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  1. splashtech

    Tank Seems To Be Un-Cycling...?

    It's actually a graph produced by a web application I've written. Basically it has the ability to create tanks and record readings for all the various criteria, and it can then graph them like that. What I'd really like to do is to automate some of them which can be with sensors (e.g...
  2. splashtech

    Tank Seems To Be Un-Cycling...?

    Got a quick question I hope you might be able to advise me on... I have a new tank that's been up and running with 4 fish in a fish-in cycle (I know...) since the end of May. Been doing regular water tests and changes of course, but lately (last week or so), readings for ammonia, nitrite AND...
  3. Screen shot 2011-06-24 at 19.29.25.png

    Screen shot 2011-06-24 at 19.29.25.png

  4. splashtech

    Dangerous Ammonia/nitrite Levels?

    Quick question here... if you guys had to put a 'cap' on the ammonia and nitrite levels, where would that be? To expand on this a bit, I should explain why I'm asking. Basically I am creating a small web application which can be used for logging the various levels and whatnot. It will create...
  5. splashtech

    Water Changing

    Thanks - I'm glad I found this out before I have fish :)
  6. splashtech

    Water Changing

    Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but is it ok to use hot water as well as cold then? I know that I'd personally not want to drink water which has been through my heating system and been sitting in the tank since whenever - I had just assumed the fish would feel the same. Or does the tap...
  7. splashtech

    Water Changing

    Is it not stressful for the fish to have the temperature drop with the water change? My water tends to come out of the tap somewhat cold and even a modest change is going to kick the tank temp down at least a few degrees. Is that ok?