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  1. P


    Just a quick word of warning and this comes from personal experience. Although an Iwagumi aquascape consists of only rocks and carpeting plants, during the initial weeks you need to fill the tank with as many fast growing stem plants as possible. I had a hellish time with mine at first with...
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    Upload Your Cichlid Tanks Here

    If i remember correctly it was a 25kg bag of ocean rock which i got from ebay. Paul
  3. P

    Upload Your Cichlid Tanks Here

    Here's mine... And a tiny fry struggling to survive.. paul
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    My 55gallon Semi-planted

    Goodluck with your new tank, just thought i'd point out that the tall green plant with the white edges is not an aquatic plant. Although it is often sold by aquatic shops. It may last for a few weeks, but slowly it will start to rot. It looks like thats starting to happen already. Just make...
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    The Tank Changeover. Update With Fish Pics See Post No.17

    I just googled phallic as i didn't know what it meant.....oh my :blush:
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    Updates Cichlid Tank...with Babies!

    Its only a 33 US gallon tank, with Yellow Labs and Socolofi. It is quite a 'peaceful' tank, the only time there is some action is when the SAE and the male Socolofi have a fight. Which consists of both swimming round in circles endlessly. I really miss my planted tank, but it was just consuming...
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    Marine Planted?

    I've never heard of such a they even exist? :huh: Paul
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    Updates Cichlid Tank...with Babies!

    I've not posted any pictures of my tank for a long long while, so here's an updated pic. Since i last posted my fish have all been busy making babies. They ate most of them, but a few lucky and brave souls survived and now the babies are freely challenging for food amoung their bigger parents...
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    The Tank Changeover. Update With Fish Pics See Post No.17

    Looks good. It reminds me of an old Country and Western movie set. B) Paul
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    Green Water

    I too suffered from green water for a while in my old planted tank. Like you i tried everything, blackouts, reduced lighting etc. The only solution that cured me of it was a UV steriliser. Within 24 hours it was completely gone and never returned. Try to pick one up on ebay, then resell it...
  11. P


    Thats a great looking aquascape you've got in the making. Just another bit of helpful advice is to replant your hair grass in smaller bunches ie with a base the width of 1cm or there abouts. Hair grass planted the way you have done it will not grow very fast, and most probably will become...
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    Newbie Help: Setting Up A Planted Tank

    Your in a tricky situation because your tank is quite small, only 9 gallons. So the watts per gallon gets pretty messed up. Usually 2.5-3 wpg would be classified as a high light tank, requiring C02 injection, macro fertiliser and trace fertiliser i.e a high tech planted tank. But not in your...
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    Newbie Help: Setting Up A Planted Tank

    Yeah sorry martin_jones, hopefully this will be useful to you also.. The only other thing is to choose your plants according to your setup. There is no point buying a high light demanding plant and placing it in a low light setup because it will just die, or not grow properly. Also watch out...
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    Newbie Help: Setting Up A Planted Tank

    You probably need to change the substrate every 5-10 years. But thats a totally wild guess. Basically the substrate is a great investment, and although its expensive it will last many many years. The yellow leaves maybe due to lack of macro nutrients ie lack of proper substrate. I'd always...
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    Newbie Help: Setting Up A Planted Tank

    Fertiliser doesn't harm your fish, but you should be very careful with the dosage that you put into your tank. Too much liquid fertiliser too soon and your lovely tank will be overcome with all sorts of horrible algae. Some algae can be a nightmare to get rid of it once you've got it. I...
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    Newbie Help: Setting Up A Planted Tank

    Its all a matter of personal opinion. Eco-complete is black, if it was my tank then i'd try to make it look as natural as possible by having the gravel black too. But who knows, it might look good. If you do mix the white gravel in with the eco-complete then you better hope it looks nice...
  17. P

    Newbie Help: Setting Up A Planted Tank

    You can replace your substrate, its just a annoying if you have everything set up. You could always save yourself the bother and insert laterite and root tabs around the planted areas, but for best results your better going for a good substrate such as eco-complete or the many others available...
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    Newbie Help: Setting Up A Planted Tank

    If your serious about wanting a nice planted tank then you should definately start with a good substrate. Eco-complete i find is excellent. If you can't afford more than 2 bags, then just mix black gravel and the eco complete together. If you have plain old regular gravel then you'll probably...
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    Jbj Style Aquariums In The Uk?

    Hi folks, I just popped into the nano reef section to ask all the UK members if there are any tanks similar to the JBJ tanks that are available in america, with the everything you need to start a nano reef tank already included. I've been searching around the internet and it seems the UK has...
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    It Seems Even Fish Have Problems With Their Kids

    Ive got my yellow lab in a small breading tank just now, as she's been holding for nearly a month now. She's at the point where she's really struggling to keep all the the little babies in her mouth, and so occassionaly some will manage to escape. I managed to video her catching one of her...
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    Help With Choosing A Co2 System

    To be honest, with that amount of light CO2 would be a waste of money. Unless your planning on upgrading your lighting to around 2WPG then you wont benefit from CO2. :) Paul
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    George Away

    Keep safe, and wear plenty of layers. We dont want you catching a cold ;) All the best :good: Paul
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    Can You Plz Post Pics Of Your Bolivian Rams

    I dont have them anymore, but here's mine in my old setup. Paul
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    Starving Mom Seems Inhuman (i Mean Infishman)

    Thats a bit harsh dont you think?? If you read the question properly you would have realised the person has research it.."apparently this is normal - im just worried" <== would lead you to believe that they want confirmation of what they have researched. Anyway.. Yes its perfectly normal for...
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    Uv Ster

    Yeah its fairly easy to hook up. I've got mine attached an eheim pro external canister. The hoses can become slightly bent, which must slow the flow rate down to some extent. The steriliser i have is a TMC Vecton 8w steriliser, but i think they have a new model out which makes the connection...
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  27. P

    Uv Ster

    One end of the UV steriliser connects to the input pipe of your canister filter, the other end of the UV steriliser attaches to the output pipe of your canister filter. I bought one to get rid of green water a few months back, which it worked wonders for. I decided to keep it hooked up on a...
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    Did I Do The Right Thing?

    My female yellow lab has been holding eggs/fry in her mouth for about 2 weeks now. I wasn't too bothered about raising the fry and was just going to let nature take its course. Then i read about how its best to separate the female from the male in order to stop her getting stressed out. I dont...
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    Concerts, Who've You Seen?

    If you ever want tickets in the future, PM and i'll get you them. My cousin is in the band, he gives me free tickets and backstage passes whenever i want. :thumbs: Paul
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    What's Your Claim To Fame?.

    Well.... :D I met the Queen when i was younger, and got my picture in all the newpapers. And my cousin is in a famous band called Belle and Sebastian. They won a brit award a few years back, and wrote the title tune to the tv series 'Teachers' and were recently voted Scotlands all time...
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    Skydiving Pics

    I've also did a tandom skydive from 10,000 feet and it was amazing!!! I get sick when i travel on a bus, when i go on rides at fair gorunds etc, yet skydiving was a totally different feeling. You dont feel like your falling, all you feel is the air rushing past you. Kind of like sticking your...
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    My 24g And It's Evolution

    The only advice i can give is that there are no short cuts in learing how to maintain a planted tank, especially if you want to have a serious attempt at aquascaping. Your right to improve your substrate, a good substrate will always help you, its something thats not easily changed/upgraded...
  33. P


    I'd just like to chip in and say thats an absolute bargain!! Paul
  34. P

    Why Is My Tank Crap?

    Some changes that i'd do would be to replace the gravel with sand, or as your growing plants i'd go for eco-complete. I think you'd be amazed at the changes that would make to the overall look to the tank. The heater can be easily hidden by planting some valls along the back of the tank, or you...
  35. P

    Jbl Expedition To Africa

    Just found this while searching the internet, its a JBL (huge aquatic product manufacturer) expedition to Africa to study and reseach information on African Cichlids. You'll also get to dive with Great White Sharks and a whole lot of other stuff. If your interested follow this link...
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    We Live In Such A Different Age..

    The question i'd like to know is, will people in 100 years from now, look back at us and they had a tough life. Having to work an average of 5 days a week!!! Paul
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    The Life Of A Shrimp In A Cichlid Tank

    I was kind of hoping i'd have algae growing on the rocks by now, almost approaching 2 weeks since i changed the tank over to a Cichlid one. The shrimp mainly eat the pellets and flakes that i feed the fish, they actually compete at feeding times with the fish, not sure how long the fish will...
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    The Life Of A Shrimp In A Cichlid Tank

    I had some shrimp from my planted tank that i couldnt rehome, so i put them in my new Cichlid tank thinking they'd become lunch pretty quickly. So far only my Cherry shrimp have been eaten. My larger Amano shrimp carry on with their business as if nothings changed. Heres a video of one of my...
  39. P


    Its coming along very nicely, good job spotting those snail eggs. Once they get into your tank, there's no stopping them. Tanks looks good :thumbs: Paul
  40. P

    Stocking Question For A Planted Tank

    I'd second the Harlequin Rasbora recomendation. A nice big shoal of 15 would look great and allow room for some bottom feeders such as Corries. Halrequins school together pretty tightly, and if the tank is large enough and relatively empty they'll tend to school more often. The main thing is...