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    What Catfish?

    Cat fish usually lives in coastal water or inland water.Catfish have inhabited all continents at one time or another. More than half cat fish lives in continent America.They are found in fresh water environment .Most catfish are bottom feeders. In general, they are negatively buoyant, which...
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    Fresh-Water Newbie

    A useful information on Angel Fish : It is hard to distinguish a female and a male Scalare,because the look very similar. Most Angelfish keepers are actually unsure of the sex of their fish until they notice which one is laying the eggs and which one that is fertilizing them. If you watch your...
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    Tropical Fish

    Please share your information here too : Tropical fish is a fish which is found in tropical environments including both freshwater and salt water species. Tropical fish are popular as aquarium fish. In freshwater fish, this coloration typically derives from iridescence, while salt water fish...
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    Hello friends .This is Steff Martin.I love to have fish but i do not know about that how to handle and manage fish properly.I am new here and i hope i will be known useful information here about the tank and diet plans. fence for dogs