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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    discoloured nose

    I’m concerned about my oldest girl, Maven (1½ yrs) the top of her nose is discoloured. She is regularly a fairly deep purple colour and the area of concern is more a light grey colour. The area is on the top of her head only and goes from the tip of her nose, back aprox. 1cm (in line with her...
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    Mmm so the mission is to track down some Levacide, deal. Unfortunately the crew will have to wait until wed at least as i have a major exam wed morning and need to seriously crack down for that. I hope they'll be okay for that long. I've been watching the kids closely, im wondering if i should...
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    thanks for the info/help folks i visited the vet clinic at the university and got refered to a "fish doctor" he suggested i jar them all as the camallanus worms need a secondary host to reproduce. he also mentioned that he could get the levasole if i need it. I am very tempted to give this a...
  4. M

    Worms in bettas

    hey folks, i posted in the emergences section, but just incase you dont frequent that board i figured id post here as well as im in dyer need of some help. this is the link: please let me know if you've got any suggestions, i so worried i...
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    Yikes! This is worse then I ever could have imagined! :( I think my betas have worms, camallanus to be exact. Right now I can see little red spiky things poking out of the anus. What should I do?! How contagious is this? I’m really really worried as it seems to be in my main tank system...
  6. M

    making substrate

    heys, Well im potting my aquarium plants and looking for a good soil mixture to use. Currently i'm thinking of using Cactus soil and adding gravel on the top to keep it from floating away. Product Description of Cactus soil The ideal planting medium for cacti and succulents. Specifically...
  7. M

    betta obsession update

    :D thanks everyone for all the msgs :D hehehe, they are totally spoiled :*) but i cant help it, just one look in those eyes and they've got me :rolleyes: sorry joker, i dont know how come the pics arent working for you... :/ aznmidnite for dividers im using blue craft canvas, its held...
  8. M

    betta obsession update

    Heys all, I know i havent really posted in awhile, life has been crazy since being back at school. And sometimes i wonder if im away from home for school or fish... :P Anyways, my new tank setup is working wonderfuly and i'm now up to 20 bettas! I got my first pair of CT's this weekend at my...
  9. M

    Baby fish

    :wub: AWH!! what a sweetie! love the pic, great job! :cool:
  10. M

    My First Betta

    mucho congrats on the new girl! she sounds lovely :wub: i hope you can snap a pic someday. best of luck with her, im sure she's very happy to be in her new home.
  11. M

    Interesting tail...

    ohhh ahhh :wub: thanks for posting that link what a beautiful fish.
  12. M

    How many Gallons??

    heys, i see that you guys got the original question all figured out, but for future reference, i find this site very helpful :)
  13. M

    Wednesday night at the fights

    hehe those sneaky guys! hope they recover well. ive had that happen to me before as well- in my girls tank during feeding time. Luckly i could quickly scoup CP (Crazy Pants) out. Althouhg now everytime i feed them CP trys to leap the divider and she ends up sticking herself to the divider then...
  14. M

    Hole-in-the-Head - Updates

    Oh dears, his condition sounds awful, im so sorry. Bestest of luck treating your little guy, i really admire your continuous efforts to help him out and make him feel better - so very awesome of you. Keep us posted on his condition and i hope all goes well.
  15. M

    Ph for Bettas?

    i've read that for bettas the pH range is 6.0 - 8.0, of course most fish perfer a neutal pH of 7. Its been my experience that its better just to leave the pH (unless its outside of this range) as a change in pH from say 7.0 to 8.0 makes the water 10x more basic - which is a pretty big jump...
  16. M

    My itty bitty 2.5er

    your tank looks lovely! in response to your question about light - On average most plants will do just fine under 2 watts per gallon however plants such as java moss and java fern will do fine in 1-1.5 watts/gallon. For a really succesful tank 3-4 watts/gallon is needed. However with this high...
  17. M

    Who here remember's my kittens fish accident?

    i was wondering what happened to the beer glass betta :P glad to hear Squishy is doing well, cant wait to see pics of the new set up.
  18. M

    How often should you do a water change?

    so how often should you change the water in a planted tank? say a 15gal with 9 med size plants... :blush: why are water changes different with plants?
  19. M

    how far should lights be from water surface?

    thanks for the info :) ive set up my lights approx 5' from the surface of the water as they are on a diy fixture/stand that would be difficult to move for feeding/cleaning and such (i will post a pic as soon as i can). my tank is 12' deep so i think 17' from the light should be alright... or...
  20. M

    distance between lights and water

    thanks for all the info folks. i ended up setting them approx 5' from the surface of the water, i hope this works out alright or else i will have to so some serious redesigning of my lighing system.
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    My Weekly update

    eek thats not so good for the female :crazy: , im not sure what type of dividers you are using but i would suggest getting some double sided tape to stick them down with. I'm using it on my new tank and its holding well. I find its great cause you will be able to remove the dividers when you...
  22. M

    Nice pic

    :wub: i love that pic, he looks so sweet. I'm such a sucker for a pretty face :rolleyes:
  23. M

    gill disease and inflamed gills

    im a little worried about a couple of my new female bettas, their gills are looking a little red. they were all in the same tank at the lps and all seem to have the same redness around their gills. two of them still have bars along their bodies as well :( i was wondering if the gill problems...
  24. M

    Arnie Pics...

    oh i just love his colours, i really like the last pic, it's SOOO sweet, he looks really cute. :wub: hope he starts eating again soon for ya, best of luck with him.
  25. M

    betta water conditioner

    same here, i use AquaClear for all my fish tanks (but thats only treating water for bettas, pleco and goldfish...)
  26. M

    divided tank project

    thanks mandi and guppy dude :D im pretty lucky my room at school is pretty massive - although it will seem a lot smaller once i move all the tanks up there :rolleyes:
  27. M

    3 week fry

    congrats cutecotton :D it so good to hear that your fry are coming along well. I cant wait to see pics of them, it will be really interesting as the parents (especaily daddy) look awesome. :wub:
  28. M

    distance between lights and water

    i'm setting up a new tank with some plants and lights, its a total DIY project I'm currently making a stand to hold my light fixture and i'm wondering how far should the lights be from the surface of the water? my tanks also have glass lids - which i leave slightly open, are glass lids a...
  29. M

    divided tank project

    thanks so much for all the input guys, really appreciated :D blackey nice, cant wait to see some pics when you're done. yeah i found it to be cheaper then setting up... 1..2...8 small tanks with filters (whoa!) :rolleyes: . plus i'm hoping it will cut down on the number of water changes and...
  30. M

    what happened to his tail?!?!?

    what a silly fish :P he has lost chunks of tail fins before, but only small ones, not like this. its strange thou, there havent been any changes in his environment (that i can think of), i wonder what got to him... if only he could talk, it would make this sooo much easier :lol: i really...
  31. M

    divided tank project

    thankums, i actaully used double sided tape to stick the tracks on for the dividers. i opted for this as i'll prolly wanna change the set up sometime and removing aquariums sealent is a pain in the butt. :P i was also very unsure as to how straight/unmessy i could be with the sealent. I hope...
  32. M

    how far should lights be from water surface?

    i'm setting up a new tank with some plants and lights, its a total DIY project :D I'm currently making a stand to hold my light fixture and i'm wondering how far should the lights be from the surface of the water? my tanks also have glass lids - which i leave slightly open, are glass lids a...
  33. M

    divided tank project

    thanks :D yeah the levels are staying constant now, i have siphons between each tank, just in case one starts to rise. i'm going to be moving it to my house at away from home where i stay during the school year monday hopefully. i will plant it then and leave it with lights, co2 and a timer so...
  34. M

    divided tank project

    heys folks, i've just finished setting up my divided tank project. i posted elsewhere in the form about it but i wanted to get some input from the DIY section. the link is any input would be greatly appericated, thanks so much in advance. :)
  35. M

    divided tank project

    last one, the filter:
  36. tank5.jpg


  37. M

    divided tank project

    the filter tubes:
  38. tank4.jpg


  39. M

    divided tank project

    front view again:
  40. tank3.jpg

