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  1. S

    Advice On What To Do With Fry

    Hi, I have an 80 litre tank with 5 mollies, (2 male, 3 female) 5 neon tetras, 1 bristlenose catfish, 1 male guppy and 3 female platys. I have about 10-13 fry (mollies/platys) in the tank and I feel that I'm getting too overcrowded. I took some to my boyfriend's tank but they died straight away...
  2. S

    Pregnant Neon Tetra Or Overfeeding?

    I'm struggling to get a good photo of her but she looks very lumpy, which to me makes me think that she is full of eggs. I'm also a bit worried because she seems a bit smaller than the others...i don't know if she isn't growing properly
  3. S

    Pregnant Neon Tetra Or Overfeeding?

    Hi all, I'm new to this forum but have had tropical fish for around 9 months now. I bought 6 neon tetras a few weeks ago and when I got them back I noticed that one had a much rounder stomach than the others. I assumed that this one was pregnant and also assumed it was a female due to the curved...