Search results

  1. J

    My Betta Baby Blade!

  2. J

    Meet Punk!

    i had a betta, but that was when i was new to fish so i only had it in about 4 litres :unsure: :blush:
  3. J

    Sorority Pictures & Journal Of Future Changes!

    i couldnt agree more!
  4. J

    Its Killing My Gouramis :(

    i dont know much about gouramis but that looks like a fungal infection to me :crazy:
  5. J


    i would put in a barrumundi but they can be very expensive
  6. J

    I Think My Crowned Pearlscale Is Dying

    yes its a goldfish i have had him for 2 years he is about 15 cm it is a planted tank with good filtration ammonia-0ppm pH-8 hardness-i dont know but i know it is hard temperature-25C (77F) size-113 litres (30 US GAL) he is swimming on his side.
  7. J

    I Think My Crowned Pearlscale Is Dying

    i couldnt get a photo of him but it looks like he ate my tetras (i knew i shouldnt have put them in there) what can i do to save him?