pics

    DG looks awesome. You have a beautiful tank and fish. Second nomination for TOTM. Finatic
  25. F

    Finally got it Planted :-)

    Looks beautiful DMK. You did a great job. TOTM for sure. Finatic
  26. F

    My 20-Gallon Tank

    Very nice tank. My first was a 10 gallon. Now I have 2 10's and a 55. It takes time, money and space. Is that a sunburst gourami in left corner? Keep up the good work. Finatic
  27. F

    Gravid Kuhli

    Wow Graeme. Nice pregnant kuli. I am excited for you. Finatic
  28. F

    Banjo Catfish

    Nice looking Banjo Graeme. I 2nd the nomination for FOTM. :hooray: Finatic
  29. F

    Fish in New jersey

    :hi: I use that product only when first cycling tank. Works great for that, but shouldn't need it once cycled and water tests are right. If tank running right should take care of itself with regular water changes. Finatic
  30. F

    disappointing visit to my LFS

    I am so thankful for my LFS. I live in a city and just have to walk across a grass field to get there! I am on first name basis with people there and they really care about their fish. I have bought all my fish there with the exception of a peppermint pleco I bought from CM. They are very...
  31. F

    Babies are so tiny!!

    My Swordtails are 6 weeks old tomorrow and barely 3/4" long. I read takes up to 3 or 4 months for them to get big enough to put in tank with bigger fish. I can almost see them grow daily now. My first batch. Have 10. Don't know about how old to breed. Maybe someone else can tell us. Finatic
  32. F

    I want you guys to read this

    This forum is here to help everyone. I found this site by accident, and I have learned more than I ever imagined. I went from one 10 gallon tank to two 10's and a 55 gallon. I have been breeding, something I never imagined I could do. My tanks are clean and beautiful and healthy because of...
  33. F

    My Tank

    Great looking tank. I'll be the 3rd to nominate for tank of the month. Great job DMK!! :hooray:
  34. F

    Order of 6/16/03

    Nice looking plecos CM. :thumbs:
  35. F

    what is your bravest fish

    My YoYo Botia rules the tank. He became the ruler about 6 months ago when I got him. He was little, but chased everyone around. Now he is about 4" long and still chases any fish in front of him at feeding time. Never does harm, just chasing. Sleeps standing on his head in a small hole in a...
  36. F

    How big do African Aquatic Frogs get????

    I have had an african dwarf frog in my community tank for way over a year. He is about 1 1/2 inches long and gets along just fine with everyone. I was worried when I put him in my 55 gallon as it is 18 inches tall, but no problem. He eats shrimp pellets and doesn't let the fish take them from...
  37. F

    Dyed Bettas!!??? More like Died Bettas!

    Hi Silver, Don't know about blue water, but what a shame. Fish need love, too. Don't you feel like stuffing those people in a garbage can? :hyper: No way to treat a living creature. Finatic
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    :hi: to the forum. Finatic